21 Days of Fasting (Day 21) – The Blessings Will Overflow

21 Days of Fasting and Prayer - Haly Ministries

Yesterday was the 21st day of fasting, the last day of 21 days of fasting and prayer.

The word for today is, “The Blessings Will Overflow.” God is bringing everything to light in 2020. We need to think differently this year. Do not be stuck in the old ways of doing things. What was working in the past is not going to work this year. But what you learnt in the past would help you to unleash new ideas.

Four Levels of Transition

Yesterday I finished reading the book of Ezekiel. In chapter 47:1-5 the water was measured four times:  

Young Woman  by the Sea Shore
  1. The river rises to ankle-depth
  2. The river rises to the knees
  3. The river rises to the waist
  4. The river rises to the level that it is too deep to cross. You must swim.  

I lived by the sea for many years. It’s always hard to get into the water after sunbathing. The first part was the hardest, to enter into the water. It did not matter how hot the weather was, it was still a shock to a body. But as I continued walking deeper and deeper, I did not feel that cold anymore. On the contrary, it was difficult to get me out of the water. That first step mattered! Your first step matters too!

How deep do you want to go? Are you satisfied with just staying day after day and year after year in the same place, seeing no change? Or do you want to go deeper?

Step by Step

There are four options given to us this 2020. You can be satisfied with just a small portion of what God has for you or you can move together with the Spirit until it overflows.

In Psalm 21:3 it says, “Rich blessings overflow with every encounter with you, and you placed a royal crown of gold upon his head.” (TPT)

Step by Step - Steps are Going Up

Yes, this is a step by step process. Yes, it could be hard in the beginning. When we start something, it usually takes time to build it up to what it’s supposed to be. It could bring frustration as you do not see immediate results. But who started something in one day? 

If you want to start playing the guitar, you need to buy a guitar, find a good teacher, start practising, practising until you are good at it. This is the same with spiritual gifts as well. We need to exercise our gifts. 

Romans 12:6, “Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, each of us is to exercise them accordingly: if prophecy, according to the proportion of his faith…”

Go With What the Heavenly Father Says

This year, we need to push through the unbelief and go with what the Father is saying to us. If the Father is saying trust Him on the journey because everything will be all right, then it will be all right. 

You have made a decision to trust Him completely. You have made your mind not to rely on your own opinions. You have decided with all your heart to rely on the Lord to guide you. Because of those decisions, He will lead you in every decision you make and He will make your paths straight. Because of your encounter with God and your desire to reach what seemed unreachable in the past, your life will overflow with God’s blessings.

I pray you will get to the fourth level, where rich blessings overflow in your life this year!

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