I am walking through your neighbourhood and speak the word ‘peace’ into each household. You asked Me to do that. You asked Me to come and bring peace into your neighbourhood. I am doing it right now and I am enjoying that. Your heart is so filled with love towards your neighbours. Your love has moved Me. You think My thoughts. You desire what I desire. How can I leave them without the protection? There are so many walking with no covering, no protection over their lives. That was their past. I am about to do something marvellous. They will hunger for the truth and the Truth will set them free. They will seek the shelter. And here I am ready to receive them. I am stirring their hearts to run to Me and when they run they shall be saved.
As I am walking, I look through your window and see you. I am not an uninvited guest. I know I am always welcomed at your home. And what shall I do? Shall I go for others and leave your house unattended? I am entering your home, your house, your family. I am reaching your household too. My favour is upon you. You will walk in My favour. Wherever you go, you will find My favour. The doors of new opportunities are wide open and you will enter in. You will find the true meaning of life. You will see your family returning back to Me. Your house will be filled with laughter, with unspeakable joy. You will be called blessed and you will be filled because you hunger for righteousness. You shall laugh. Did you hear that? My daughter Sarah laughed when she received the son of the promise. You shall laugh, for you are about to receive the promise.”
Helpful Resources:
- You are not Barren but Fruitful
- Rule Out Frustration | Prophetic Word
- God will Turn it Around for Your Good
- You Have Sown – Time to Gather in Abundance
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? John 11:40: Jesus said to her, “Did I not say to you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” You will see the glory of God, Liz.
Amen, Amen and Amen in Jesus name. Thank you Daddy God for this confirmation of your word and promise in Jesus name, Amen. God bless you Haly.
Amen. Thank You Father. ?