Is God really slow concerning His promises? I have met some Christians asking to pray for them, and the next day they come asking to pray for the same thing again. The prayer was made, the Heavens heard, but we want it now, and be fulfilled the same moment we uttered the prayer. Then in two days, we go to another minister asking to pray for us, then to another. And if nothing happens the next day, or a week later, we become so disheartened and discouraged. We think God has not heard us. We do not say that, but how we react not seeing immediate results is like, “I was expecting it to happen immediately, God. Where are you? Why are you so slow to answer me? I have cried, I have asked others to agree with me in prayer. And still, nothing has happened. Why God? Where are You?” Is God really too slow? Or are we too impatient?
The Lord is not slow to fulfil His promise as some count slowness but is patient toward us. We only think on the level of how it could benefit ‘me’, but God thinks on the level of how it could help you and benefit others at the same time.
I have seen miracles. God can instantly heal, and deliver you. My nephew was born with a ‘hole in his heart’. He was checked regularly and that was his diagnose. There was a school which decided to open a new program for boys only, with military training. We decided to apply to that school. But with my nephew’s heart condition he would not be able to go through a medical check-up. I prayed, laid my hands on his heart, commanded the hole to close, and prayed for a completely healthy heart. He was instantly healed. That was a miracle! Instant miracle! Now my nephew is in another cadet school, which is one of the best ones in the country. There are no problems with his health or heart. He is perfectly well.

In many other instances, there is a process to get the promise. I will give an example of planting and gathering a harvest. In my childhood, I knew how vegetables, fruits grew. My grandma had a huge garden, lots of acres of land. I was helping her out sow all kinds of vegetables, fruits. I was very familiar with sowing.
When I worked and stayed with a Christian organisation, I had a strong desire to grow something. One day I decided to buy tomatoes seeds and sow them just for fun. I think I was missing gardening 🙂 I went for the best name. One type was called ‘money tomatoes’. I see all things prophetically and thought that was a good sign for my future.
I put them into the soil, put the cover on with holes, that they could sprout faster. When they were big enough I planted them in small pots. They grew, I had to re-pot them into bigger pots. They were growing up so fast. I had to take care of them, that they would not break.
Then they were flowering. I was so excited, then I saw small green tomatoes. They grew. I had to take them out of the greenhouse to the sun. But they were not too happy in the corner I placed them. It was too drafty. So I took them into another side of the house. Then I saw them giving a red color. And I with proudness in my heart enjoyed the harvest. They were the work of my labor.
Why am I telling you this story? First of all, when I bought tomatoes seeds, I knew I was going to get tomatoes. They were just small seeds but in my mind, they were not just seeds, they were tomatoes. I did not question myself if I was going to get tomatoes or not. I was 100% confident I would get what I had bought. No questions in my mind. Did it happen overnight? No. There was a process for them to grow up and strengthen themselves in the soil that they could produce fruit. I had to care for them in order to have the harvest.
This story can be as parallel to our prayer seed. When we pray, God hears us. When we pray the seed is sown. But we question this all the time, “ Oh, I do not see a result. God is not answering me. I have not been heard. ” We are so impatient, trying to hurry God. If I hurried my tomatoes, I would just kill the plants. They would produce nothing and would be destroyed by my impatience.
When we pray God hears us, and things start changing for our good. We cannot see it, but things are happening. So, is God slow? No, He is not slow. We have to believe the process. When we planted the prayer seed, we should not have doubts in the One Who is our Provider, Healer, Deliverer. You should believe the seed is sown, and there will be a time to reap the harvest.
One of the fruits of the Spirit is patience. When you pray, you should have confidence in your heart that God surely has listened and has heard your prayer. Do not be discouraged or give up not seeing the results in the beginning. Put your faith in God and Him only, and be fully persuaded that God had the power to do what He had promised. He is a powerful God. Believe in His promises. Trust the process. Believe when you pray God has started the process towards the fulfilment of your miracle. Our Father does not change! He is Good to all! As I cared about tomatoes, God is also caring about your prayer. He is making sure that all things would work for good.

He loves you and He wants to bring healing, restoration, a breakthrough into your life. Believe Him! Do not be tossed and blown about by every wind. Stay on the truth. Trust God’s timing! Walk every day as an overcomer! Believe that God causes everything to work together for your good. (Romans 8:28)
“Therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, waiting patiently for it until it receives the early and latter rain. You also be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand.” James 5:7-8 NKJV
Have you prayed and nothing has happened yet? Are you discouraged or disheartened not seeing the immediate result? Drop your comments and questions regarding your own struggles and experiences while facing them.
Or if you have an answer to your prayer, and would like to encourage us, we would also love to hear from you. Thank you.
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