The Lord is saying to us that a NEW Wave of Reformation is coming! God is reforming your life, your home and God is reforming our society.
What is “Reformation”? It means: restoring to the normally straight condition that which is crooked or bent; setting things to rights; the act of reforming; to make an improvement.
What is crooked in your life? What is bent? What needs improvement?
The circumstance is screaming, “What is crooked cannot be straightened and what is lacking cannot be counted.” But the Lord is saying, “The crooked places shall be made straight and the rough places smooth. There will be no lack, multiplying I will multiply your seed, and it shall not be able to be counted for all their multitude.”
First Seek God’s Kingdom
What does God require of us?
We are right now in the 12th month of the Jewish civil year, called Elul. This is the month to put things right, to make things right, to fix things that have been broken. The word “Elul” has got some similarity with the Aramaic verb “search”. This is a time to search our hearts and draw close to God before Rosh Hashanah, Head of the Year, the Jewish New Year, and before the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur.
God wants to bring NEW things into your life. There is no doubt about it. But He is also going to set things right, reforming, and reshaping your life before you enter into the Head of the Year, into New Things.
In Jeremiah 29:12-14 the Lord tells us, “In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me. I will be found by you,” says the Lord. “I will end your captivity and restore your fortunes.” (NLT)
In Matthew 6:33 it is written, “But first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and His righteousness [His way of doing and being right—the attitude and character of God], and all these things will be given to you also.” (APM)
God is Not Separated from You but is AMONG YOU
The Jews describe the month Elul as “the King is on the field”. Mostly the king lived in his palace, but in the month of Elul, the king left his palace and set up his royal tent in a field among his people. That’s what Jesus did. The Lord left His palace and lived among His people, setting things right, reforming people’s lives. What a relief to know that our King of kings is on the field. The Lord is coming into your field, your home, your family, your workplace and making Himself available. There is no separation anymore, my friend. You are not separated from Him, you are in Him.
The Month of Fortune

The month Elul also represents the tribe of Gad, the son of Jacob. Please notice, he was the 7th son. His name means: ‘good fortune’, ‘troop comes’, ‘fortune comes’. We are in a good company. Elijah, the prophet was from the tribe of Gad. Where Elijah was – miracles happened, reformation happened, transformation happened! Glory to God!
This tribe was filled with wisdom, with knowledge and known as seers tribe. Before entering the promised land, God told Israel to remove every idol which was in the land. Some of the tribes did not destroy high places or idol worship places. But Gad was different. Gad was the one tribe who was immediately obedient to the call of God. He did not run away from his enemies but stood strong, conquering and removing the opposition. They were obedient to God, God’s voice. When they removed all the idols from their land, then they went and helped other tribes, their brothers to conquer their lands too. Numbers 32:18, “We will not return to our homes until every Israelite has received his own land.”
God is saying to us to remove every idol out of our lives. The enemies of your life try to attack you but God will strengthen you. He will give you His supernatural strength to overthrow the enemy from his position of rulership. You will do what you think you would never do. Not only that, in the strength of God you will go and help your brothers and sisters to subdue their worries, anxieties and free them from their worst enemies. God will take you to the top of the mountain and you will take others to the top of the mountain. By the mighty power of God, you will restore – YOU WILL RESTORE! God will give you wisdom, understanding what to do, how to do it, and when to do it! You will restore your fortune and you will help others to restore their fortunes.
Here is the Revive Me Daily Prophetic Word for September 2019
My Encouragement to You
I would like to encourage you, to motivate you to write down September Blessings over yourself, your family. What do you want to be straightened? What do you want to see accomplished? What do you want to be improved? What do you want to see during this month?
When you do write blessings – say them AUDIBLY! Blessings have to be spoken. Like Jacob did. He blessed his sons audibly. He did not think about their blessings, He spoke. Follow his example and do it as well!
You can also write it in the comments and we will proclaim those blessings over you too.
Helpful Articles:
- Prophetic Word for August 2019 – Supernatural Acceleration
- Your Words Have Power
- Take Your Authority and Resist the Situation!
- Waiting on God and Acting with God
- Change Your Thoughts – Change Your Life
- Face your Fears
Latest Articles:
- Step into a Bright Tomorrow with a New Chapter: Prophetic Word
- Prophetic Blessings: Blessed Going Out and Coming In
- Realignment, Promise and Destiny: Prophetic Word for January & New Year 2024
- Powerful Prophetic Word: A Season of Harvest, Fruitfulness, and Prosperity!
- Rise and Prophesy: Transforming Dry Bones into Life
- Celebrate Your Success: Harvest Time is Here! – Prophetic Word
Thank you Haly for the prophetic word — September. what I want to see accomplished this September for myself is
– A great job/career, wisdom as I further my education and to be an exceptional employee throughout my career serving the Lord in my jobs.
