Life on earth will always come with negative situations where we don’t know what to do. We can’t wish them away because they are beyond our control.
God will turn things around for your good when you hope in Christ. Jesus warned us that we would face trouble in this world, but take heart because He overcame the world (John 16:33). This means we have victory in Him because He is our hope and salvation.
Are the Negative Experiences We Have from God?
Many people believe that God is the one who brings bad situations into their lives to teach them lessons. They bear the suffering thinking it’s God’s will. This is not true because God is a loving Father who wants to deliver us from our troubles. He can’t be the same one who brings them. That is why He has given us promises in His word for when we fall into bad times.
God has promised us in Romans 8:28 that everything will work in our favor, whether it is good or bad. We have God’s assurance that He will turn things around for our good when we remain in His love. We remain in God’s love through Christ who has reconciled us to God by dying on the Cross for our sins.
Joseph Prince makes an interesting observation about Romans 8:28 that gives us a context for the negative situations we face. He says,
“In this verse, “all things” is literally all things—the good, the bad, and the ugly! Now, it does not mean that all things are from God. Some things, such as accidents, sicknesses, and broken relationships are not from Him. They are just part of the fallen world that we live in.”
When negative situations show up in your life, you can rejoice because God will turn them around and bring good out of them. He will use a negative situation to bless your life and that of others. God will never abandon you in a situation that is hurting you or your family. He is the God who delivers you, and you can trust that He will. He will deliver you from all your troubles, not just some of them. (Psalm 34:17)
What Shall We Do During Difficult Times?
• Make the Best Out of a Negative Situation
God has equipped us to overcome negative situations in our lives through His power available to us in Christ. When going through difficulties and hardships, we tend to wallow in negative emotions and reactions. We get anxious, feel afraid, get angry, and overreact.
Yet if we put our trust in God, we can learn how to make the best out of a negative situation.
By putting your trust in God, you give Him a chance to help you out of any difficulty you find yourself in today. He will order your steps when you submit your ways to Him, and your situation will become a blessing to you.
Proverbs 3:5-6 shows us the benefit of trusting God. The Lord is telling us not to rely on our own opinions, but rely on God to guide us. When we do that, there is the promise which follows our obedience – the Lord will make your paths straight.
Charlotte Gambill shows us how God turns things around in our favor through Jesus Christ. She says that God’s turnaround power came in the form of His Son, who demonstrates that there is nothing God cannot turn around.
No circumstance is too difficult for God to turn around. His power is sufficient to help you deal with any negativity you face. We access this power when we believe in Jesus Christ and accept His gift of salvation.
Your hope ought to be in Jesus Who asks you not to allow your heart to be troubled because of hardships (John 14:1). It is better to trust in Him because He will help you make the best out of any negative circumstance.
• Have Peace Despite Present Circumstances

Although we sometimes fall into hard times, we can overcome them when we remember that God is always with us. Hard times can push us to a corner and make us do crazy things. We doubt God’s ability to rescue us from whatever we are going through. The enemy also lies to us that God doesn’t care about our problems. All these things make us lose peace and experience turmoil.
In the current Coronavirus global crisis, many people are wondering when life will go back to normal. Many people are facing very challenging situations and it seems there is no end to this. Everything looks gloomy and we do not know a way forward, but we have God Who knows and cares.
God has given you His guarantee of peace during this difficult season. His peace is found in Jesus Christ. (John 14:27) The peace of Christ is not the same as that of the world. It surpasses human understanding. When you have His peace, you can remain calm despite your circumstances.
Our God, Who is our loving Father, comforts us by telling us that nothing can shake His love for us. His covenant of peace with us is also intact.
Even if things around us are crumbling, shaking we should stand firm and believe that God is faithful and He has promised to never leave us. He said that His covenant of peace with us will never be shaken.
