The Walls of Jericho SHALL Fall Down
At last Joshua and Israel were on the promised land. There were still battles ahead and the main city Jericho to take. Joshua was by himself, walking around. Maybe he was thinking about those battles …
Step into a world of divine Revelations, prophetic Words and Visions. Discover the transformative power of dreams, visions, and prophetic guidance, as they ignite hope, provide direction, and unveil hidden truths that propel you towards your destiny.
At last Joshua and Israel were on the promised land. There were still battles ahead and the main city Jericho to take. Joshua was by himself, walking around. Maybe he was thinking about those battles …
Are you making some decisions right now and thinking, “How can I get there, Lord? It looks like an impossible mission. Will I be able to reach that? Shall I move? Shall I stay? Shall …
I asked the Lord to give me a vision for June Prophetic Word 2019. The Word says, “Ask and you shall receive”. I thank God He always answers our prayers and I praise Him for …
In the Old Testament, when God gave a prophetic word He asked prophets to do something. For example, he told Jeremiah to buy a clay pot, speak the Word of God, and then smash that …
Before releasing the Word, God showed me a vision of you standing on a football field, and a big ball called ‘frustration‘ was kicked through your gate. There were angels, your ministering spirits there too …
God is going to provide for you supernaturally. He will open the doors to supernatural blessings and Provision. Do you need healing? God will touch your body, soul, mind, spirit and supernaturally heal you. Do …
In the end, I will turn things around for the people. Zephaniah 3:9 (MSG) Have you been going through tough times recently? I tell you, you are going to see things are turning around for …
You are coming out of the Wilderness of Depression. You’ve stayed there for too long. The Lord is leading you out. Before to release the Word, I saw you writing the word, “Help!” I feel …
“Those who follow the crowd usually get lost in it.” Anonymous We are looking at some lessons we can learn from the story: “Jesus Calms the Storm’, Mark 4:35-41The first thing what God is asking …
We are going to look at the story of Jesus and His disciples crossing over to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. (Mark 4:35)On the same day, when evening had come, He said …