Before releasing the Word, God showed me a vision of you standing on a football field, and a big ball called ‘frustration‘ was kicked through your gate. There were angels, your ministering spirits there too but they were standing waiting for the Word of God to be released through you. They could not do anything but waiting for you to speak the Word of God.
In Daniel 10, Daniel was given a revelation about the future events. When the vision came to him, he had been in mourning, fasting for 21 days. There was no answer from heaven during these three weeks, then suddenly he saw the man who told him that he was very precious to God and since the first day he began to pray for understanding and humbled himself before his God, his request had been heard in heaven. And the man had come in answer to Daniel’s prayer.
Since the first day Daniel was heard. In Isaiah 65:24 God says that before you even call to Him, your Abba will answer you and while you are still talking about you needs, God will go ahead and answer your prayers!
God has heard the cry of your heart. Before you even uttered your prayer, He has already answered you. You have a greater covenant than Daniel. The finished work of Christ on the Cross!
There was the word of God spoken to your specific situation just recently. You prayed asking the Lord to fulfil the promise. You believed. You trusted. But now not seeing immediate results you have become frustrated.
Prophetic Word:
Here is what the Father says: “My child, I rolled up My sleeves and did all the hard work on the Cross. You do not need to roll up your sleeves to get your blessing. You will not be able to add anything to what has already done.
You can try to work it out and try it hard to get your blessing, but until you understand the fullness of the Cross, you will live in frustration. Your attempts will not get you anywhere. Remember the Cross. For every need, the price was paid for. You are already healed! You are already blessed! You are already delivered! Your relationship is already restored! Tell Me any need and I will tell you: ‘It is paid for and My work is complete.’
Life can bring lots of disappointments, but it will not disappoint you, because My Spirit, your Helper is in you. You might think you are alone but you are not. I have sent my Spirit to comfort you, and to equip you. You have My Spirit who will help you to overcome your frustration. Take heed to what I am saying. There is nothing you cannot overcome. There is nothing. If something is on your way, you know My Word. I said: ‘Speak to the Mountain and it will obey you’. Speak to frustration to leave and it will obey you. Fill yourself with My word. Speak My Word, meditate on My Word. Let My Word rule! Let My Word guard your life!
Do not fear the future, for I am your future. And if I am your future, is there any reason to be fearful of? I have already provided. I have provided for your now needs, and I have provided for your future needs. I know the beginning and the end. And as a Good Father, I will make sure every need of yours is met according to My riches in glory. I shall supply ALL your needs. A big need or a small need – every need is met.
You have My Spirit, you have my angels who work on My behalf, you have My Word, and My authority. Are you lacking anything? Not a thing. You are not a small child, you are my warrior who goes and takes back what was stolen from you. So go forth with My Word, with My Power, with My Authority. You are a Winner, not a loser! You walk in My Victory, but not in frustration!”
Do not be frustrated not seeing immediate results. God is not slow concerning His promises. Do not allow the frustration to rule over your life.
But rule out that frustration. Do not dwell on frustration. Do not talk about frustration. Kick that frustration off your field. And dwell on the promise God has given you. See that promise as a fulfilled promise. Guard the land God has given you. Do not allow anything which is not from the Word of God be on your field. Clear it from all the debris, all frustrations. Do not be kicked by circumstances. You rule out the frustration and live as a child of God Who is your Helper and your Deliverer. Continue trusting God. Continue speaking the Word over your life and you will see your breakthrough.
Helpful Articles:
- Change Your Thoughts – Change Your Life
- You are Not Barren, but Fruitful
- You are Destined for Success
- Life is Short – Make the Most Out of It
- What to Do When You are Under Pressure
Latests Articles:
- Step into a Bright Tomorrow with a New Chapter: Prophetic Word
- Prophetic Blessings: Blessed Going Out and Coming In
- Realignment, Promise and Destiny: Prophetic Word for January & New Year 2024
- Powerful Prophetic Word: A Season of Harvest, Fruitfulness, and Prosperity!
- Rise and Prophesy: Transforming Dry Bones into Life
Amen, God give me the strength to rule out frustration, and help me to hear His voice and direction, all i need is His voice.right now in these desperate times.
Hi Hephzibah Beulah Zion, I love the name. It’s reminded me of the promise from Isaiah 62:4 – She is my delight. You are His delight and you know your Shepherd’s voice. Jesus Himself told us His sheep know His voice, and you too. You know His voice. Also the Lord has given you already His strength. When you see a frustration tries to enter your land, the land God has given you, think of God’s promises for you. Dwell on His Word and that frustration will not be able to settle in your mind because you are filling your mind with the Word of God. Take one or two Scriptures and think about them over and over again until they become a part of you. We will intercede for you. Do NOT give up! Haly