This a prophetic word for February 2020 – Jehovah Remembers and Will Bless at the Appointed Time.
We are approaching great and wonderful things of God in our lives and also globally. Starting from February and in the following months, we will see some prophetic words given to Zechariah come to pass in our lives.

Book of Zechariah – The Now Prophetic Book
This month the Lord was pointing me to the book of Zechariah. In the 1st chapter, verse 1 it says, “…The word of the Lord came unto Zechariah, the son of Berechiah, the son of Iddo the prophet.”
There are three names which have significant meanings for the future prophecies over your life and nations, especially Israel.
Zechariah means, “Yah remembers”; Berechiah means, “Yah blesses” or “Blessed by Yah”; Iddo means, “Timely”, “At the Appointed Time”.
Prophetically it will sound, “Jehovah remembers and will bless you at the appointed time.”
Previous years we were carrying the vision, dreams, desires in our hearts. We experienced lots of heat. The Lord is encouraging you, that what was sown in the past was not in vain. Yes, it was not easy, but Yah remembers! Those prophetic words which were spoken over you were not forgotten by Jehovah.

God Has Not Forgotten You
The Jews and Zerubbabel, their political leader, had returned from a seventy-year captivity and thought they were forgotten. They went through “silence time.” In a dry season, maybe you thought you were forgotten by God, but the Lord is saying to you that He has not forgotten you. God remembers every promise He has made to you, to your family.
We are in the time when God is going to remind you of your past prophetic words. He will come to you and say, “Hey, I remember! Do you remember what I said in 2017? Do you remember what I said 20 years ago? Those things which were forgotten will come to your remembrance, not to tease you, but to please you, to reassure you that you will be blessed in God’s timely order, at the appointed time. The appointed time is not somewhere there in the far future. The appointed time is not going to tarry. The appointed time is now!
The Eleventh Month – Shevat

We have entered the eleventh month of the ecclesiastical year on the Hebrew calendar, called – Shevat or Shvat, the month of renewal and rebirth.
The first mention of this month was in Zechariah 1:7. In the month of Shevat in a single night, God gave Zechariah 8 visions.
God will remind you of your past prophetic words, but He will also tell you the continuation, the future prophetic words. This month is when you will receive God’s revelation about your future. God is going to renew your past visions and rebirth the new ones.
The Meaning of Number 11
Maybe you heard from some resources that number 11 is not a good number. Its meaning speaks about the disorder, lack or incompleteness. The enemy perverse everything. He always takes what is God’s, change it, reverse it, and then implement it as his own. In the occult, numbers are very important and 11 is one of them.
But for us, number 11 is an ‘awake’ number. In the eleventh month, Zechariah received visions to the leaders. Through those visions, God awoke Zerubbabel, political leader from his sleep.

The incense had 11 spices. In the Bible, only 4 were mentioned. But through generations Jews believed there were 11 spices, 4 were written by Moses and 7 were communicated orally to Moses. Galbanum was one of them. It created a stronger sweet smell and brought the incense to its full potential. Galbanum is so strong that if a person is rubbed with it, the snake will avoid him. Isn’t it God amazing? Jesus taught us to pray, “Deliver us from the evil one.” Galbanum was not just a spice. It speaks about God’s deliverance from evil. Galbanum awakes the incense!
Number 11 awakes dreams, awakes visions, awakes your journey. God will give you more understanding of your future and its significance and will bring you to a full potential which you have in Christ Jesus. You will be trampling on serpents, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you. During this month you shall receive the blessings from your Heavenly Father.
BUT… There are a Few Things We Have to be Aware of:
A Battle will Come.
If you think that the devil will leave you alone, think again. You always need to be on your guard.
Like this happened to Zerubbabel and Jews. Upon their arrival to Jerusalem, they were so enthusiastic to rebuild the temple. They began well, but after one year, they had given up. Instead of continuing the work, they started building their own houses.
Why did they give up? They faced:

- Internal opposition – negativity, doubt, disappointment, fear, insecurity. They had a devision within their own ranks.
- External opposition – God is not good, you are not good, your future is not good, the church is not good. They were intimidated by their enemies.
Maybe it’s you? You have doubts, fear, insecurity, negativity within. Maybe you listen to the news, listen to negative reports, negative people who say to you, “Why do you think God cares? Look how many casualties. Where is your God? And who do you think you are? The future is going to be worse, not better. Look at your pastor, your church is bad and you are not an angel.”
That’s what happened to Zerubbabel. The call or vision can thrive or die. In Zerubbabel’s case, it died. He lost the battle. The work of rebuilding the temple stopped for 16 years.
What Shall Our Response Be?

