You have entered into the time of supernatural acceleration. Things will accelerate and you will outrun. Things are going to move fast. What was on hold will be activated. Your prayers will not hang somewhere between earth and heaven. They will be like lightning reaching the throne of grace. Before you pray the answer will already arrive. There will be an acceleration in a spiritual sphere as well as physical. Your prayers will not hinder or linger.
God reminded me of a prophetic word He gave me which I shared with few people and told me to find it. He said, “This is the time for this Word to be fulfilled.” You know that there is always the time, perfect time for the prophetic word to be seen in a physical realm. When a prophetic word is sent, things start changing in the spiritual realm, until everything has been prepared for the word to be released and seen in the physical realm. We also need to activate the word and start doing something about it.
For example a long time ago, God told me to learn a language because I was going to live abroad. I did not wait until a knowledge of the language came to me or upon me. I have heard testimonies when missionaries start speaking a foreign language supernaturally, not learning it, but for the majority, we have to do some work. When God gave me the prophetic word I signed for courses. In six years the door to join a ministry was opened before me which changed the course of my life, my entire life. Thankfully I was not waiting for 40 years like Moses was, or 25 years like Abraham was.
Here is the Word which God reminded me of:
“I am going to resurrect your dreams, your vision, your desires, your growth in Me… It is not going to be any longer a slow-motion movie life. There will be NO MORE delays. Divine acceleration is coming. ” I saw the Lord in the car, opening the door before you and with the most beautiful smile saying to you, “Are you ready for the ride?” Are you? If you are, get ready for it. I also heard: 7 gears. 7 means – completion. The acceleration is coming!!! You think you are losing time and you’re so behind. God is saying, “In a very short time I will complete what I’ve promised.
Then on the 10th of July this year, the Father also spoke about acceleration. I posted it in Revive Me Daily Prophetic Word – You will Outrun and not be Weary
The fulfillment of time is not the same as it was 20 years ago. Things will move fast. I was waiting for 6 years, now it would be shorter than that. Also, some forgotten promises will come to the surface again and they will accelerate into their fullness.
Elijah Received a Supernatural Power
Supernatural acceleration reminds me of the story about Elijah.
Elijah was praying for the rain. Seven times Elijah asked his servant to go to the sea and tell him if he could see clouds. The servant did as Elijah requested and saw nothing. On the seventh time the servant told Elijah he saw a minuscule cloud as small as a man’s hand was rising from the sea. Then Elijah commanded his servant to hurry to Ahab and tell him to climb into his chariot before the rain stopped him. (1 Kings 18:41-44)
So many of us could just say, “I see just a little cloud. It is so small, so insignificant. I am not sure it will rain.” To some, a little does not mean anything. But it DOES mean to a man of faith. Elijah did not need to wait for the full manifestation of the rain. He knew it was going to rain, that is why he had the confidence to warn Ahab it was going to rain.
Meanwhile, the sky grew black with clouds, the wind rose, heavy rain started falling and Ahab rode off to Jezreel. Then the Lord gave special strength to Elijah. He tucked his cloak into his belt, he RAN AHEAD of Ahab all the way to the entrance of Jezreel. (1 Kings 18:45-46)
Elijah experienced a supernatural God’s power and acceleration in his life. He outran Ahab’s chariot. King’s horses were always the best, king’s chariot was the best and fastest vehicle at that time. How can a man outrun the fastest vehicle at that time? Was it by Elijah’s strength? Could Elijah have that ability in his physical body? Can you outrun a car with your strength? Here we read, Elijah supernaturally, breaking the world record, arrived at Jezreel ahead of Ahab’s chariot.
Do not Run on the Basis of Your Own Desires
It is good to know there will be a supernatural acceleration but we always have to ask the Lord if He wants us to run to “Jezreel” or not.
