This is the 5th Day of Fasting and Prayer at Haly Ministires. What have I learnt today? The Lord wants us to enjoy every day, not just Fridays, but Mondays too. I hope you are not following this trend of hating Mondays. The Lord created this day, how can we hate it?
If we look at the Jewish calendar, Monday is the 2nd day. What happened on the 2nd day of creation?
On the first day, the light was created. On the second day, the atmosphere was created. God made the space to separate the waters of the earth from the waters of the heavens, and He called the space “Heaven.” It refers not only to the stars above but also to the atmosphere around us. Without Day Two, there wouldn’t be Day Three – the creation of life. The life would not survive without the light and the right atmosphere around it.

In 2020 let Monday be your favourite day. When you go out to work, shop, walk, study or whatever you do, look at heaven, look at the sky – God has created it for you. Everything is in God’s order.
Spiritually as well. When God creates a new thing in your life, He separates the darkness from the light. Then God makes His perfect atmosphere around you, getting everything ready for a new life to be born. Then… you start seeing good things begin to happen. This is God’s order for our personal lives too.
The word below was given today by God. When you read it, please keep in mind what I just said earlier.
Prophetic Word:
The Father is saying, “Most of the time you can find that there are three views on one thing. One person will like it, another person will hate it, and yet another will stay neutral.
Everyone is free to make their own decisions and follow their own opinions. I know it could be not easy to see haters and neutralists around. But I say to you, do not worry about these things. I am not worried. I like to observe. I am a participant and an observer. In the past, I saw people’s views had been changed. One day they believed one thing, the next day they believed another thing.
You cried to Me, saying, “It’s difficult to see the closest to my heart choosing an opposite direction, Lord. It’s difficult to see them not a bit worried about their future and eternal destiny.” I feel what you feel, but their choice should not bring you under the wrong yoke. I am the Healer, I am the Deliverer, I am the Saviour. Seal it in your heart.
There was a time when I sent you to them with the message. The message was strong but was not understood and many times not heard. Didn’t I say the hearts of these people are hardened? Their ears cannot hear, their eyes cannot see, their hearts cannot understand.
I, as your Father who was and is and will be, want to give you My advice which will free you from your burden. You took too much on yourself. But the most important is that you feel it is your fault and you have not done enough to help them. Inside your heart, you felt you were obliged to do something. Who obliged you? Definitely, not Me. Of course, I want every soul to receive the Redemption. I desire to see everyone saved and I encourage My people to speak about the Kingdom. If no one speaks, how could then believe? And you spoke in faith.
I want you to put these words into your heart and feel relieved today. I have not forgotten anything. I can recite all your prayer, all your words. Your tears are still before Me. Nothing is forgotten.
So now what? Can a seed which was put in the ground, produce fruit in one day? You know the answer. Of course, not. You sowed the seed, the Word of freedom. You watered the seed with your tears and prayers, now leave it to Me. Do not put pressure on yourself.
There will be a time when others will go and gather the harvest. It’s not only a man who is involved in supplication and prayer, the hosts of heaven are also involved in delivering the world from its self-help, confusion and delusion. I promise the harvest will be gathered. What you did is not in vain and not going to be forgotten by heaven. When I gather you all under My wings, you will be surprised and astonished who you will see around. Are these words not enough to comfort you?
Now, take your time and give every soul who made your heart heavy to Me, their Saviour. Let Me carry them through their lives, but you, continue spreading the Word, sowing seeds of hope, love and faith to others.”
The Lord wants you to rest in His assurance. Everything will be all right. If this word has spoken to you and encouraged you, please leave your message in the comments below. I would love to hear what the Lord is saying to you about your future and 2020. Be abundantly blessed!
21 Days of Fasting Posts:
- 21 Days of Fasting (Day 21) – The Blessings Will Overflow
- 21 Days of Fasting (Day 20) – Take Up a Challenge
- 21 Days of Fasting (Day 19) – God’s Joy is the Best Medicine
- 21 Days of Fasting (Day 14) – Don’t Let Anyone Steal Your Peace
- 21 Days of Fasting (Day 13) – You are a Kingdom Dweller
- 21 Days of Fasting (Day 10) – God’s Fullness Abides in You
- 21 Days of Fasting (Day 9) – God is Healing You From Trauma
- 21 Days of Fasting (Day 8) – Leave the Familiar
- 21 Days of Fasting (Day 7) – God’s Greatness is Upon You
- 21 Days of Fasting (Day 6) – A New Sound is Watering Your Miracle
- 21 Days of Fasting (Day 4) – From Lamentation to Revelation
- 21 Days of Fasting (Day 3) – God is Birthing a New Thing!
- 21 Days of Fasting (Day 2) – Rest in God’s Promises
- 21 Days of Fasting (Day 1) – What you Honour, You will Empower
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Haly thank you for your prayers. Be blessed!
You too, Yeti.
May you experience God’s blessings in the New Year and years to come!
I love this word! I just went through one of the hardest crucibles of my life… I came through it, though because God saved me…
I am determined to serve the Lord with everything that is in me for the rest of my life! 2020 will be my year of “New Beginnings!” I will learn to trust Him in every area of my life
Hi Drucilla,
Thank you for sharing your testimony.
Thank You Jesus for your salvation. In your salvation for Drucilla there is everything: healing, deliverance, restoration, peace, joy, love… We rejoice in Your unconditional love and grace, our Father! You are always good, and You want the best for Drucilla’s life. We ask that from now on she will experience Your goodness and Your mercy. Restore what needs to be restored! Renew what needs to be renewed!
We glorify Your name, our Heavenly Father.
Blessings to you and your family, Drucilla!