Is focusing on God something you struggle to do? Wondering why it is vital for you and other believers to focus on God? You have come to the right place.
The truth is most of us struggle to keep our mind stayed on the Lord. The reason we struggle is we don’t know the benefits of doing so. Knowing and understanding the benefits of focusing on our Heavenly Father will cause us to shift our focus from all that is happening around us to God.
In this article, we are going to look at what it means to focus on God. And the benefits of focusing on Him. So let’s get started:
What Does it Mean to Focus on God?
Focusing on God means being intentional about setting our thoughts and desires on our heavenly Father. It means looking at life from the lens of Christ. And choosing to look up to and trust Him irrespective of what is happening around us.
Why is it vital for us to do that?
There are Benefits when you Focus on God:
1. Perfect Peace

There is a saying that goes: peace is not the absence of war or conflict. So when we say that you will have perfect peace, it doesn’t mean that you will not face challenges. Jesus was very clear on this when He said that we shall have many tribulations in this world. But He did not stop there; He also said we should be of good cheer.
It is hard to be of good cheer when we face one challenge after another. That’s why you need to shift your focus from all that is happening around you and focus on God. When you do that, you will have perfect peace because God promises to keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Him (Isaiah 26:3).
What is troubling your heart today? Is it your finances, family issues, business, or relationship? Surrender it to God and focus on Him, knowing that He will supply your needs according to His glorious riches.
2. Spiritual Growth and Stability
I, for one, struggle with stability. Sometimes I am spiritually strong and ready to face every giant in my life. But there are also times when I am down, and I just want God to take away every obstacle so that I can live in peace.
But it should not be that way, right? We need to experience growth, and that can only happen if we focus on God. A person that is focused on God and His word will grow spiritually and become stable. It is not that they will not face challenges. They will, but because God is their number one, they will rise above the challenges that come their way.
When you focus on God, you will not be moved by other people’s opinions and worldly trends.
3. You’ll Become Fruitful
We are not here by accident. God has put us in this world so that we can accomplish His purposes. But for us to become fruitful, we need to focus on Jesus and be grounded in His word (John 15:4-6). When our attention is on God and not the things of this world, we can know what God has planned for us and how we can accomplish His purposes.
Focusing on God will also cause us to want to know God more. And when we do this, we get to see how the Kingdom of God works and how we fit in it. This knowledge of the Kingdom helps us to become fruitful children of God.
4. God Draws Near to You

Most of us find it hard to open up to strangers. We do not go around sharing our secrets with just anyone. We take time to build trust with a person before we can tell them our secrets. There are also things that we share with our family members only. And not just any family member but immediate members.
The same is true about God. He does not share kingdom secrets with just anyone. That is why He encourages us in His word to draw near to Him. When we make focusing on God a priority, He opens our hearts and spiritual understanding so that we can understand the hidden things of His Kingdom.
God knows our hearts, and He waits for us to open up to Him and draw near to Him so that He can draw near to us. Understand that when God draws near to us, it is not for His own benefit. God is complete in Himself.
It is us who gain when we draw close to Him. So choose to draw near to God today so that you can enjoy the privileges of kingdom sons and daughters. (John 15:15)
5. Deliverance from Fear
We all struggle with fear at some point in life. Sometimes it’s hard to explain where anxiety comes from, but as children of God, we know that the enemy is the one who instills fear in us so that he can steal, kill and destroy.
Understand that we can’t get rid of fear from our lives. We just learn how to rise above it, and that is why the Bible has given us a “do not fear” for every single day of the year. Another critical thing to note is that you cannot talk yourself out of fear. Saying I will not fear does not make the fear go away. But when you focus on God and understand that He loves you so much, and He’s protecting you, you’ll be able to overcome fear with faith.
Yes, fear will still come, but you’ll be able to stand firm. And fight against it with faith because you know your rights as a child of God. You will stand firm in the promises of God because you know that He has not given you the spirit of fear but of love, power, and a sound mind (2Timothy 1:7).
6. Experience Freedom
The world will make you believe that you are not living in freedom because you’re focusing on God. Christianity, according to the world, is enslavement, while not believing in God is freedom. But that is not true at all. Jesus told the Pharisees that anyone who lives in sin is not free because they’re a slave to sin (John 8:31-36).
So do not buy into the lie that Christians are not free, and it is by doing the things of the world that you will attain freedom.
Unbelievers are slaves to sin; they are controlled by sinful thought patterns and ways. But when you are focused on God and your life is grounded in the word, you find true freedom.
If you’re not living in true freedom, then it’s time to let go of all those broken cisterns. These may be known sins, bad company, addictions. And even good things like social media, business, or your job.
Surrender anything that is controlling your life to Jesus. Choose to be a slave of Christ so that you can experience true freedom and enjoy life to the fullest. God is loving, caring, and protective of His children. He longs to have an intimate relationship with you today, but the choice is yours.
7. God will Give you the Desires of Your Heart

