The Father is saying, “Is God delaying the promises? The question was not correct. I do not delay. I am always ready to deliver on My promises. The question should be, “Are you ready to receive?” I am always ready. Are you ready?
The promise is delayed not because I want to withhold it from you. It’s because the wounds of your past are withholding you from receiving it. They restrain and restrict you to receive what I have promised. That’s why it says I do not want anyone to be destroyed. What I want is that everyone will turn away from following his own path and turn to My path.
I do not want you to be hurt. You have been hurt already. My desire, to see you restored that you will be ready and able to receive and carry on with the promise. Is your desire to have a short moment of a sparkly life or do you want to be always on fire, radiating with the glow of My Spirit?
You past caused lots of damages to your soul. Would I put more on you, seeing a high risk of burnout? Of course not. Trust Me and My lead, I know what would be the best for you for this moment. I offer you a resting place, a place of peace and tranquillity. I will come and quiet your fears. I will restore you, steering you off painful, hard paths to roads where you will find truth, healing, wholeness, righteousness.
Do not be afraid to see a delay. It does not matter how long it takes, but how open you are to receive the restoration. It is a building up your inner man time and the process is as valuable as outcome. You will be filled with excitement. The path will become smoother, the way will become lighter. You are ready to go and achieve what you have been longing for. Your enthusiasm will keep your passion always on fire. Even when you go through darkness, fear will never conquer you. I am your protection, your guide, your comforter, and there is nothing to fear.
So, am I delaying? Certainly not. When you look around you might think the promise is delayed, but when you know that you are loved and every detail of your life will fit into My perfect plan for you, bringing only good, then you can be reassured that you have been called and you will fulfil your purpose according to My design!”
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