Elijah started so well. He was at the Brook of Cherith, which means “cutting, separation”. He was separated to the Lord. The same happened to you when you asked Jesus Christ to be the Lord in your life. Then he moved to Zarephath which means “smelting, refining”. He was refined, purified by the Holy Spirit, who is the fire. In Zarephath also a miracle happened – Elijah & the Widow at Zarephath. Then Elijah was at Carmel, which means “fruitful field, vineyard”. It is there where Elijah had confrontation and victory over evil”. Now he is running but not directed by the Lord. I do not know what he was thinking, to run to Jezreel was a huge mistake he made because from Jezreel he had to run for his life. Jezreel finished his ministry. He had to anoint Elisha for the job. Jezreel means, “God will sow, God will scatter”. Reminds me of the proverb about a sower went to sow (Luke 8:5-15). The word of God did not fall on the good ground on this path of Elijah’s journey. That’s why we need to always check with God before we start running.
You Do Not Need to Prove Yourself
What can we learn? When you start experiencing God’s blessings, His supernatural acceleration – always check with the Lord if He wants you to do this or that. The temptations are always there. Like in Elijah’s life. Maybe he wanted to show off his supernatural power to Ahab? Ahab already knew Elijah was with God and what Elijah said, God would do that. He did not need to prove to Ahab God was with him. You do not need to prove yourself to anyone.
People might come and say, “Where is your God? Where are your miracles? Where are your breakthroughs? Where is your acceleration? Where are your answered prayers? Where is your healing?” And then you receive your blessing, and you run to them. “Here it is! Can’t you see?” You do not need to shout that God is real. That could cost you your ministry. Proving something to others is a waste of time.
When you see a small cloud as a hand, you know this is your time to run and outrun. Do not focus on people, focus on God and His next step for you, your family, your ministry. Keep walking, keep focusing on Him, continue accelerating and stop focusing on proving God or yourself to everyone else. Leave it to God.
I finish with this verse:
“Yes indeed, it won’t be long now.” God’s Decree. “Things are going to happen so fast your head will swim, one thing fast on the heels of the other. You won’t be able to keep up. Everything will be happening at once—and everywhere you look, blessings! Amos 9:13-15(MSG)
And everywhere you look – BLESSINGS! Amen.
If this word has encouraged you, or of the Lord is saying to you about the time of acceleration has begun, please let me know in the comment below. Thank you.
Some Helpful Articles:
- Prophetic Word – God is Mapping Out Your Life
- Prophetic Word for July 2019 – Transfer of Wealth
- Trust God’s Navigation – Prophetic Word
- See Yourself Blessed in Christ
- God Will Provide
- Never Lose Hope
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I am in agreement for an acceleration in my life. I have been in the wilderness too long.
May you continue to be bless….
Hello Sonia, It is not easy to go through wilderness time but you will get out and enter into God’s promises for your life with acceleration. Thank You Jesus! I would encourage you right now to focus on the truth of Scriptures, on God’s promises for you. Stay focused on Jesus and all Who He is in you.
Haly, thank you for learning the language so you can share with us.! I’m in San Francisco, CA. Where are you at? Just listened to your message on Supernatural Acceleration. It bears witness with me. We shall see. The clock just stroked midnight, so August has begun.
Hi Paul, Blessings from the UK, London. Yes, promises will accelerate, but the most important, you will see justice. Unfairness, unjustness, wrongfulness will leave. Not because of your righteousness and strength, but
because you are clothed in Christ’s righteousness and walk in God’s strength – no evil will be able to come against you. That will be the biggest breakthrough you have ever seen in your life. I am praising the Lord for the victory you will see soon. Be blessed! Haly
I receive the supernatural speed in Jesus Name Amen
Amen Carol. To God be the glory. Before you were standing by the road, seeing promises accelerating in others, but because you did not give up but looked to Jesus, you are going to participate and you will be on the road where promises are accelerating. You will see it for you and I see other people with you too. You will others with you. Thank You Father.
