My Testimony
From 2016, I had an urgency in my heart to start a ministry. Month after month, I had mentors, prophets who spoke over and over again saying not to linger but start a ministry. I tried to figure out what God wanted. Probably the unknown, fear was on the way. Until one day, God spoke through my mentor. “Haly, if you do not start NOW you will never start. Do not waste your years but go and impact the world with a message God has put in your heart.” God’s Advice is the Best! Always the BEST! That word ‘NOW’ changed the entire course of my life.
The message was given to me in December 2018, on Christmas Day. When peopled celebrated Christmas I was recording the first video, writing the first article, working on my new website. I did not know where I was going but I knew I had to do it. Seeing so many people, young or old, depart into eternity, I thought, “Life was too short why should I waste it. There are so many people out there who need encouragement, need a building up message. Jesus did not train a big crowd. He had few but those few changed the whole world. Lord, if I could help, inspire a dozen, I helped the whole world. Bring me that dozen who needed that message.” It would never enter my mind that during this short period, Haly Ministries were able to reach not dozens but hundreds of people with the message of Hope, Love, Transformation, Healing.
The Brevity of Natural Life
‘For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.’ – James 4:14

Life on earth is transient and will not continue forever. The life that you are living now is a mere test and foretaste of the life to come. In this present earth, there is famine, sickness and diseases, sorrows and disappointments; all these point to the fact that this life is not the real thing our good God intended for us. We are on a journey, and like ‘Enoch (who) walked with God’ and pleased God so much that ‘God took him, and he was not’, even so God has destined you to journey with Him (See Genesis 5:22-24).
Life is designed in such a way that those who only seek food, clothing, comfort and riches without knowing God’s eternal purpose for their lives are at risk of the devil’s manipulation and deception. God didn’t create you to be busy looking for what to eat, what to wear and where to live, rather He created all those things for you so that you can seek Him and live your life according to His ways.
‘Surely men of low degree are a vapor, men of high degree are a lie; If they are weighed on the scales, they are altogether lighter than vapor.’ – Psalm 62:9
Both the poor and the rich are given equal opportunities by God. I’m not talking about the opportunity to make money, that is transient and will pass away; I am talking about the opportunity to seek God, know Him, and living for His cause. That’s why He created you in the first place!
In the long run, your earthly accomplishments that do not have God’s divine purpose at the back of it would bring dissatisfaction and possible regrets. He created you to live by Him and for Him.
‘If a man begets a hundred children and lives many years, so that the days of his years are many, but his soul is not satisfied with goodness, or indeed he has no burial, I say that a stillborn child is better than he. Even if he lives a thousand years twice – but has not seen goodness.’ – Ecclesiastes 6:3,6.
True satisfaction is found only in God. God is not only good – God is goodness. His goodness flows out of His goodness! (See Exodus 34:6). You do not have an idea of what goodness is until you start living your life for Him that is goodness Himself. ‘So Jesus said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good but One, that is, God.’ – Mark 10:18. The best life you can live on earth is a life that has Jesus at its centre and eternity in view.
The True Purpose of Life
‘For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.’ – Jeremiah 29:11.