The world is shaking, but God’s word concerning you is not. God will never give up on you! (Isaiah 54:10)
Leon Fontaine says that nowhere in the Bible does it say that God creates pain and tragedy in our lives to teach us things. This is usually a lie from the enemy who wants us to lose faith in God when we should be holding on to it. God’s plans for us are good and they don’t bring evil into our lives.
You can have rest because God will turn things around for your good when you hope in Christ your Savior.
• Trust God Will Turn Your Hardship into Joy

God’s will is that you will live the abundant life that Christ came to give you (John 10:10). However, the enemy does everything in his power to ensure that he kills, steals, and destroys every good thing in your life.
Despite his attempts to make your life miserable, God brings joy out of the hardships you experience. God turns around our negative experiences and gives us great joy.
Mark Ballenger says that one way God turns evil into good is when our pain ends up producing something useful for many other people. That when our suffering teaches us something, we can take out a story and help others to avoid the pain we endured. In this case, God is using what was meant for evil for good.
A negative situation brings shame into our lives which makes us want to hide from others. Some situations strip us of our dignity and we are unable to face the world. This is why God assures you that you will gain much more than you lost. You will rejoice because He will restore what you lost, and give you a reason to smile again. (Isaiah 61:7)
God has a plan of restoration for you. He knows that your negative situation has cost you many things. Maybe you lost a loved one, a job, property, etc. You can trust that God will repay you for your loss (Joel 2:25).
• Focus on God During Hard Times
Keep your focus on God because He is the only one who can deliver you from trouble. He is your ever-present help and never fails to answer you when you call.
This is enough reason to rejoice because you know you have a Savior who is always by your side. He is your refuge and promises that when you abide by Him, no harm will overcome you. He will send His angels to protect you day and night. (Psalm 91:9-12)
Psalm 20:27 says, “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.” This Scripture shows us that it is only trusting in the Lord that will ensure you are safe during negative situations. Trusting in anything else will disappoint you and fail you in your time of need. God is the only one who can turn things around for your good by His power in Christ.
• Rejoice Despite Difficult Circumstances
We can rejoice because God will never abandon us during our difficult moments. His desire that we will rejoice and not be downcast because He is always with us. In those times when things get tough, we can pray instead of getting anxious.
“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:4-6
Prayer invites God to intervene in your situation and bring good out of it. You may not see a way out but God does. He is the one who makes a way where there is none and orders your steps to freedom. He gives you the wisdom you need in any situation so that you will know what to do.
If you ask God for wisdom, He will give it to you. Yours is to obey the instructions God gives you because He knows the end result. You can rejoice, knowing God will lead you out of your troubles.
Debbie McDaniel notes that no one wishes for hard times in life and no one asks for suffering or storms. That maybe that’s why God reminds over and over in His word that trials are a part of our journey. It’s what makes us stronger, gives us endurance, and builds our faith.
He tells us not to be surprised at the troubles we face, but to “keep on rejoicing.”
Rejoice, my friend, because God will turn things around for your good!
Declarations – God Will Turn Things Around
My Father,
I know you will turn things around for my good because you are a loving Father. You have promised to make all things work for my good because I am Your child. I declare that my light and momentary troubles are achieving for me an eternal glory that far outweighs them (2 Corinthians 4:17).
My hope will be in the truth that trouble, hardship, or persecution cannot separate me from the love of Christ (Romans 8:35). God loves me with an unfailing love that is always available to me when I am going through a tough time.
I will trust God because He is my refuge and the One who delivers me from the enemy. His name is the strong tower in which I will take refuge when in trouble (Proverbs 18:10). I will be strong and courageous because God goes with me wherever I go (Joshua 1:9). The peace of God will wash away all my fears.
I will praise You, Oh Lord, because you are my Savior and Deliverer. You will turn things around for my good because I have put my hope in Christ.
Thank You, Father. Amen.
God said over and over again “Do not Fear”. I hope this Short Video “Do not Fear” will bless you and lift your spirit.
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