God’s word tells us that when we delight in Him, He will give us the desires of our hearts. But what does it mean to delight in Him? It means focusing on God by remaining in His word, believing that Jesus Christ is the Son of God sent to die for our sins. Delighting in God means keeping your mind stayed on the Lord and committing all your ways to Him.
When we keep our mind stayed on God in all circumstances, we give God access to our lives. Now it may be challenging for you to delight in God when there are so many things distracting you. But if the Word of God says to delight in God then it is possible for you and me to delight in Him. It would not be written if it was not possible.
Daniel lived in a heathen country; he had every reason to be distracted. But even when others plotted for his downfall by targeting his relationship with God, Daniel remained steadfast in Him. He did not let circumstances, titles, or the Babylonian culture get in the way of his relationship with God. (Daniel 6)
We can also choose to be like Daniel. Do not allow new trends or the things of this world to come in between you and God. Trust Him and always focus on your Heavenly Father, Who will never let you down.
8. Experience Joy
Did you know that happiness is determined by our circumstances, but joy is something that we choose because it’s a fruit of the Spirit?
Your circumstances should never determine your joy.
But if we are honest, it is hard to be joyful when all odds are working against us. It takes the grace of God for you to walk in joy when you’re going through a financial struggle or loss. When you’re battling with sickness and disease or when you feel empty inside.
That is why every Christian needs to focus on God. Walking in joy in your own strength will cause you to become depressed. But when you focus on God and trust Him in every season, you’ll experience joy because you’ll be walking in the fullness of God.
9. Safety and Security

The truth is you cannot focus on God if you do not trust Him. It is human nature to associate with something that you gain from. So it is hard for us to focus on something that we’ll not gain from.
The word of God says that those who dwell in the shelter of the Most High will rest in His shadow. We are also promised in Psalms 91 that when we remain in the Lord, God will be our refuge and fortress. He’ll protect us from sickness, disasters, storms of life. and in all our ways.
Irrespective of what is happening around you can live knowing that God is protecting you from every kind of evil. It doesn’t mean that you will not go through some challenges or that bad things will not happen to you. What it means is that despite all that, God will always protect you. If he does not rescue you from that thing, He will take you through it, and you’ll come out victorious. I can testify that.
I had some obstacles in my life, and it was not easy to trust and believe, but when I made that decision to focus on God and His promise for me, God took over and I saw victory after victory. God did not bring victories how I wanted to see them, He did it His way, a much better way!
10. Eternal life
God does not want anyone to perish, but wants everyone to turn away from following their own path and to turn toward God’s.
Jesus is going to tell some people I never knew you. It is not that these people did not know that God exists. It’s just that they didn’t give Him their all. They didn’t focus on Him because they were caught up with the things of this world.
The Pharisees knew the scriptures and, in essence, knew about God, but that does not mean that they understood Him. In the Bible, God said this about the Israelites that they praised Him with their lips, but their hearts were far from Him (Isaiah 29:13). This means that only those who focus on God fully and commit their lives to Him will experience eternal life.
Note that even people of other religions believe there is a god out there. But it doesn’t mean that their gods are the truth. Jesus said, “I am the Way. I am the Truth. I am the Life. No one comes next to the Father except through union with me.” (John 14:6)
What or who is our way? What or who is our truth? There are many ways presented to us. What path are we focusing on? There are many opinions that are given as to what to do or what to believe? Whose opinions are we following?
We need to start getting our priorities right. And that begins with focusing on the One and true living God who gave up His Son for us because He loves us.
I’m absolutely convinced that nothing – nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable – absolutely nothing can get between us and God’s love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us.
Mary DeMuth, Live Uncaged: Find the Freedom You’ve Always Wanted
Final Thoughts
Many people desire to have an intimate relationship with God, but very few try to work on that relationship. But why is that?
We get caught up with the issues of life and allow these broken cisterns to replace the true living waters.
Take a moment and look at your life. Is there any broken cistern (Idol) that is taking the place of God in your heart? Are you willing to let it go so that you can focus on God?
God is gentle; He will never force Himself on you.
It’s YOU, who need to draw near to Him first, for it is through drawing close to Him that you will enjoy the benefits of focusing on God.
I hope this Message Has Been Helpful. Please Let Me Know in the Comments Below. Blessings, Haly
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A Truly wonderful article .I believe all about this article
Thank you, Manjit.
I thank God for allowing you to be a blessing. This came at the right time that I needed it. God bless you.
Hi Haly,
I thank God for this inspired message. This is a wonderful message my heart needed in this moment. You are truly an angel that God has sent on my way today.
Many blessings to you!
You are a blessing, infact, am using this as Bible Study Outline for our Monthly programme for Children and Young Persons Apostolic Network in Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State Nigeria.
More revelations and inspirations from the Holy Ghost in Jesus name. Amen
Very inspiring, I love the article, permission to use it for my Sunday school.
Thank you for the inspiring message it helps me to focus more to God than earthly things. And happy to inform you and pls allow me to share this message this coming Sunday worship celebration.
I’m really touched ! It not only refreshed my soul but I’m going to use same to teach in our fellowship. I wish to receive more of your messages.
Hello Festus,
I’m thrilled to hear that my message was able to touch your heart and inspire you to share it with others in your fellowship. It’s an honor to know that my words can be a source of encouragement and inspiration to others.
Thank you for your kind words, and I hope that God continues to bless you and your community.
Haly 🙏🏽
It was a very interesting article which has challenged me to stay focused on God!
I’m glad you found the article interesting and that it inspired you to keep your focus on God. Staying centered on our faith is so important, especially in challenging times. May God continue to renew your spirit and fill you with His peace.
Blessings to you!
I thank God for connecting me to this wonderful opportunity to discover this inspiring message. This will increase my ability to focus on God more and more every day of my life. God bless you so much.
Shalom Asaa Jonathan Neba,
Thank you for your heartfelt message! I’m truly grateful that the inspiring message resonated with you and that you see it as a wonderful opportunity for spiritual growth. May your journey towards focusing on God continue to be filled with blessings!
God bless you abundantly,