Good-Buy 5779
Today is the last day of 5779 Jewish Year. That was the year of breaking out of captivity. It was the year of being pregnant with a vision, God’s purpose for your life, but… also, the snake was out there who did not want the child to be born – your vision to be born, the purposes of God to be fulfilled in your life, your prayers to be answered. Was it an easy year? No. But in spite of what was going on in your life, you were still a winner because God was on your side.
We are entering into 5780 Jewish New Year on Sunday the 29th September 2019! Hallelujah!
Mouth Speaks and Creates
Letters in Hebrew Aleph-Bet alphabet represent numbers. The number 80 is the letter ‘Pey’. It is the 17th letter. The pictograph for ‘Pey’ is shaped like a mouth , which means: “speak”, “blow”, “word’, “expression”, ‘speech”, “breath”. What could it mean to us? Number 80 or letter ‘Pey’ tells us that it is not silence that brings reality into being, but mouth which brings reality into being.
What we say is very vital!
The Lord is saying to us, now is the time to learn HOW to pray, not bringing pitiful prayers and reading our list of needs. This is the year to learn HOW to pray as Jesus prayed. When Jesus prayed things became reality. This year, if you want to bring reality into being, you need to start speaking and declaring, and believing what you have said it’s coming!
This year is to bring the invisible into the visible. God has given us an example of how to do it. In Genesis, “God spoke”. As God’s words created reality, God has given you the power to create your reality too. How do you see your life? What do you want your life to be like? Who do you want to become?

‘Pey’ is the 17th letter. Number 17 means ‘victory’. You will experience victory after victory this year. As you fill your mouth with the words of victory and speak them out, your life will be filled with victory.
Number 8 (letter ‘Chet’) is the number of grace and wisdom. In pictograph, the letter ‘Chet’ looks like a fence. You will be filled with God’s wisdom. God will put a fence of His angels around you. There is nothing to fear. Number 8 also mean a separation. We need to separate ourselves from worldly desires, worldly thinking, worldly prayers. God wants to instruct us in the way of wisdom and lead us along straight path, His path.(Proverbs 4:11)
You are Never Too Old
Also, 80 is a very significant number saying to us, you are never too old to start what you have in your heart. You are not too old to begin a new life. You are never too old to fulfil God’s plans for your life. Moses was 80 years old when he was called to be a leader and lead the children of Israel out of Egypt into the promised land. He presented himself before Pharaoh when he was 80 years old. (Exodus 7:7)
This is only the beginning of your life! Do not see yourself in the time created to govern this world. This time can limit you. See yourself beyond that, in God’s time which does not have limits.
You will be Set Free and You will Free Others
This is the year of “Let My People Go!!!” year. Will it be an opposition? Yes, there will be. The spirit of Pharaoh is still there. Will the enemy want you to succeed and go free? No, he won’t. The promises of God are “Yes and Amen” in Christ Jesus. You will be set free from depression, you will be set free from addiction, you will be set free from poverty, you will be set free from emotional disbalance, you will be set free from physical pain, you will be set free from sickness which holds you and does not allow you to do what God has intended for you from the beginning! You will be set free! The chains of injustice will be loosened. Do not compromise. Pharaoh tried to make a deal with Moses a few times. You are not under the tyranny of the enemy. You are called, you are ready, you are going to set others free too! By the authority God has given you and the power of the Holy Spirit, God is sending YOU to those who are in bondage of sickness, addiction, and poverty. Time not only to change your small world but to be a world-changer on a bigger scale.
You Will Meet God Face to Face
You knew about God through the Bible. You knew about God through someone teaching you about God, but you will meet God face to face as Moses did. Moses followed a religion before he met God. But when he met God, Moses spoke with the Lord face to face. You will experience that too. Have your heart to be opened to what God is about to say to you and DO it, what He is telling you to do. Flow with God’s plans, not yours. When He reveals your future, then walk in it.