I receive this powerful word of God. The Lord knows the time and season, NOW IS THE TIME! Thank you dear Haly. You are anointed and blessed. My husband and I will be traveling to attend the BAPTISM REVIVAL. Please pray for us to encounter JESUS supernaturally and holy ghost fire. The Lord bless you WOG!!!
Hello Grace, After reading your post and have tears of joy. God is saying to you, “you will not only experience baptism revival. I have much better for you. Both of you will experience “My glory revival.”
Thank You Father for Your glory revival. Have a Blessed Glory Revival Time Grace! ?
I receive this powerful word of god.and I accept and allow god to do his miracle in my life. I receive the abandance promised to change my life. May I be a helper to the needy and those around. I claim my blessing in Jesus mighty name,Amen
Hello Martha, What a beautiful prayer! In Psalm 66:19 it says, “But God did listen! He paid attention to my prayer.” and in 1 John 5:14-15, “And we are confident that he hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases him. And since we know he hears us when we make our requests, we also know that he will give us what we ask for.”
Father, I am confident, you will give her what she asks for. I thank You and praise You. Be glorified in Martha’s life! Amen.
Thank you Lord for the Word , am so blessed and I believe this is my season. I receive your Word Father
Amen. This is your acceleration season, Zuki. Thank You Father. ?
Amen, Amen and Amen. I receive God’s Word in faith.
Thank you for restoration and divine acceleration. May your Word that you spoke about me and my family and those you have put in my life be manifested in the physical in Jesus name.
What a beautiful prayer Lily. I stand in agreement with you. Restoration and Divine Acceleration BE, In the Mighty Name of Jesus! Praise You Lord! Send our love to your family. ❤️
I believe and receive in faith in my life and in my family in Jesus mighty name. Amen.
Thank You Jesus for Erick’s answered prayers. Do even more Father. Erick and his family will achieve infinitely more than their greatest request, their most unbelievable dream, and exceed their wildest imagination! Amen.
Amen. Thank you Jesus.
When I read the prophecy God gave you, I was reading with my jaw dropped! God has been removing the wool from my eyes as to the “Christian” doctoring I was raised with and instructed me to read his word and not to believe the word of others. He would show me divine knowledge through the Word of God for my life. For 10 years diagnosed, 40 years suffering of my 44 years I have suffered. People told me I have sin in my life that I don’t know about and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal it and then it would go away. I’ve battled with those words from friends and family for 10 years. I did check my heart, and God gave a dream to an elder of the church about me and my heart for God! She told me I was eating the crumbs from the floor and taking them from the dogs. God showed her how hungry I was for him. I didn’t want the crumbs wasted and fed to the dogs. She shared the dream God gave her with a few very close friends and family and they took it like I needed to take my seat at the table. I was living life wrong and I avoided her for a couple weeks as I couldn’t handle the judgement of one more person. I knew God was speaking to me and telling me I was his signant ring, and gave me scriptures to find out what a signet ring was. He also gave me the verse when he called David a man after his own heart and told me He looks at me as he looked at David. He gave me the scripture saying I am the apple of his eye. I kept these precious moments of God speaking to me directly so I would not buy into the judging fingers. I let Him be my defender. If I dared open my mouth, my accusers that there was sin in my life were quick to defend their point. I just read your prophesy today for the first time. It’s August 16th at 7:12am EST USA. Just last month God started preparing me for boldness. This month I see him taking layers of wool, “doctorine against scripture I was raised in”, from my eyes. I tell my husband daily of something else God has showed me. He finds it overwhelming. For me, I feel sad for the way I always knew it was wrong and followed blindly. I feel so sorry for leading others into beliefs I’ve always questioned and convincing them to believe them to be fact. However, more revelation came last night. I stumbled accross a sheep that was sheered laying calm with wool over his eyes. When the owner removed the wool, the sheep jumped up and took off running. More revelations started coming strait from the Word of God. How like sheep we’ve gone astray and layed there not knowing God gave us the Bible so he could speak to