Cast your cares on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken. – Psalm 55:22 (NIV)
If you don’t take charge of your life, you will never get ahead in life. That is something most of us have heard time and again. While it is true that we need to take charge of our lives, we need to be careful not to allow the issues of life to take centre stage. World experts say that we are the masters of our lives, but the truth is JESUS is the Master. You need to learn how to let go and trust God in all areas.
It could be that your life has been getting out of control. You are worried because you don’t know what to do next. Maybe you have been trying to be the master of your life, but things have not worked out as you planned. If anything, things have gone south, and life looks bleak right now. You have lost your peace because you don’t know how to get out of that fix or how God will make a way where there is no way.
Well, you can choose to stress about everything that is happening, or you can choose to trust God no matter what. If you think worrying is better than trusting, know that worry will not change the situation you’re in (Luke 12:25).
Letting go and trusting God, on the other hand, will:
• Enable You to Focus on God

It is difficult to enjoy the great things God has planned out for you when you’re busy worrying about the issues of life. God wants to take care of all your burdens. He never forsakes the righteous. But for Him to do that, you need to, first of all, let go and let God take care of all the things that you’re going through.
Yes, it is hard to do so. We love to be in charge of everything that is happening in our lives. Sadly, we are not capable of handling everything that life throws at us. We are limited, so there are lines that we cannot cross. Trusting God will take the pressure off you, and you will be able to handle what life throws at you objectively because your mind will be on the Lord.
• Closes the Doors for the Enemy in our Lives

The enemy cannot defeat a peaceful Christian. That is why he tries to shift our focus from God to all the things going wrong in our lives. Jesus said that we should not let our hearts be troubled (John 14:27). So it is up to us to ensure that our hearts are peaceful.
When you cast your burden to God, you’re, in essence, saying, “Lord, I can’t, but you can.” When you do so, you lock the enemy out of that situation that he wanted to stress and confuse you. Do not open up doors for the enemy by worrying about things that you cannot change. God knows how to take care of your situation, but you need to let go and cast all your burdens on Him. But you may ask,
How does One Let Go and Trust God?
1. Surrender your Burdens to God
At times we think we are more capable of handling our issues faster than God. Other times we believe that our problems are either too small or big for God to handle. So we try to do things our way. But here’s the thing: nothing, whether big or small, escapes God. He knows how to handle that situation, but you need to surrender it to Him.
Surrender means placing it in God’s hands and leaving it there. Do not hand your burden to God and then pick it up tomorrow. Leave it there and focus on God. Just so we are clear, casting your burdens on God does not mean that you don’t do anything. It doesn’t mean you stop praying about that situation.
If it is business-related, it doesn’t mean that we stop doing that business. If it is a job, and your boss is frustrating you, surrendering to God does not mean not going to work. All it means is that you need to leave that situation to God. Surrender your boss or business to God and believe that He’s working out things for you. Show up for work and do your best while expecting God to show you what to do.
When Paul and Silas were flogged and jailed, they did not quit preaching the gospel. They surrendered their situation to the Lord. Paul and Silas did not let the challenges they faced stop them from fulfilling their calling. They surrendered, singing praises to God during the most challenging time of their ministry. (Acts 16:16-40)
2. Trust the Process

Now, just because you’ve surrendered whatever is burdening you to God does not mean that everything will become perfect immediately. If anything, the situation may worsen. This is because we have an enemy that is keen on destroying our faith. He is never happy when we focus on our Heavenly Father, and that is why he keeps on throwing things our way so that we can focus on self. When the enemy realizes that you are focusing on God instead of your situation, he will try to do everything possible in the physical realm to make things worse for you so that you can focus on your burden. He will do anything to cause you to pick up whatever you had surrendered to God and try to use your own abilities to solve it.
The Bible tells us to be vigilant. Our enemy walks around like a roaring lion looking for who to devour (1 Peter 5:8). Be careful and watch out for his tricks so that he may not devour you. Put your trust in God and believe that everything will work out for your own good. You may not like the answer to your prayer after you’ve cast your burden to the Lord but remember that God is all-knowing, and He has your best interests at heart.
3. You Don’t Need Big Faith
Most of us don’t get what we are praying for because we focus on how big or small our faith is instead of Jesus and what He did for us on the Cross. The truth is, if you put all your focus on your faith, you will find it hard to hold onto the promises of God, and letting go will be so hard for you. We are not perfect in and of ourselves, but we have Jesus, our perfect representation. When God looks at you, He sees Jesus because He is Lord and Saviour of your life.
Please keep on believing in God and fix your eyes on Jesus, knowing that He is a true representation of your faith and not just that but He is your advocate before God. Do not try to look for great faith. Jesus said all we need is faith as a mustard seed, and we can move mountains and remember God has already given us a measure of faith (Romans 12:3). So, use your mustard seed faith to trust in God and wait patiently on Him as it takes care of your burden.
4. Don’t Get Disappointed with God
There are times when we ask God for things or expect Him to answer a certain way, but the answers we get don’t meet our expectations. We need to be very careful so that we do not get disappointed with God. There are also times when we get disappointed with God because our answers are taking too long. We surrender our burdens to God but give Him a time frame within which to answer those prayers.
God does not work that way. He is not limited by time, so He’s never too early but is never too late. He knows all your needs, but He also knows the right time to fulfil those needs. Do not get disappointed with Him and quit just yet. Keep holding on and believing that He will come through no matter what, and He will come through the best way He knows how to.
Final Thoughts
Our Heavenly Father wants to take care of all of our burdens. He knows that we are limited and that we cannot handle things in this world without Him. That is why He encourages us in His word to cast all your burdens on Him. Honestly, worrying about our burdens and trying to take care of them all by ourselves only causes us to be frustrated. But when we surrender to Him and trust the process that He takes us through, we end up becoming restful, and we also give Him the chance to sustain us.
Our Father cares about our burdens, whether big or small, and He is readily available to take care of them. So quit trying to do things your way and hand all your burdens to the Lord. Most of all, believe that He’s taking care of your issue. That way, you will not end up being disappointed in Him.
Is there anything you’ve been striving with these past few days, weeks, or months that you need to cast to God, but you have been second-guessing yourself? Please search your heart and be very honest with yourself. If there is an issue that you’re struggling with, let go and God. We serve a faithful God who never forsakes the righteous.
The Lord WILL HELP you through the process!
I hope the word has encouraged you and lifted your spirit. If you have any questions, thoughts or story to share, please leave your message in the comments below.
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Thank You so much for the Latest Article on “Let go and Trust God”. Sometime I get so involved in my “Earthly Life ” that I get caught up in the “Worries” of this World.
Thanks for this little “Jolt” of reality and reminder that God is in control. Amen
Hi Solomon,
I can understand you. A renewal of the mind that’s what we all need. When our minds are renewed than we are not bound by earthly affairs.
When our minds are renewed – we will think like Christ and Act like Christ. We will learn to know God’s will for us, which is GOOD and PELASING and PERFECT.
We all want that, don’t we? It all starts in our mind.
We send our blessings and prayers!