The Word of God will Strengthen You
The number 80 talks about foundation and God’s strength. God will bring you to the foundation and teach you what faith is all about and He will stir your heart to go and do the impossible with signs, wonders, and miracles. This is a Year of Miracles, Signs and Wonders!
God’s Word is the foundation. You need to go to the foundation and make God’s Word alive, breathed by the Holy Spirit, not just a book with letters. The foundation is not based on what you were taught by somebody, but you go and search for yourself. Learn about Who God is, learn about who you are. God and only God can reveal your true identity and your true gifts. He knows you. Maybe you think the same as Moses? – ‘I am inadequate. I can’t speak. Who would listen to me? Who would go with me? Who would accept me as their leader?’ Maybe you also see something is wrong with you.
God has called you. God has given you the Helper, the Holy Spirit to make your journey successful. This is not a time to question God, but believe that you can do anything with Him.
You will have a supernatural strength this year, strength to overcome all the obstacles.
Challenge Your Weaknesses
It is interesting that ‘Pey’, the number 80 means ‘mouth’. Do you remember when Moses argued with God, who was 80 years old, the main issue was his ‘mouth’?
“But Moses pleaded with the Lord, “O Lord, I’m not very good with words. I never have been, and I’m not now, even though you have spoken to me. I get tongue-tied, and my words get tangled. Then the Lord asked Moses, “Who makes a person’s mouth? Who decides whether people speak or do not speak, hear or do not hear, see or do not see? Is it not I, the Lord?” (Exodus 4:10-11)
Moses told God he was unable to speak on behalf of the Lord. God reminded him that God Himself was the creator of the mouth. Because of Moses’ resistance God had to choose Aaron as a priest.
When we meet God, all our weaknesses will come to the surface. You are not able to hide anything from God, and… you can’t be the same in the presence of God. Of course, it is your choice to stay where you are or say to God to change you to become more like Jesus. There will be an awakening from within. God desires to cultivate your heart that you will bear the fruits of the spirit.
Church, we need to face bitterness, face unbelief, face impurities, pride, jealousy, self-centeredness and repent – change our minds for better and move on into our future.
The fruits of the flesh will come on the surface. There will be cleansing and healing, cleansing of bitterness and healing from past wounds. Allow the Holy Spirit working in your life. Do not resist. If you do allow Him, He will show you who you truly are in Christ and start working with you on the fruits of the spirit.
Do not look at your limitations, do not look at you being unworthy. Look at God and who you are in Him. You are more than able.
You will be able to conquer every difficulty. No weakness is greater than God’s purpose for your life! The strength of Christ’s explosive power infuses you to conquer every difficulty! (Philippians 4:13)
You are Going to be Fruitful
You will carry the fruitfulness of the Spirit in your character and your entire life will be fruitful too!
We are in the 1st month of the civil year in the Hebrew calendar, called ‘Tishri’, which means ‘beginning’. You are at the beginning of new things. This is also a month of Ephraim, the 2nd son of Joseph. His name means “fruitful”. Does it remind you of something? God continued speaking to His creation in Genesis 1:28, “Then God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground.”
This month is the month of fruitfulness and multiplication – spiritual, physical, emotional, financial, relational, setting our minds on the above… God does not want you to be unfruitful. How can you be fruitful? The key is your ‘mouth’. Do not try to put everything on God, saying “God do this or God do that.” You go and start speaking and creating your future. As you do, you will be fruitful in every area of your life.
Speak the promises into your life. Let us not be lazy but create. Start creating your life. Start rearranging your life. Start rewriting the scroll of your life.
Tishri is also the 7th month of the ecclesiastical year in Hebrew calendar. Number 7 means, “completion, fullness.” In Genesis God said, “And God saw that it was good.” You will see a completion and fullness of God’s promises over your life this year. You will see that they are GOOD. God’s presence will go with you and He will give you rest from your enemies. You will rest in triumph and God’s victory!