God has planned out your life even before you were born, even before your dad and mom met each other. It is up to you to find out your reason for existence from God, and I can say with all confidence that once you find out, you’ll be so amazed! In eternity past when God was thinking of sending you to earth, He already concluded ‘to give you a future’. And that future is your destiny. You do not have to be a pastor or an evangelist; there are a lot of folks in the Bible who were ordinary people, but they found out and fulfilled God’s agenda for their lives. Whoever you are, whatever your past experiences are, whatever your future aspirations are and wherever you may be, God has a purpose for your life on earth.
‘Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.’ – Matthew 6:33
God came to the earth in the flesh and told us the best way to maximize life on earth and achieve Heaven’s recognition and applaud. This is by putting God’s interests first; seeking what God is all about and cooperating along with it. Your marriage, job, business and education all have God’s divine agenda attached to them. God in His wisdom has intertwined His divine purpose in all creation and in most positive and good activities.
Knowing God and living your life for Him is one of the most important things you ought to do in this life. That is what it means to be upright. A man who lives for God’s kingdom and glory is upright.
‘For the Lord God is a sun and shield: The Lord will give grace and glory; no good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly.’ – Psalm 84:11
There are many benefits and blessings of living your life for God; both in future Eternity and present earth. You can live a life that is full of meaning and impact. There are many things today that waste peoples’ time, energy, resources and efforts. Of all these things, only one can never be recovered when it is wasted, and that is time. Lost or wasted resources and energy can be regained, but not time. Time is the most precious commodity that can’t be sold or bought. You need to deliberately cut off everything that is pulling you away from God’s kingdom and righteousness, whatever you lose in the process, God knows and He will surely compensate you with something better. Give to God all the time you can give Him and watch Him do amazing things to you and with you. As you walk with God, believe Him to fulfil all His promises concerning you, you’ll see that His goodness will surely manifest in your life.
As the end of the age draws near, by the signs that Jesus prophesied in Matthew 24 which are already coming to pass, you must live your life carefully, set your focus on God and seek to fulfil His righteousness.
Jesus is Our Perfect Pattern
‘But this I say brethren, the time is short, so that from now on even those who have wives should be as though they had none, those who weep as though they did not weep, those who rejoice as though they did not rejoice, those who buy as though they did not possess, and those who use this world as not misusing it. For the form of this world is passing away.’ – 1 Corinthians 7:29-31.
The One who is perfect has given us an example of how to live for eternity. He made Himself an example for us. ‘Since then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.’ – Colossians 3:1,2.
Every single day of Jesus’ life on earth and all His activities were carried out with eternity in view. He lived from the reality and understanding that the demands and operations of the Kingdom of Heaven are of paramount importance as compared against the things of earth. He never wasted time pursuing meaningless activities, He maximized His 24-hours very effectively, He always knew what to do at the right time, He knew where to go and where not to go, He knew exactly how to live a life that is well conformed to the standards and priorities of Father-God. Has it ever come to your notice that Jesus lived only 33 years on earth? And yet He is the most impactful Man to walk the earth! His life shook Heaven, earth and hell! His obedience crushed the kingdom of darkness. Methuselah’s 969 years on earth did not accomplish even one per cent of Jesus accomplishments!
This is the kind of life you are called to live, one that produces a sweet-smelling fragrance in the nostrils of God.
Making Your Life Count

You should make your life count here and now, having eternity and God’s kingdom purpose in view. You need to cherish every moment God has given you, time is a very fast runner and the only way to take good advantage of it is by using it here and now.
Some of you reading this have been robbed by the ‘thief’ called procrastination. Others have been cheated by the ‘fraudster’ called indolence, while most of you are held by the ‘guards’ called fear and inferiority complex. Some of you are also under the pampering-custody of the ‘nannies’ called self-comfort and complacency.
By the power of prayer and meditation on God’s holy word, you can break free from all these things the devil employs to keep people down.
God can teach and equip you to do great things for His Kingdom, glory and power. The decision is yours and it is up to you how you want your life look like. I encourage you – Rise up and pray! Shake off the time-wasting habits, cut off the distractions no matter how appealing they seem.
Step out in faith, knowing that God is committed only to those who are committed to Him. Thus, you will be recognized and honoured in the Courts of Heaven, and at the last day, Jesus will stand over you and put a beautiful crown on your head.
What about you? Do you feel an urgency in your heart to do something but still trying to figure out how you should do it. Do you feel the time is going really fast and you have not accomplished what was in your heart to accomplish? I was thinking the same. I know how you feel. I was there. The best advice I would give you – Go and Do NOT Look Back! What I learnt was to step out and not try not to figure it all out. When you do it by faith, the Lord is going to lead each step of your life. You will see where to go next.
Wake up, my friend! This is YOUR TIME and your time is NOW!
Helpful Articles:
- Waiting on God and Acting with God
- Face your Fears
- Change Your Thoughts – Change Your Life
- Never Lose Hope
- BUT… Who are YOU?
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Praise God, Marie! We truly appreciate you writing and pray God’s best to manifest in your life. Be blessed as you continue to meditate on everything that God has already done for you! – Haly