I feel in this season of your life, you will receive the reward. What you’ve sown over the years, you are going to gather in abundance.
Galatians 6:9-10 (NKJV) Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.
I’ve asked the Lord what He wants me to share with you, and I would never think God will point out a ‘giving’ subject in this message. The word is so powerful and liberating. We can be so sidetracked with what we’ve learned over the years, or what we’ve thought is the truth.
There are so many debates over there about tithes and offerings. One says one thing, another says another thing. One says we should give, this is the law and God’s commandment is to give. Another says we are free from the law. There is so much confusion over there.
The Lord also is not pleased with how He is represented. Through this message, you are going to hear what is on His heart.
Prophetic Word:
The Father says, “I have redeemed you and purchased you. You are Mine. There are many perverse pretenders out there trying to represent Me and giving you a false description of Who I Am. I have not sent them. I’ve warned that there will be those who would try to lead My children astray, far away from My truth, and it will increase in the latter days.
Learn what My truth is. When you know the truth it will set you free and liberate you. My truth can take that burden off your shoulders. My truth can break that yoke. If you open your heart to what I am about to say, it will change your life, and liberate you.
I AM is not counting every cent of every offering, trying to make His needs met. Everything is Mine. All things are created for Me, and through Me, and I enjoy My creation. When you stretch your hand to give, you are not giving to enrich Me or to get something back. Giving is worship. When you give, you praise Me for My goodness and My faithfulness. Giving is not just money. When you sow into others love, joy, hope, compassion, kindness, this is also giving.
I’ve seen you sacrificing all that you had. You sowed your seed, providing food for the poor and giving bread to the hungry. You never passed the thirsty and needy, but gave your hand to the one who needed it most. As you did a kind gesture for my creation, you did it for Me. No money can buy that.
When you were around those who lost their loved one, and you stuck closer than a brother at that difficult time, you did not only comforted the child of Mine, you comforted Me. Whenever you did one of those kind things to someone who is broken, overlooked, ignored, you did it for Me. That is My Kingdom.
Every kind thing you did was noticed. What you did for others, you did it for Me. I am the most joyous Father because you are not only being different but also you are making a difference. And because of your steps of obedience, love, and care, helping others and My creation, I am unlocking My Heavenly Resources. I am blessing you with My immeasurable blessings, and I am bestowing them upon you in abundance. Come and enjoy all the benefits.
And do not lose your heart. Continue doing good to others, reach out to those who are ignored, share their burdens, and if you do that, you will fulfil the requirements of My law.’
I feel the Lord wants to encourage you not to give up in doing good. So often, we help others, but ourselves we feel so discouraged not seeing results in our own lives. Prayers are not answered, we feel tired and weary.
The Lord has promised you that in due season you will reap a harvest of blessing. The harvest of blessing is coming into your life NOW. What you’ve sown over the years, you are going to gather in abundance. A small seed has turned into a great harvest! God is opening His Heavenly resources to bless you. God wants you to take back your inheritance, and have dominion over your difficult situation.
So, do not give up. Let us continue worshipping Him in doing good.
If this Word has encouraged you, please comment below. I would love to hear from you.
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Thank you. This Was and is encouraging for me.
Thank you Peter ???
?? right on the money. Great relevant word for right NOW.
Thank you Collin. It’s very encouraging.??