Genesis 1:2: “The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep.”
Would it be sad if it’s finished with the words without form, and void, and darkness was on the face of the deep and no story after that?
God Has a Plan
We all go through tough times. Maybe now you feel the void, emptiness in you and around you. Maybe your life is formless right now. You don’t know your future, or you don’t understand things of God.

You prayed and prayed and there was no answer. Here in this verse, there is no answer. God was not talking here, but it continues, “And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.”
Hey, it’s not finished yet. God sees those formless places. He sees your formless life. He sees your void and emptiness. He sees the dark places which have surrounded you.
The Comforter is With You
But in this verse, God is saying to us that there is hope. The Holy Spirit is hovering over your life right now, where you are. The waters represent the Word of God. God is sending His Word into your life and by the power of the Holy Spirit, He is going to change your situations.
We can stay where we are or we can remind ourselves of this verse when Jesus promised us the Holy Spirit. “I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever”. (John 14:16)
Forever! Not for a second and then He leaves. FOREVER!
The Holy Spirit is in your life, in you, around you hovering over, making sure that the Word of God is going to be fulfilled. God has sent His Holy Spirit as your Helper, Advocate, Provider, Comforter.
Romans 8:11, “The Holy Spirit raised Jesus from the dead. If the same Holy Spirit lives in you, He will give life to your bodies in the same way.”
Those dark, formless, void places are for a short time. They are and they are not. But the Holy Spirit continues His work, making sure what God said about you, or to you, is fulfilled.
We Live by FAITH
It’s difficult when we do not see the Holy Spirit, but we live by faith and not by sight. Live by faith, believing that things are forming in your life. Live by faith, believing that the dark places are fleeing. Live by faith, believing that the void is destroyed by the power of the Holy Spirit.
The Word of God is coming into your life, into your house, into your jobs, into your family. The power of the Holy Spirit is there. If you say you are by yourself it’s a lie.
It’s easy when we touch and we see with our eyes what God is doing. The disciples saw Jesus healing, walking on the water, lots of miracles. They could touch Him, talk to Him, but one day Jesus said to His disciples that it was best for them that He went away, because if He didn’t, the Advocate wouldn’t come. But if Jesus went away, then He would send Him to us.
Probably the cry of our hearts would be, “Nooooo. Don’t go, Jesus. Don’t leave us. Stay. I want to continue this journey of You being around.”
But God had a better plan. Jesus could heal, touch a few, but the Spirit of God is hovering over all the earth, touching, healing, reviving, restoring, teaching, strengthening, encouraging the nations and the people of nations.
The Father is Saying
“Tune to the move of My Spirit. Changing a direction is not the main factor. Changing a place is not the end result. But changing the way how you listen will bring you to a place of contentment.
My Spirit is moving. Can you hear His movement? Can you feel His presence? Can you grasp His power? He is the One who pushed back the waters and made the way to Israel. He is the One Who led Joshua into victory. He is the One Who gave Solomon wisdom and very great discernment. He is the One Who empowers you for good works. And He is the One Who raised Christ from the dead! Do you need another proof?
You know I have power, and I am able to change, to heal, to mend, to direct and turn any situation around. Any! You may find it difficult to believe, but that does not upset Me. I know that My Spirit will guide you to the truth and will show you what is right and what is wrong. I do not need to convince you. My Spirit will teach you and give you the comfort and love you need.
This life can give you lots of unpleasant surprises. Shall you worry? Will it help you if you do? Will it defend you or provide for you? You know the answers. If I am alone is your safe place, your defender and your shield, why do you trouble yourself with worry? Why would you let worry paralyze you?
But the hour is coming when you lift your head, look up and say, “God, I am not worried about anything.” You will be confident in Me and fearless.
My Spirit will not leave you in your worries. My Spirit is the Power that sustains and energizes. As My Spirit was moving upon the face of the waters, He will continue moving upon your life and carry My word on to perfect completion.”
The Holy Spirit is hovering over your life and by His power the Word of God is going to be fulfilled, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.
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Dear Haly,
Thank you so much for these blessed words of encouragement. It is exactly what I needed to hear at this time in my life. I am in my early 70’s and sometimes find myself thinking that I have missed my path, that I have not discerned God’s will for my life. I always find encouragement in your posts but this message in particular has been a real comfort to me. Thank you and God bless you for your faithfulness to the Word and to your prophetic calling.
Blessings to you, Antonia.
I’m so glad this ministered to you. God’s grace is so abundant! Praise God that you are tuning into the Holy Spirit’s voice in your life! Each of us has got our own destiny. We always think that we have not done enough. What we need to do is to have peace that God will fulfil His work in us and through us. The Holy Spirit will lead you where you need to be or to go and what you need to do, or… maybe not to do, but just enjoy your fellowship with the Father.
The life on the earth is to enjoy. Then, ENJOY! 🙂
May the Lord give you peace!
Love and blessings,