– For my family, I pray for protection by the blood of Jesus and justice to prevail,
Best regards,
Hi Katende, Thank you for posting your decrees here.
I decree Katende is moving up the ladder at job, career, education. I decree God’s supernatural wisdom and understanding. EXCELLENCE in everything she does! I decree and declare God reigns in Katende’s family! I decree God’s justice rules! Amen.
Thank you Haly! You are saying what my heart desires. The majority of my life I have been in abusive situations. This last one was deadly. Today I want to inspire other women to gain their power back by improving their economy. My Prophet brought me back to life. Thank God for the Prophetic Ministries, I am new to it and it’s the best thing when you find yourself and Get closer to God. I am going to act on your prophetic September word. It is conformation from God. Thank you
Hi Alice, So nice to hear from you. Thank you for taking your time to write.
I decree – Alice healed inside and out! Wounds are healed! I decree God’s strength and protection over Alice. No one will harm her from this day on. I speak her identity in Christ to be restored to its fulness! I decree Alice is stepping into her destiny – she frees women from shackles. Amen.
Send me your decrees for this month and we will speak them audibly. Love and blessings, Haly
I decree and declare all soul ties to oppressor is broken
I decree and declare that my destiny is now
I decree and declare my latter years should be better than my former
Powerful! God is able to do above and beyond all that you ask or think according to the power that works in you! Thank You Jesus. The times of refreshing shall come in Alice’s life! Amen. ??❤️
Amen and thank you Haly.
Months of uncovering covered plates
Hi Adaobi, I love what you wrote – Months of uncovering covered plates! Covered plates are on God’s table! Lot’s of surprises! But the main focus is to search our hearts; seek God and His desires for our lives.
I speak God’s life in its fullness over your life until you overflow! Blessings, Haly
A Bundle of Thanks to you Haly for the Prophetic Words of September- 2019
Further We Offer Our Comments as under :-
*Open Honest and Respectful Communication in Home, Family and Society.
*That We all Love the Lord our God with all our Heart and with all our Soul and with all our Mind.
*To be a Strong Role Model for the Family and Society- Imbibing a Christ like Characteristic and ;
* A Shower of Blessings and Grant of Holy Spirit.
Solomon Kudadah
Together with Solomon we decree:
1. Open Honest and Respectful Communication in Home, Family and Society
2. His family Loves the Lord with all their Heart and with all their Soul and with all their Mind
3. They are a Strong Role Model for Families and Society
4. Many Blessings Come!
Thank You Jesus. Amen.
Thank you for the Word of Prophecy thank you for the encouragement.I have not worked since June 2017 bc of health issues.Right now I don’t have an income to pay my few small bills that I have.I need a Miracle,A breakthrough,I need Healing in my body please add me to your Prayer list n whatever God leads you to do concerning me my Faith is strong n I just blv God for the Supernatural.Amen n God Bless??????
I decree a total healing and restoration of Ruth’s body! Body realign with the Word of God. You are healed by the stripes of Jesus. You are redeemed from any curse. You are strong and well! I decree God’s restoration, transformation, rejuvenation in every organ, muscle, nerve, cell. God’s Healing flow into Ruth right now! A complete restoration of all things! The whole life is transformed. Thank You Jesus. You can do more and above what we ask! Do MORE and ABOVE! Love You Lord. You are Amazing and You will not let You Words fall on the ground without the fruit. Your word will produce fruit, big harvest! Amen.
We love you Ruth. The Cross is the pathway! Look to Jesus! He CAN and He WILL! Love and blessings, Haly
Hi Haly I’m Tina from Denmark ??☺️
Thanks for the word of the Lord it is very encouraging!
Will you stand with me for prayer into some hard situations?
I have a deep depression and anxiety and believe our Lord for healing. I’m on medication for it.
My marriage are falling apart ? Our love for eachother is gone and we can’t communicate! We are both Christians.
I will soon open my own Christian shop in our house and felt God asking me to step out in faith, and believe He is going to bless me and accelerate me into this business, even my health is very bad.
God bless you ??❤️
Hi Haly,
Thank you so much for your words born out of prayer and hearing God. I receive the promises and reformation for these days. I also apply this for my son who is in need of all as well.
Many Blessings and gratitude.
Michael from Baja California, Mexico
Today, I see the prophecy you prophesied come to pass. I see GOD looking after HIS word to perform it.
You are a blessing Haly.
Sino- South Africa
Amen, Sino. God has reminded you about that word! That’s so amazing! In Acts 17 it says, “”These (Berea) were more noble than those in Thessalonica in that they received the word with all readiness of mind and searched the scriptures daily whether those things were so.” You did exactly like that. Also, you encouraged our ministry. Thank you so much.
Last year I told that all the words in 2019 will be connected with 2020. Not to focus on one prophetic word or monthly, but bring them all together. They will show the whole story. I see a pattern and I see it is happening right now.
May the Lord bless you abundantly!