Navigating life’s winding roads can often feel daunting. As we journey through life, we inevitably come to a crossroads where we must choose a path, not knowing where it will lead us or what consequences it may bring.
In the words of A.W. Tozer,
“The true follower of Christ will not ask, ‘If I embrace this truth, what will it cost me?’ Rather, he will say, ‘This is truth. God help me to walk in it, let come what may!'” – A.W. Tozer
How do we know which paths will lead to joy rather than pain? God does not leave us without a roadmap. In His word, He has laid out clear directions to guide us. When we fully obey the Lord’s instructions, He promises to bless our faithfulness and lead us to abundance.
The book of Deuteronomy records Moses’ final words to the Israelites before they entered the Promised Land. After years of wandering in the desert, they stood at the precipice of God’s plan for them. Moses urged the people to take care to follow God’s commands once they entered Canaan (Deuteronomy 28:1).
The same principle applies to us today. As we submit to God’s directions, we start on a path toward righteousness and blessings.
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My Story: Divine Messages Through Everyday Conversations
God often speaks in conversations, placing just the right words in a prophet’s mouth that can profoundly impact someone’s life. Though these messages may seem like casual remarks – they carry deep meaning and offer a choice.
For instance, last year, I offered some friends guidance on investing in a specific commodity when prices were low in their country. I want to clarify that I don’t hold any official financial advisory role, as I am not a financial advisor. Instead, it was God’s knowledge. I specified that its value would increase significantly by August. When that month arrived this year, those friends regretfully admitted they had not heeded my guidance. If they had acted on my God-given advice, their wealth could have doubled in one year.
Situations like this occur frequently. God grants prophets insight to share with others, but they listen without putting these words into action. The blessings and breakthroughs intended for them are missed or delayed because of inaction. The goal is not to control outcomes but to share what God reveals in each moment. The choice to respond belongs to the listener.
But how do we find our way to these blessings? It turns out that we have a remarkable roadmap right in front of us – a roadmap to blessings, provided by none other than God Himself.
God’s Guidance Points Us in the Right Direction:
1. Obey God’s Directions
We all want to live blessed and fulfilled lives. We desire God’s favour, provision, protection, and purpose over our lives. But gaining these rewards requires obedience to what the Lord instructs us to do. When we listen to and follow God’s directions, we walk a straight path that leads to abundance and joy.
‣ Cultivate a Listening Ear
To follow God’s path begins with hearing His voice and guidance. This requires consistently spending time in prayer and Scripture to tune our ears to hear Him. We can also listen for His wisdom throughout our day and write down what we sense Him saying.
‣ Take Steps of Action
When God provides guidance, immediate obedience is crucial, avoiding delays or excuses. Acting immediately on His word positions us to receive a breakthrough. Even when it feels difficult, we can trust God’s way is best.
‣ Move Forward in Faith
Stepping out in obedience often requires faith in God rather than our understanding. We can confidently take risky steps, knowing God will equip us and open doors we could never imagine. Our finite minds cannot grasp all He has planned.
‣ Stay the Course for Lifelong Obedience
Persisting in obedience throughout changing seasons requires commitment and endurance. But a lifetime of following God’s ways leads to the abundant, righteous life He promises. Obedience draws us closer to Him.
Reflection/Discussion Questions: How has obedience to God's directions led to blessings in your life or the lives of others you know? Are there areas in your life where you struggle with obedience to God's commands, and what steps can you take to improve?
2. Listen for God’s Voice
In order to walk in obedience, we first need to listen to God’s voice and direction. The Lord promises that His sheep hear and know His voice. As believers, we have the privilege of receiving guidance, wisdom, and instructions from the Lord. However, we must cultivate an attentive ear (John 10:27).
‣ Set Aside Regular Time with God
Consistently set aside a devoted time of quiet solitude to seek God through reading the Bible and prayer. God often speaks in clear ways through meditating on His Word. So spend time daily reading Scripture.
Ask the Holy Spirit to illuminate particular verses or passages that offer timely direction or wisdom for your circumstances. Come to God in prayer, presenting your decisions, needs and questions. Then listen expectantly for His voice speaking to your spirit as you wait silently before Him.
‣ Listen Throughout Your Day
In addition to your dedicated quiet time, tune your spiritual ears to listen for God’s voice throughout the busyness of your day. He may speak through:
- Spontaneous thoughts that enter your mind
- Observations of your surroundings that stand out
- Conversations with others that provide timely insight
- Promptings and stirrings you sense within
Cultivate an active awareness and attentiveness to anything that seems to rise above the natural noise and point to the supernatural voice of God.
‣ Write Down What You Hear
When you sense the quiet inner voice of the Holy Spirit speaking to you – whether through a subtle impression or clear direction – write it down for further reflection and prayer.
Review your journal regularly for patterns, guidance and confirmation. Ask trusted fellow believers to provide input to help discern whether what you are sensing aligns with Scriptural truths and godly wisdom.
‣ Your Ability to Hear God Grows
Consistency in setting aside time to listen and tuning in throughout your day will develop and strengthen your ability to recognize God’s voice.
As you stay sensitive and obedient to His gentle whispers and bold instructions, your clarity in discerning His voice from other voices will increase. Like a sheep learning the unique sound of its shepherd, you will grow in following the Good Shepherd as you draw close to Him.
