This is a Prophetic Word for October 2019 – The Times of Refreshing SHALL Come!
In Acts 3:19, Peter said, “The Times of Refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord”. Hallelujah!
The word ‘Refreshing’ means: To make as if new; to repair; to restore; restoration of strength, spirit, vigour, or liveliness; relief after suffering; an increasing of life.
In Acts 3 we read a story about one man who was lame from birth and was carried into the Temple to beg from people going into the Temple. When he saw Peter and John about to enter, he asked them for some money. Instead, Peter said, “I’ll give you what I have. In the name of Jesus Christ, the Nazarene, get up and walk!” When the man obeyed , his feet and ankles were instantly healed and strengthened. He jumped up, stood on his feet, and began to walk, praising God, and went into the Temple with Peter and John.
Do you feel like that man?
Like that crippled man, we too were lame from birth, unable to walk with God, or after the things of God because of the fall. Maybe you feel alienated from God because you feel you are not worthy to come to the throne of grace. Maybe you feel burdened by your past choices and think God will never forgive you. Maybe you feel that something is wrong with you and God does not want to answer your prayers. Maybe you beg God to get you by for one more day and the next day you start over again and beg Him again. Maybe you lost your hope, hope being loved, lost hope to walk in the blessings of God.
Do you feel like that man? You think your life is going to be the same, a monotone life with no colours, no variety, dull. You were carried by this life and things repeated themselves over and over again. You did not see a breakthrough coming. That life carried you back where you started your day yesterday, to the same spot. That life caused you to beg God for your miracle day after day after day.

Do Not Beg God for Crumbs
The crippled man did not expect a miracle. He probably thought that was his usual day to beg but in a moment of time his life was completely turned around in an unexpected way. He did not expect anything to happen. In a moment of time, things changed. That day was his day! The Lord is saying, “This day is your day.” Your day is today and it is now! There is no need to beg God for a miracle. There is no need to beg God for crumbs. Jesus is the Bread of life and whoever comes to Him will never be hungry, and who believes in Him will never be thirsty. He is saying to you today, “Get up and walk. Come and receive your healing.”
If your life needs healing, your relationship needs healing, your body needs healing, your emotions need healing, your finances needs healing there is only One Who can restore your life to its fullness, it is Jesus Christ the Nazarene!
Peter said to that man, “I’ll give what I have”. Peter had Jesus! The Only One Who could do the impossible, who could raise that man’s faith to the highest – it was Jesus! You have Jesus and He is going to do the impossible in your life.
Give Your Attention to the Words of Jesus
The Lord is fixing His eyes on you and saying to you, “Look at Me! Look at Me and not at your circumstance. Look at Me and not at your lameness. Look at Me and not at your poverty. Look at Me and not at your lack. Look at Me and not at your unworthiness. Look at Me and not at your sinfulness. Look at Me and not at the wilderness. Look at Me!”
Give your attention to His Words. He is saying to you to repent how you used to think about your life and turn towards Him. The Greek word for repent is ‘metanoeo’ which means – ‘to change one’s mind for better.’

The Lord wants you to change your mind, and not just to change your mind, but change it for better! You are blessed in Christ! You are so blessed that you can’t count those blessings. Can you try to count ‘immeasurably more’? Try? The word ‘immeasurable’ means it is too large, extensive, or extreme to measure; in a manner that is not measurable, in a way that cannot be measured. That’s how God wants to bless you. He does not want you to live a dull life. He wants you to have a life full of colours, a bright life, a bright future!
The Bible is Full of Refreshing Promises
The Bible is full of refreshing promises, bright future promises. “I am a sinner,” you say. Jesus died for you, He dealt with your sin. You are forgiven. “I am sick”, you say. By the stripes of Jesus, you were healed and made whole. “I am weak”, you say. The Lord says, “I am God, Who is your refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble” (Psalm 46:1-3). “I fear tomorrow”, you say. But the Lord says, “Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (Isaiah 41:10)
New Year – New Beginning
As we are entering Rosh Hashanah, head of the year, Jewish New Year on Sunday the 29th September, there are some things we can reflect on. God has the purpose for this world and He has a purpose for you. How do you see your life? What are you living for? Who are you living for? Who are you and who do you want to become? The question is not about, “What have you done?” But who are you? How do you see yourself? Do you see yourself a giant in Christ or a grasshopper? What are you choosing this year? Are you choosing life?
Choose Life! Choose Blessings!
Your time of refreshing SHALL come! Your healing SHALL come! Your Breaking Through SHALL come! Strength SHALL come! You will be like that man – on your feet again, walking in the fullness of life, praising God, enjoying fellowship with Jesus, with your family and family in Christ! And it will all come unexpectedly.
Do not lose your hope. There is a blessing right around the corner. Change your mind for better! Choose Life! Choose Blessings! Choose Jesus! Look at Him! Commit your life to Him! There is more, my friend! You thought you saw it all and knew it all. You have not experienced the fullness of God’s blessings, in a manner that is not measurable, in a way that cannot be measured! But you will, from today! This New Year will be a special one! You will not only read about healing, hear about healing, but you will walk in perfect health! Go and do not look back!
I declare you will walk in the fullness of life, in immeasurable fullness of life, in perfect health, and in God’s blessings! I decree – The Times of Refreshing SHALL Come and you SHALL prosper! Amen.
Hope this word has brought a refreshment to your spirit, a new perspective of life.
Helpful Articles:
- Life is Short – Make the Most Out of It
- See Yourself Blessed in Christ
- BUT… Who are YOU?
- Your Words Have Power
- Take Your Authority and Resist the Situation!
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Awesome ?. Word. Thanks
Thank you Timothy. Glory to God!
My times of refreshing has come! Hallelujah!
Amen. Glory to Jesus! May the Lord refresh your spirit, soul, body, your entire life this year! The times of refreshment SHALL come into your life and lives of your beloved ones! The Lord is good! Blessings, Haly
praying for the restoration of my marriage, been separated for almost 2 months now and no communication with my husband sad
Hi Desiree,
May you experience how intimate and far-reaching is His love for you, how enduring and inclusive it is! May you be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God!