Lately, I have been writing a lot about God’s promises of comfort, confidence, and strength when going through storms in life. God also told me we should learn from eagles this season (Isaiah 40:31). God makes it clear – hard times will come. Yet at the same time, He repeatedly reassures us that He will be with us through it all.
He will lift us up and bear us through, even when the winds rage and the waters rise. The message is consistent: trials will come, but God’s presence and power to carry us will remain constant too.
When Challenges Arise, We Must Prepare to Meet Them
In recent days, we indeed have all been shaken by the uncertainty and difficulties in the world. One day, things seem stable; the next day tragedy strikes. As Christians, how do we rise above the storm when life feels out of control?
God does not promise that believers will be spared from hard times. In fact, His Word warns us that in this world we will have trouble (John 16:33). But we are also given the beautiful promise that in the midst of the storm, God will lift us up on eagles’ wings (Isaiah 40:31). He will be our comfort and strength, our ever-present help in times of trouble (Psalm 46:1).
Life can be difficult. We all face challenges, setbacks, and painful experiences. As Christians, how should we respond when we are going through hard times? Here is the most important suggestion:
Look to God, My Friend
God will give us comfort and confidence to rise above the storms of life. During seasons of hardship, it is natural to feel shaken and to wonder if the difficult times will ever end. But dear friend, take heart. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). He will carry you through the deep waters.
Run to Him as your strong tower and refuge from the storm (Psalm 61:3). Pour out your heart to Him. Hold nothing back. Surrender every anxious thought to Him, trusting that God cares deeply and will never leave you alone (1 Peter 5:7).
Remember, this storm has not taken God by surprise. He promises to make all things work together for good for those who love Him (Romans 8:28).
Though you feel unsteady, your Lord remains solid ground. Let Him be your comfort. Let His words be your shelter. God promises everlasting, unconditional love and limitless grace. Let His voice drown out the lies of the enemy. Listen instead to the Truth.
You are safe in God’s hands. None can snatch you away (John 10:28-29). Fix your eyes on Jesus, not on the stormy seas. He is reaching out His hand to save you, just as He reached out to sinking Peter (Matthew 14:30-31). His strength is made perfect in your weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). Cry out to Him. He hears you. Your prayers are never in vain.

May you feel empowered in the face of life’s difficulties. May you find strength, courage, and perseverance when trials arise.
May you draw inspiration from those who have overcome before you. May you never lose faith in yourself or in the goodness of life.
You have reserves of strength and resilience you have not yet tapped into. The path forward may not be clear, but you have all you need within you. You are surrounded by love! You are never alone! Keep going! Keep Believing!
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