There is exciting news, TRANSFER OF WEALTH is on the horizon!
I was seeking the Lord about July prophetic word. During the last few weeks, God was talking to me about wealth. I am not that person who likes talking about money, but this year God is talking about wealth more than ever. God wants to bless His people, but… we need to SEEK HIM most and foremost. If we do that, everything else will be given to us abundantly. We need to constantly chase after God’s Kingdom and His righteousness, His way of doing and being right. (Matthew 6:33) This is our main focus.
Last Saturday I was walking near the Bank Station area, where commercial buildings and businesses are. Then God put my attention at “Gherkin” building and told me to go there. I did not know why God was sending me to that place. We just have to be obedient and do what He asks us to do. Obedience will lead you to a blessing.
There were many people around the building as it was Saturday. Then I had the word which I shared with my friends on Instagram and Facebook, “I speak a financial breakthrough in your life. You SHALL prosper! Amen.”
I thought that was it, Gherkin’s business finished. But Father thought differently. On Saturday He told me He did not finish the business and asked me to go there again and proclaim the Scripture from Proverbs 13:22 “the sinner’s wealth passes to the godly.” and Job 27:17 “Though he heaps up silver like dust and piles up clothing like clay, he may prepare it, but the just will wear it, and the innocent will divide the silver.”
I visited the commercial London’s primary financial district on Sunday and proclaimed Proverbs 13:22 for us, the godly, the righteous. You can check out this proclamation in the video. Also, at the entrance, I saw two letters – W and M. And I started proclaiming: WEALTH is MINE! WEALTH is MINE! Of course, you were all included in this proclamation.
I believe there will be a transfer of wealth from the wicked to the righteous, to you in these last days. God told to Israelites to take gold, silver, clothes, on their departure. Israelites were slaves, but they left Egypt as a wealthy nation. Maybe that’s how you describe your life right now – slave and poor, but God is going to lead you out of with wealth.
In the book of Nahum 2:9 it says: “Loot the silver! Plunder the gold! There’s no end to Nineveh’s treasures— its vast, uncounted wealth.”
Condition to Wealth
God is going to do wealth transfer, but not for you to build your own Babylon, to stuff yourself with more staff. God wants to bless you, but God’s main desire is that you will bring your free offerings to:
1. Build His Kingdom
Help His kingdom grow, building orphanages, buying homes to those who do not have homes; supporting Kingdom ministries, building new hospitals where people will be touched by God’s power and leave healed… There is no end to God’s work here on this earth.
It is not about ‘us’ my friend. If you concentrate only about ‘me’, this is the most miserable life you could ever live. Go and be the one who is supporting the work of God wherever you can.
Israelites are good examples. They continued to bring freewill offerings to the Lord morning after morning until the skilled workers who were doing all the work on the tabernacle asked Moses to tell people not to bring anymore. They already had more than enough to do all the work. Exodus 36:3b-7
Let us bring to the house not just a bit, not just enough, but more than enough.
2. God Wants You to Support Strangers, Widows, and Orphans.
“The LORD watches over the foreigner and sustains the fatherless and the widow”. Psalm 146:9; “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” James 1:27
“You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.” – Dale Carnegie
Let us be imitators of Jesus Christ. He went doing good, and let us go, doing good to others.
3. Ask the Lord What You Shall Do.
This is the time for new ideas, new inventions, or old ideas but making them into new. Ask the Lord and He will answer you and tell you great, unsearchable, remarkable things you do not know. (Jeremiah 33:3) There are still many unsearchable things. Ask the Lord to reveal them to you. Then…
4. ACT!
This is not sitting and waiting time. Take the idea and make it real. If God gives you an idea, then you will be able to achieve.
Do not rely on what you have, but rely on what God has.
The transfer of wealth surely will come. As the transfer is coming, let us go doing good. God will give you small, and if you are faithful in small things, He will give you more and more and…
“Your gates will always stand open,
they will never be shut, day or night,
so that people may bring you the wealth of the nations—
their kings led in triumphal procession.” – Isaiah 60:11
Here is a Relevant Prophetic Word – “Way to Prosperity” from Revive Me Daily Prophetic Word.
Do you have the same word, “Transfer of Wealth”? Did God speak to you through this message? Please leave the comment below. I would love to hear from you.
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I believe this is from God. I have been experiencing this in my life. God is opening financial doors for those who are investing in His kingdom, Amen.
WOW! Glory to Jesus! Thank your for sharing.
You are spot on, i have received the same message and i have already prayed about it for the body of Christ also. Watch this space and see what the Lord has already done. praise God,praise God praise God praise God amen
Thank you for sharing and confirming that Wealth is on horizon.? I am watching and preparing. Thank You Father! ?