The Lord had given Zerubbabel the best advice!
· Come Near to God
Zechariah 1:3 “Return to Me, and I will return to you,” says the Lord of hosts.”
Does it echo the verse from James 4:8, “Come near to God and He will come near to you”?
That’s an invitation and God’s promise. God wants to reassure you that when you come close, He will always respond.
· Remind Yourself of those Visions, Dreams
It’s always good to write your visions, dreams, words down and read them again, especially when you are discouraged.
· Look at the Cross!
The enemy is a liar, but the Cross says it all! The Cross speaks of who you are. The Cross speaks who God is. The Cross speaks what your promises are.
God Will Never Leave You
Even Zerubbabel lost his battle and stopped the rebuilding of the temple, which lasted for 16 years, the Lord did not give up on him.
God had revived, renewed Zerubbabel’s passion by sending two prophets: Zechariah and Haggai. Those two prophets reignited his devotion, restarted his conviction, awoke his passion.
The Lord will not give up on you, too. He will not leave you but will be with you. I hope this prophetic word will do exactly like that. It will:
- Awake you and your nation
- Reignite you and your nation
- Restart your life and your nation
And I would like to encourage you with this verse, the verse God encouraged Zerubbabel with:
“So he (God) answered and said to me: This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the Lord of hosts.” – Zechariah 4:6 (NKJV)
Your strength, your power will not be enough, but His Spirit will be!
Shevat is the month to shout, “My blessings are on the way!” SHOUT, “MY BLESSINGS ARE ON THE WAY!”
Jehovah remembers you and He will bless you timely, at the appointed time! Do not give up. Stay Strong and continue building your dream by God’s Spirit. Amen.
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Good Morning from U.S. Georgia. My name is Camille. I just want to say that my spirit resonates with this. The Lord has had me up early praying and sitting in His presence. For a while I felt that my prayer life was or had waxed cold. However, God is revisiting me! I love and I dont’ want to leave. I am in the process of writing a book and God just instructed me to open up all the folders of information that I had written down. All of the dreams of programs, classes and business. I am looking forward to God moving on my behalf. It has taken courage to step out and get out of my comfort zone and trust God. I will continue to meditate on this! Thanks so much. God Bless you.
Don’t you have a prophetic mentorship class or group?
WOW, Camille! I am so exited what the Lord is going to do in your life! I pray you will have courage to fulfil the work God has put in your heart. He is faithful and by God’s Spirit, you will be able to achieve ALL and MORE!
About prophetic mentorship class – we are working on it! Our future projects 🙂 Thanks for asking.
May the Lord bless you abundantly, above what you ask!
Keep in touch!
Wanted to share a link to my English poems to you, as I’ve been enjoying your you tube talks = )
God bless and have JOY in the year 2020! As I’m sure you will = )
I link my sound cloud also below, as there would’ve been a place to the previous one = )… i hope you like…
Hi Päivi, May this year you will be filled with LIFE, God’s abundant LIFE! I pray you experience the fullness!
Stay blessed! Haly
Awesome word , today for 2/20/2020 for my wife and I for our 38th wedding anniversary . We continue to stand for the promises of God in our lives and his blessing to continue ! Rod and Tina.
Happy wedding 38 years Anniversary, Rod and Tina! One of the meaning of number 38 is to spring up or issue forth, to flow; to produce; together; alike; all together. Together you are strong, In Isaiah 43:19 the Lord is saying, “ See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” It SPRINGS UP or come into existence; take on form or shape. Glory to God! Enjoy productivity in the years to come!