When things are going okay in our lives, it is easy to trust God. But how about when we encounter challenges and shattered dreams, do we still think that He is in control? If we are going to grow in our faith, we have to trust God with our lives and remember that He takes care of us even when we don’t think He is.
God is a loving Father who wants to see us live righteous lives that honor Him, and this requires us to trust Him along the journey of life. A lot of things don’t make sense to us, but we can trust that God is walking with us every step of the way.
To trust God with our lives means that we should rely on Him completely and not rely on our own opinions or never depend upon your own ideas. God has given us life, and He must get credit for everything we accomplish. When we trust God with our lives, He has promised to lead us in every decision we make. (Proverbs 3:5-6)
How to Trust God with Your Life
If we are going to trust in God, then we need to do so with all our hearts. This way, we leave no room for the doubts that threaten to overcome us when things don’t seem to go the way we want. If you are looking for how to trust God with your life, there are things you can start doing today.
1. Believe God has the Best Plan for your Life
Sometimes your best-laid plans fail, and you feel like you have veered off the right path in life. Many times life doesn’t make sense and especially in the difficult seasons. But one thing we can remember is that God had a plan for you before you were born (Jeremiah 29:11). You can rest in the truth that God’s plan for your life is grand, and it will turn out as He desires, as long as you trust Him.
When you plan your life without God, you can never be sure that you are headed in the right direction. It’s easy to be carried away by trends or what the world thinks you should do with your life, but that cannot compare with what God wants for you. Trusting God with your life means that you leave the planning to Him and obey the instructions He gives you.
2. Ask God for Help
We need God’s help daily, and He is ready to be an ever-present help even when trouble comes knocking (Psalm 46:1). He is your refuge and strength, and you don’t have to worry about anything. Put your trust in God’s ability to help you through any struggles you may be encountering in life today.
God’s help is not only for when we are in trouble but in all situations, even the good ones. He is not a distant God somewhere there, Who may help you when you need Him most. He is your friend, and as a good friend, He wants to be involved in every area of your life.
You can come to Him with any need, be it small or big. There is nothing too small for you to ask God to do. This is why you can trust Him with your life because He cares about every little detail about it.
You can also come to Him when you do not have a need. That’s what friendship is all about. You do not come to your friends only when you have problems, do you? Usually, we enjoy fellowship at any time, during hard times or fun times.
“A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are.” Bernard Meltzer
God is our best Friend – He is reliable and trustworthy. He is the One Who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way are. You can rest in Him, knowing that He will never disappoint you. Your life is safe in His mighty hands.
3. Avoid Anxiety
Many things make us anxious in life because we cannot control everything that happens to us. It’s not possible to know what will happen in the next minute or tomorrow. This calls for trusting God with your life because no matter what comes your way, He is in control.
One thing you can do to avoid anxiety is to pray over every situation in your life that unsettles you. Philippians 4:6 says that we should not be anxious but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, we should present our requests to God. When you trust God with your life, you will not be anxious even when things seem uncertain.
What can you do when you have these anxious moments? You must pour out all our worries and stress upon God and leave them there. Can you see, you need to leave your worries, and not continue carrying them yourself throughout your whole lives. (1 Peter 5:7)
God cares about what makes you anxious. Like the loving Father He is, He will give you rest and guide your steps as you follow Him.
4. Meditate on God’s Word
The stories in the Bible show how various people trusted God when they had nothing else going for them. When you read these stories, your trust in God will grow because you will know that what He did for them, He will do for you.
Meditating on God’s Word will reveal His true nature. It is easy to trust someone you know. When you know who God is, you will trust in His promises to take care of your life. He gave you your life, and it only makes sense to trust Him with it.
God gave us His Word so that we would know how He wants us to live by seeing how others trusted Him daily. King David trusted God with his life especially when Saul chased him for years wanting to kill him (1 Samuel 23:15). David did not know how his life would turn out, he only had an anointing from God to be the next king of Israel. He chose to trust God because no one else was able to rescue him from Saul, who was the king at the time.
Like David, we can lay our lives before God and know that He will protect us from harm and keep us away from our enemies. His plans for us are greater than those of our enemies. In His Word, we have thousands of promises from Him concerning our lives, and we can claim each one.
5. Pray
If you are struggling to trust God with your life, a good place to start is praying about it. You can be confident that when you pray, God will answer your prayer because it is in line with His will (1 John 5:14-15). You can be sure that He will help you deal with your struggle, and you will begin to trust Him more. God understands that we sometimes have difficulties obeying His commands, and He steps in to help us.
One man who wanted to see Jesus heal his son prayed, “Lord, I believe, help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24) He was struggling to believe that Jesus was willing to heal his son. Jesus then healed his son. Just like this man, there is no shame in admitting to God that you don’t trust Him with your life as you should. Acknowledging this weakness is the starting point in trusting that God is on your side.
Prayer aligns our hearts with God’s heart, and when we understand Him better, we are more comfortable to trust Him with our lives. When we see God answers our prayers, we learn to trust Him more because we know that He hears us and cares about our everyday lives.
6. Remember what God has done for you in your Past
Psalm 103:2 tells us to praise God and not to forget all His benefits. God loves you and has delivered you from many things in the past.
One way to trust God with your life is to remember His mighty deeds in your life in the past. Thank Him for each one and as you do, keep in mind that you can trust Him because His track record is awesome. He never let you down in the past, and He is not about to do it now. Just remembering how God helped you overcome many things will fill your heart with joy and awe.
Final Thoughts
Life will never be the same for you if you choose to trust God with your life without any reservations. He has always proved Himself trustworthy, and you can count on Him to help you live the abundant life that Jesus came to give you. Trust Him with your life today!
When things are going okay in our lives, it is easy to trust God. But how about when we encounter challenges and shattered dreams, do we still think that He is in control? If we are going to grow in our faith, we have to trust God with our lives and remember that He takes care of us even when we don’t think He is.
I hope this Message Has Been Helpful. Please Let Me Know in the Comments Below. Blessings, Haly
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