us and remove the wool in his timing so we jump and move. He is our shepherd. We don’t need to focus on self help books or books about revelations he gave to someone else. He wants to have those intimate moments with us. He wants to pick us up in His arms and let us know we are safe in His arms. Hear his heartbeat and not someone else’s. To many Christians are so busy reading the latest book, not checking everything against the word of God ourselves because they give you the scriptures and misconstrue them. We need to go back to basics individually and sit at Jesus feet not a preachers feet. We need to read God’s Living Word and be still, Know He is God, and allow him to give us the revelation he wants to give us daily. I remember a time when the only book I saw my father read was his Bible. It’s been over 30 years since. All I see him read are “Christian books” and watch Christian tv and take it as gospel. This is wrong!!!! It’s ok to read a paragraph of a book, but then pull out the Bible and read that for hours!!! God’s Word should be getting more of our time than other human’s words. This is what God has been showing me! To get to know God intimately, I need to hang on His every word! Read them millions of times. He will always reveal himself! I’m searching Him as if I’m searching for a hidden treasure now! I’m not worrying about what others say. He’s told me to be strong and courageous! I’m in love with My Lord And SAVIOR more than any man and I trust him to guide me. He knows my needs better than anyone and he knows my hidden thoughts that no one knows, but assumes. I’m learning not to point a finger of condemnation, but to take my issues to God so He can work and Pray for those who have accused me. I feel more blessed than I have in years! Thank you for confirmation of what God is doing in my life right now. He spoke it to me, showed me in His Word, now confirmed with your Prophesy. Thank you for your being obedient to the Lord and posting this prophecy! God fulfilled the 3 confirmations from him to me with it and I thank him for leading me to this page. May He richly bless you and protect and surround you with His perfect knowledge, love, grace, and faith!
Thank you Sally for your beautiful testimony. You have made major decisions, quite difficult at times. I thank God you decided not to dwell in the past and on those things and words which were given to you but made a decision to forgive, search the Scriptures by yourself and see what your Heavenly Father says about you. You are loved, you are always in God’s heart. He never blames but picks us up where we are and encourages us to keep going, keep trusting, keep looking up! Love and blessings, Haly
I receive this word. The last few weeks have been a great struggle spiritually. I felt in my spirit it was a ploy of the enemy to keep me from my purpose. Also, what you said about not trying to prove things to people resonated with me. Because part of my struggle has been that I have let some make me feel wrong or question what I believed I should be doing.
Hi Michele,
I feel you life will be rebuild again, and main important YOU will be rebuild again. You see it like as nothing is happening, all in ruins but what God has showed me that He is building the foundation. On His truth you will stand, not looking at what others say or think about you, but what Your Heavenly Father says or thinks about you. Look to Him and do not worry.God will take care about every detail. You just enjoy being with Him. Love and blessings, Haly
God bless you for this on time Word from The Lord. Many things have dried up and seem to be dormant. But just yesterday I have seen and heard The Lord move in exceleration, concerning things that concern my personal life and spiritual growth.
To God Be The Glory!
Hi Rev Rhonda Santucci, Thank you for sharing your heart. You are so right, that’s what is happening right now – acceleration!!! The word God has put into my heart for you is Isaiah 41:18: I will open up rivers for them on the high plateaus. I will give them fountains of water in the valleys. I will fill the desert with pools of water. Rivers fed by springs will flow across the parched ground.” Be blessed! Halyna.
Thank you for this very timely word. This is my season of acceleration. The most important thing you said to me was to keep my focus and attention on the Lord in this season. Being sure to ask Him before every decision I make. He keeps reminding me. Also let my works be for no man but unto the Lord! Thank you for your obedience in writing this message. I pray the Lord continue to bless you. Do not grow weary in doing good dear sister. In due time you shall reap your reward!
God bless you man of god
indeed i will experience divine acceleration in all aspect of my life