The Father is saying, “Come boldly to My throne, My child. Come reassured that I am not just sitting on the throne and doing nothing. I am Your Father, Who sits on the throne of your heart and Who is concerned about every step you take.
I do not expect you to hide behind the bushes as Adam did. Come boldly out of the bushes which are your self-security and bring your concerns, your worries to Me.
I am the Masterpiece of your life. What I do and create no one can duplicate. You look at your life then you look at others and see something is not complete, something is still missing. All pieces are there, but your thoughts are leading you to nowhere. They are telling you that voidness is unavoidable.
Do you remember Me creating the World without form, which was void and dark? Yes, I was there in the middle of it. I know how the darkness looks. When you are in the midst of the darkness, you see nothing. When I am in the midst of the darkness nothing is hidden from Me.

It may look like you are going through the dark times and you do not see a way forward, but I am Your God Who has invited you to come to My throne with boldness. You do not see, but I do see. You do not understand, but My understanding is unsearchable. You don’t get it but there is the One with You Who has got it.
You look to the left, to the right and there is no place to give you that security and freedom. Those are the wrong places to look on. But if you look deep within, you will find that with you, there is the Greatest. With you, there is the One Who will give you peace, joy and love. With you, there is the One Who has got the answer. With you, there is the One, Who goes with you and brings victory.
You may look somewhere else. You may search for someone to heal the emptiness and void. But there on the road, I am still with you. I can’t forget My covenant, My words concerning you. Even if you may experience some bumps on the road – hear what I say, “My joy is you. And I will keep every promise I’ve ever made to you!”
Yes, there may be some delays, but I know how to make all things work for your good. Yes, there may be some dark times, but I see the way ahead.
Come to Me and give Me the right to direct your life, and as you trust Me along the way, I will do what needs to be done and provide for you what you desire the most.”
I hope this word has encouraged you. If you have any questions, thoughts or story to share, please leave your message in the comments below. Thank you. Shalom, Haly.
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