Are you seeing number 444 in a dream or a vision? Are you wondering about the meaning of this number?
I am going to give you some inspirational thoughts about 444. The inspiration is taken from the ancient Hebrew letters, pictographs. There is deep wisdom behind each Hebrew letter, which also represents a number.
In previous years, many people saw in dreams or visions number 111, but now more and more people are seeing number 444. Those numbers are very prophetic for this season, and you will see why.
In my experience, when God showed me a set of fours, it always led me to a breakthrough. God moved me from one place to another, from great to greater.

Number 400 – Meaning
Number 400 is the letter Tav.
• God Has Enabled You
It looks like two crossed sticks, or like a cross .
You may remember the story when Israel did not trust God’s provision but went IMPATIENT on the journey. Their impatience turned them against God and Moses. They spoke against them and started complaining. Numbers 21:4-9
In Strong’s Concordance “patience” means properly, remaining under, endurance; steadfastness, especially as God enables the believer to “remain (endure) under” the challenges He allots in life.
God ENABLES us, the believers, to endure anything!
And what is impatience? It is unbelief. It’s when we do not believe that God enables us!
What happened next with those who were impatient? Venomous snakes were sent among the people, and many of the Israelites were bitten and died.
Impatience opens the door to the enemy. It all started with impatience, then grew into bitterness.
• The Cross is Your Victory
After that tragedy, people realized they sinned. They repented and asked Moses to intercede for them.
The Lord told Moses to make a bronze snake and put it up on a pole. Whoever was bitten by a snake and looked at the bronze snake, they lived.
You know what? God always gives us the way out of disaster. We can always come to Him with our insecurities and ask Him to heal us.
Who was on the Cross? Christ was. Christ gave you freedom, healing, forgiveness, life, wholeness, prosperity. All these are yours!
Also, the Father and the Son are Aleph and Tav. The letter Tav talks about the Son of God, Christ.
We can be very impatient. Maybe you are going through that wilderness, doubting you would not make it. But the Lord is telling you this hour to look to the Cross, to the Son of God. You have got everything in Him. Change your thoughts – change your life today, because God has enabled you to overcome anything in life.
“But I want that freedom now. I want to see my miracle now. I want to know my future now. What I see is delay, delay, delay,” you say.
• New is on Horizon
So often, it’s when we are in the most difficult situations – a new idea, a new job, new apprenticeships arise.
Trust the Lord! He has got the best for you, and He will lead you out in triumph. Jesus’ Blood is the Signature that speaks about His faithfulness and love towards you. He is going to look after you.
Number 40 – Meaning
Number 40 is the Hebrew letter Mem . It looks like Water. The water, or the Word of God, washes, refreshes us, revives us, birthing something new in us, giving us life. God says, and it becomes!
It could also represent storms of life. All of us are going through the storms. There are storms in our heads. We have so many questions, and maybe still no answer. Letter Mem is telling us to stay on the word God gave us.
The sea does not reward those who are too anxious, too greedy, or too impatient. One should lie empty, open, choiceless as a beach – waiting for a gift from the sea. Anne Morrow Lindbergh
As you are in the stormy life right now, let the storms shake off the beliefs of doubt, despair, mental instability. Allow the Word, God’s promise, to walk you through that difficult situation you are in.
May the Word of God cleanse your mind from wrong thinking and bring peace, joy, and love.
Your and my calmness is the way forward! When we are calm, we show that we trust our Redeemer, Who is able to save us!
Number 4 – Meaning
And we finish with the number 4, or letter Dalet. Letter Dalet looks like a door .
• You Shall Be Blessed
And talks about going in and out of the door.
In Deuteronomy 28:6, the Lord said, “You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out.”
Do you believe that? When you are impatient – it’s hard to believe, and it’s hard to trust. The Lord desires to bless your steps, but what is needed –
• God’s Invitation into His Mysteries
Also, the Lord is inviting us into His mysteries today. Most of what we believed about Him was a theology. Now He is inviting us into the real relationship. He wants us to do miracles as Jesus did. He wants us to make the impossible possible as Jesus made. God wants us to be unstoppable as Jesus was.
• From Weakness to Strength
We can’t bring old into the new. God is creating the NEW, THE RESET. Yes, the storms have to happen. There will be not one but a few. Are you secure in the Lord? Do you sleep in the boat, like Jesus did, while everything around you is out of control? Or are you out of control?
Letter Dalet can also mean “weakness”. Maybe you see weakness in yourself. But there is the Word which Paul wrote in 2nd Corinthians 12:10, “That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” In another translation, it says, “For my weakness becomes a portal to God’s power.”
Does God want you to struggle? No. Sadly there are hardships, difficulties in this world. But there is always a way out. As God brought Israelites out of their hardships, He will bring you out of yours. Your situation will become a portal to God’s POWER!
• Trust God’s Timing
Number 4 also talks about God’s timing. Your set time will fully come! Trust God’s timing! Everything will be alright!
We are living in a great time. It seems like nothing great about it, but if God shows the number 444, it means He is shifting us into another dimension. He is going to show us things that were never discovered or heard of before. He is inviting us to open the door, experience the mysteries of God, and learn from Him.
There are many things God has in store for you!
Do not be hard on yourself! The Word of God has washed you! The Cross has given you your inheritance back. God put His Signature on you, God’s wonderful one! Have peace, and may the words, “I shall be blessed coming in and going out”, become your everyday confession.
Hope this word has given you a little bit of insight into number 444 and encouraged you!
Shalom & Blessings,
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Thank you God, Jesus and Holy Spirit for your Divine alignment and teaching! I also want to thank God for you listening through clarity!
Thank you Melvin.
We’re so glad this ministered to you. We pray God’s best to manifest in your life this new year 2021!
Have a blessed week!
Thanks for your original interpretation of this common Angel number.
Thank you.
May the glorious Father, give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. (Eph 1:17) May He reveal His mysteries to you!
Stay Blessed!
Haley, thanks you so much for the kingdom interpretation. We are grateful for you from Uganda. Preparing to invite you to come and speak to the leaders about this revelation and prophecy. You are true servant of God.
Shalom Pastor Stephine Opio,
Thank you for your message. I pray that God will continue to bless the work you are doing in Uganda. Wishing you and your community a joyful and prosperous 2024.
In Christ,