21 Days of Fasting (Day 20) – Take Up a Challenge

21 Days of Fasting and Prayer - Haly Ministries

Hey, this is the 20th day of fasting. The finish line is almost there. Glory to God! We took up a Challenge.

What is your challenge for 2020? Have you started planning for this new year? I encourage you to do so. Do not let the life push you around. There is nothing worse when we look at our past and see no change.

The Lord is Saying to Us to Take Up a Challenge! Abraham could Live an Ordinary Life as Everyone Else, but He Accepted the Challenge & Received the Promise!

I know and believe that is not going to happen to you. You will take up the challenge and overcome all the obstacles! Amen and amen.

Prophetic Word

Here is what the Father is saying, “There is so much in you that you do not know. You have not discovered yourself. You have seen a small portion of who you are but not the fulness. To get to the fulness you will need to be inwardly transformed by how you think. There should be a total transformation. You can’t do that on your own, allow My Spirit which is in you to transform you. 

There is no dull life in My promises. There is no poverty or sickness in Me. I am the Life! The beautiful life which is perfect in My eyes. I want you to run to that perfection, not outward, but inward. When you start thinking as I think and acting as I act, it will bring an outward change too.

You are not satisfied, that is a good thing because that’s where the new beginning starts. My son Abraham was not satisfied. Do you think I called him out because I decided to pick specifically him and not any other man? That’s incorrect because it would describe Me as God who shows favouritism. 

I do not have favourites. Every person is valued and accepted. But what  I saw in Abraham was a different approach to life. He was looking for greater things than just what was offered to him by his family or by that way of life they lived during those days. His heart desired more. He was ready for everything. He was ready to leave all behind and follow My direction.  He wanted to see a change. He could live a normal life as everyone who was around him, but Abraham wanted a challenge. He knew there was more outside those boundaries he was in. 

He cried out to Me and I heard him. If there was another one, I would choose him too, but there was only Abraham, who knew there was more and there was God. He put his life into My hands and believed that I could bring Him out of that ordinary lifestyle and lead him to an extraordinary path of life.


I am saying this to you because your Father, in whom there is the fulfilment of your hope, heard the cry of your heart. As I said to Abraham, I say to you, ‘Leave all behind and follow Me, follow your dreams, follow the desires of your heart.’ You do not need to worry about where to go for I will show you the way because I am the way!  

You should look at yourself as being fearless and seeing no barriers ahead. When you see barriers, they will stop you. When you see Me, going ahead and preparing the way, you will be equipped to fulfil all things which I ordained you to do and conquer every difficult situation.

Let nothing stop you and do not let negative voices silence your vision. You are moving forward and I am moving forward with you. – Your Father.”

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