Reflection/Discussion Questions: How can you make a daily schedule that helps you listen to God every day? Can you share an experience when you listened to God's voice in a specific situation, and how did it impact your decision-making?
Recommended Articles for Inspiration: ‣ How to Move From Confusion to Clarity – With God’s Help ‣ Trust God’s Navigation – Prophetic WordGod is Doing Something Brand New ‣ Transform Your Life: The Power of Your Thoughts through Faith ‣ Overcoming Negativity God’s Way: Biblical Guidance ‣ Does God use Dreams and Visions Today? – Everything you need to Know ‣ How to Recognise God’s Voice
3. Take Steps of Obedience
When God gives us direction, we must be prompt to obey and take action. Delayed obedience is disobedience. God’s instructions are not meant to be saved for later but followed diligently straight away (James 1:22).
‣ Lay Down Your Own Agenda
True obedience requires giving up our agendas and laying down our plans, desires, and priorities to fully submit to God’s will and purposes for our lives. This surrender and sacrifice of our will is challenging but necessary to make room for His higher ways.
As we submit our agendas to God, we demonstrate trust in His wisdom, even when His path requires sacrifice on our part.
‣ Step Out in Courageous Faith
Stepping out in obedience frequently means taking courageous steps of faith that may seem uncertain or risky from our human perspective. But we can boldly follow God’s lead, knowing He will equip us supernaturally for whatever He calls us to do.
Our finite understanding gives way to witnessing the miraculous when we dare to obey.
‣ Move Forward Despite Unanswered Questions
When God provides us with instructions, it’s common for us not to grasp His broader purpose or plan. However, we have the choice to take obedient steps, one at a time, even when we don’t have a complete understanding.
We can place our trust in the perfection of His ways, even when our limited vision prevents us from comprehending the outcome. We must listen and faithfully respond, instead of demanding instant answers or explanations.
‣ Act Promptly When God Commands
Obedience requires prompt action, not delay. When we sense God directing us to act or speak, we should do so swiftly in order to walk in step with His timing. Delayed obedience is essentially disobedience.
As we learn to answer God’s commands, we will experience exciting breakthroughs and blessings that come from quick obedience.
Reflection/Discussion Questions: Are there instances where you have delayed obedience, and what were the consequences? How can you improve your responsiveness to God's instructions? Share a time when you had to step out in faith and take a courageous step of obedience. What did you learn from that experience?

4. Trust God’s Faithfulness
Walking in obedience requires trusting in God’s timing. We want to see the fulfilment of God’s promises right away. However, God is working on an eternal timeline to accomplish His purposes (Proverbs 3:5-6).
‣ Be Patient in the Process
What God has promised and what we are faithfully working towards may take time to manifest. Decide to exercise patience and refrain from trying to hasten God’s timing.
He sees the full picture while we only see a small part. Rest in knowing that at just the right moment – God’s intended breakthrough will come. Allow this waiting period to develop perseverance and mature faith.
‣ Expect God’s Breakthrough
Even when we cannot yet see the fruits of obedience, we can expect and believe that a breakthrough is on its way according to God’s timeline.
Do not allow delays or setbacks to discourage you. Keep diligently obeying God, sowing seeds of faith through your obedience. His promised harvest will come. Maintain expectancy through the waiting.
‣ Rely on God’s Sustaining Grace
When the road of obedience feels long and difficult, remember you do not walk alone. Rely fully on God’s all-sufficient grace to strengthen and sustain you each step.
In your weakness, His power is made perfect. Turn to Him for daily grace to help you overcome any inadequacies or fears. His grace is enough to equip you for each act of sacrifice and obedience.
‣ Draw Near to God
Intentionally nurture greater intimacy with God through spiritual disciplines like prayer, worship, and studying Scripture. Devoting time to understanding His heart on a deeper level will grant you increased wisdom, strength, and perseverance. This, in turn, will empower you to continue following Him.
Staying closely connected to God is the key. Out of that vital relationship, you will find empowerment to continue on the journey of lifelong obedience. As we align our lives through active obedience, we will witness a powerful transformation in our world.
Reflection/Discussion Questions: How do you maintain patience and trust in God's timing when you're waiting for the fulfilment of His promises in your life? What are some practical ways you can draw near to God and rely on His sustaining grace during challenging times of obedience?
Continuing the Journey of Obedience
I want to encourage you to keep seeking the Lord. Spend time daily in His presence through prayer and studying the Bible. Ask Him to give you a heart of willingness to walk in obedience to what He reveals to you.
Remember, you don’t have to perfectly understand or have it all together. Just take those next faithful steps to align your life to God’s ways. He is gracious and will guide you each step of the journey. You can trust Him to be YOUR Good Shepherd!
As you reflect on these principles, consider this: Which step of obedience is God asking you to take TODAY? Is there a command you have been hesitating to follow? Your journey is not a solitary one. The Holy Spirit is your guide.
Now, it’s Time for Action! Respond promptly to God’s call, even with a small act of obedience, and watch your faith grow stronger as you draw closer to the Father’s heart.
May you be abundantly blessed as you continue pursuing lifelong obedience to God. He is faithful to complete the good work He began in you.
I would love to hear how God is speaking to you today! Please share your thoughts and inspirations with us. 💞
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