Prophetic Word – God is Reversing Your Situation

God is Reversing Your Situation - Header

God is always on the move. His desire is to reverse your situation! The Lord doesn’t want you to remain the same. He doesn’t want your life to stay the same. The Lord wants you to prosper in all things and keep moving forward. The Lord is with you. His wisdom is with you and it is up to you to take the action or not. It’s up to you to trust God 100% or not. It’s up to you to stand firm on the Word was given to you and believe no matter what. 

Life can be difficult, but God’s Word will prevail! God’s Word is the Authoritative! God’s Word is moving mountains. There is nothing too hard for God. You, with the help of the Holy Spirit, can reverse your situation, your worry, your anxiety, your finances, your health, your relationships, job, and WIN BIG! 

What is “reverse“? It means “opposite to what has just happened, or to what is usual or expected”, “towards the direction that is opposite to the one you are facing”, “to change a decision, plan, etc. so that it becomes the opposite of what it was before”. 

The Reverse is Coming!

Man of the Cycle and Reverse Light

The reverse coming! Are you up for it? Are you ready to change a direction, a plan and go opposite of what it was before? You were in your usual everyday life. You knew how it’s supposed to be, and how it had to work for you. I am not talking about that. The Lord does not want you to stay there. 

The road you are taking is completely opposite to what you knew before. The Lord is willing to take you there. Are you willing? I know it can be scary? It could be frustrating in the beginning when you do not see immediate results, but those who do not give up will receive the reward.  

The Lord’s Guarantee – God’s Part

In Deuteronomy 28:8 the Lord your God guarantees a blessing on everything you do and will fill your storehouses with grain. The Lord guarantees promise with certainty. In Him, there is no uncertainty. If He said He was going to bless you, it’s guaranteed and it’s certain. That’s His Word! 

Your Obedience – Your Part

Now you need to take the word and run with it. The Lord wants you to be blessed. He wants your life to turn around for your good. The only thing you can do is obedience.

“If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully keep all his commands that I am giving you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations of the world. You will experience all these blessings if you obey the Lord your God” – Deuteronomy 28:1

From God’s side, The Lord’s guarantee is an assurance that His Word will come to pass. From your side, you have to trust God and do not be afraid of your future, but step into your future with boldness, willingness to take risks, confidence, and courage. 

Do Not Keep Looking to Your Past

In Luke 9:62 Jesus told us not to look back, not keep looking to our past and have second thoughts about giving up. He said when we turn back we are not fit, we are useless to God’s Kingdom realm. It was quite a harsh statement, but it’s so true.

We were talking about “reverse” and positive outcomes from it. But it could also bring a negative into our lives. It could mean “a serious failure or defeat”. Looking back, going back, not trusting the Lord will bring failure and defeat. 

God is merciful and He always gives us a chance, after chance. The Lord will never give up on you. NEVER! He gives us lots of chances to start again. He puts us back on our feet and encourages to try again. That is our Father. But do you want a year to be wasted?

It’s so easy just to reverse what God started in you and come back to the same routine, the same life you used to. Please, do not reverse your life to your past. There are much greater awaits and you can take part in it! 

Do Not Have Second Thoughts About Giving Up 

Yellow Car and Map

Since 2015 I have been a member of one group, a business-minded people. I love that group. They are willing to help, answer all your questions, encourage you, teach you. There are so many great training up there.

Just recently, I went through some training videos. Under those videos, there were comments from people. So many were so excited how they were moving forward and what they accomplished during a short period of time. I clicked on their projects, websites and most of them vanished. They started good, but because it takes time and diligence, they gave up just before their breakthrough. I thought, if they decided to keep moving they would be on a different journey right now, earning thousands and thousands of dollars, as some do. 

Isn’t it typical for most of us? We can be so easily persuaded into starting something new and then, because of a lack of perseverance, we easily give up, just before our breakthrough.

Not be so! You have to work with God this time and do not look back. Do not allow any second thoughts about giving up to enter your mind. Uproot – giving up thoughts. Uproot – keep looking to your past! Uproot – disobedience! Uproot – unforgiveness! Uproot – unbelief!

Turtle - Small Step

There is no time for that! BUT… “Let your roots grow down into Christ, and let your life be built on Him. Then… your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.” (Colossians 2:7)

This is the time to reverse the situation. God is in it! He is ready! Now, YOU take action and do not look back. Do not be afraid of small steps. It is better to take a small step at a time than just to sit still and do nothing! Do not despise these small beginnings. Focus not on success but on how significant you are in God’s eyes. Your life is significant. You are significant because you are His masterpiece. 

God is Reversing Your Situation! And you are doing it together – GOD and YOU! Amen.

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