Before releasing the word, I was reminded of a story about Peter. Jesus was walking on the water and Peter wanted to do the same. He wanted to have the same experience as Jesus had. He wanted the same feeling walking on the waves as Jesus had. Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, if it is really You, then command me to meet You on the water.” Jesus answered him to come and meet Him. So, here he was – walking. People try to windsurf on the waves, but Peter was walking on the waves. I wonder what was he thinking when he stepped out of a boat and started walking. What was his feeling? Was he full of adrenaline? Maybe he remembered Moses and the Israelites where the waters departed into both sides that allowed people to go through? But Peter was in a different dimension. He did something no human had never done before. Against all natural physics, he was walking on the water. He was a fisherman, in a boat many times, but then he was out of the boat, to feel what Jesus felt, to experience what Jesus experienced. Probably the excitement came – water could hold him!!!
God is taking you into a new adventure with Him. Peter experienced something new. You too, you will discover new things in Christ by the Holy Spirit. Water is the Holy Spirit. You will not only immerse into water, but you walk on water. This is a new level, new dimension and God will take you there if you want to. It is based not on how many years you are a Christian, it is based on your hunger and desire to do what Jesus did. This level is for those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, who have a good appetite for God, who seek the Kingdom of God and who desire seeing spiritual manifestations in their lives and in the lives of others. This level is not for a religious mindset. Religion will sink you. This level is not for the fearful. Fear will sink you. Are you bold enough to ask Jesus to command you to do the impossible? Peter was bold, he asked. Other disciples were in the boat, but Peter took the step of faith and got out of the boat. Are you willing to step out and leave your mindset boundaries, your boat, and walk as Jesus walked, see what Jesus saw, do what Jesus did? If you do, you will be surrounded with fruitfulness. You will be blessed. Wherever you go, you will be successful and fruitful because you desire God and what God has more than others.
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