Glory to God!
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne.” Hebrews 12:1-2 (NLT)
Shanah Tovah! Have a Good Year!
Helpful Articles:
- Prophetic Word – The Times of Refreshing SHALL Come!
- Prophetic Word – A NEW Wave of Reformation is Coming
- Revive Me Daily Prophetic Word – Go and Do Not Look Back
- Revive Me Daily Prophetic Word – Be Strong and Never Give Up
- Your Words Have Power
- Life is Short – Make the Most Out of It
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Latest Articles:
- Step into a Bright Tomorrow with a New Chapter: Prophetic Word
- Prophetic Blessings: Blessed Going Out and Coming In
- Realignment, Promise and Destiny: Prophetic Word for January & New Year 2024
- Powerful Prophetic Word: A Season of Harvest, Fruitfulness, and Prosperity!
- Rise and Prophesy: Transforming Dry Bones into Life
- Celebrate Your Success: Harvest Time is Here! – Prophetic Word
Do you have some kind of news letter: monthly or weekly? Almost like a resource of education/knowledge where you are sharing the hebrew roots?
All my love
Hi Riana, We have a newsletter but this is a weekly inspirational, encouraging word.
Hebrew language fascinates me and I love sharing it when I feel the Lord is leading me to do it. In spite of me loving Hebrew, Haly Ministries goal is to inspire people to meet God face to face. Deep understanding and revelation about you, Him, His Kingdom, your destiny is coming from Him and there is only One Mediator – Jesus! No Hebrew root or letter can do that.
But I love your question and I brought it before the Lord. I think it would be great to talk about letters and roots. Maybe in our further posts we will start doing it. Thank you for asking.
Have a blessed New Year! May the Lord give you the desires of your heart and may you prosper in all things!
Amen to the prophetic Word of God
Hi Angelia, I am looking forward to hear what the Lord is going to do in your life and through you this coming year! Be blessed!
Wow an amazing year indeed.
Thank You Jesus. My prayer for you, Vuyokazi, that you will start moving forward. No more ‘pond’ life, but may springs of living water take you and your family into a new journey with Him, a full of life journey! You will also receive a revelation how to conduct your business. Have a blessed New Year! Haly
What a blessing just to get this Revelation of the new year.
May the good Lord shower you with His abundance love Grace and peace.
Thank you Sarah. I feel an exciting news will be knocking at your door soon. Have a blessed New Year! You are loved by Your Heavenly Father and His promises will be fulfilled. Blessings, Haly
Thank God for you Haly. He confirmed the message He gave me for 2020 word for word through you. I was bursting with joy as I read those words. The Holy Spirit is so amazing.. He just said in my spirit,, ” what God is saying for 2020″ and off I went to the search engine and here I am at your site. Glory to God. I pray for greater anointing for you and your team in Jesus’ name.
God is amazing indeed, Okefine! He had led you to our website after the short prayer. We might think, “How?” Yes, we have the Holy Spirit who always leads you and guides us. I am so blessed, the word for 2020 was a confirmation to you. Thank You Jesus! Have a wonderful day!- Haly
Thank God! I was looking for the meaning of year 2020 in Hebrew and I found your article! I’m encouraged and I am claiming all of this for my family! God bless your ministry!
That’s awesome, Sophie, that you have found it helpful.May God’s goodness and love pursue you all the days of your life! Have a year full of abundance, Sophie! Blessings, Haly
Hi Haly
Truly encouraged by the prophetic word,uplifted me so much and yes i aggree year of god spoken word of his promises Jeremiah 29:11,truly thank Jesus for you,indeed you are a blessing also to his kingdom. I am truly blessed by this word.
God bless you
Thank you Tanya for your beautiful testimony. I am excited the word has encouraged and uplifted you. May the Lord fulfil His Word in your life in 2020! Be Abundantly Blessed! – Haly