Revive Me Daily Prophetic Word – You are the Radiance of God’s Glory!

You are the Radiance of Gods Glory - A Woman with a Tambourine

Vision – Playing a Tambourine

Before releasing the word for today, during my prayer time, I saw myself sitting next to Jesus and He gave me a tambourine. I asked, “What do you want me to do with it?” “Go and prophecy over people with the dance”, He answered. I felt quite awkward because I did not play the tambourine like a pro before (only for fun), especially dancing and prophesying. In the vision, I decided to go for it. I played the tambourine, dancing with all my might and strength, and saying the words over people.

After that, Jesus opened His hand and He showed me what was happening to people while I was dancing and prophesying over them. 

There were precious stones in His hand. They did not have colours, looking very sad, depressed. Then, I saw the stones were changing from grey colour to beautiful, radiant colours. Each stone was radiating the light of Christ. “The words you speak are powerful, Jesus said. Every word you said brought the radiance of My glory upon every person.”

Your Words are Powerful

The Scripture He reminded me of was from Exodus 15:20-22. Miriam the prophet, took a tambourine and she and other women played and danced. And Miriam sang the song, “Sing to the Lord, for he has triumphed gloriously; he has hurled both horse and rider into the sea.”

Your words are powerful. What are you prophesying over yourself, your job, your body, your children, your future? You are a prophet in your home. Start decree and declare the words of revival, not a failure. 

Do not allow your enemy to triumph over you. Jesus has triumphed gloriously over all your enemies. Release the words of faith into your life and look at how your situation is going to be changed from a dull, depressing colour to a vibrant, full of light colours.

Prophetic Word

Here is what the Father says, “My child, is there anything too hard for Me to accomplish? You think everyone has left you and you are alone fighting your battles. Would I leave you with bare hands and not give you My advice? You are fighting with the shadows of abuse, pain and depression. They are the shadows of your past. They came illegally, rooted themselves into your core being. 

My advice seems very simple, but I love simplicity. I am giving you the weapon. It is ‘Praise”. Praise can slay every bitter word, every painful experience, every disappointment. I advise you not to follow your emotions. When you raise the voice to heaven, your inner being will open the ears, will start following you and take the direction you are leading your inner being to. 

Do not view your short-lived troubles as ‘you missed your chance’. Do not focus your attention on what is seen, but let your whole being focus on what is unseen. In the eternal realm, there is no depression, sickness, hatred. That’s where you need to focus your attention on. 

Prepare yourself to live in the realm of the supernatural! Get ready for a change! Your God, who saves, will come and rescue you from every trap of the enemy, deliver you and protect you from deadly disease. As Miriam danced before Me, celebrating the victory, you too will celebrate your victory with the dance! As you dance and speak life – you will express the radiance of My glory. You are My glory! As Christ is, so you are!”

Shalom & Blessings!

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