On the 3rd Day of prayer and fasting, we focus on the 3rd Prayer of The Amidah – “Sanctification of God.” It means that you have been set apart for the call of God on your life.
In 1 Peter 2:9, it says, “But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.”
What is Sanctification
Sanctification means “the state of proper functioning.”
In other words, sanctification means to set a person or a thing apart for the use intended by its designer.
Here are some examples: Clothes are “sanctified” to cloth people, the fruit is “sanctified” to nourish people, a tree is “sanctified” to give us oxygen, stabilise the soil and give life to the world’s wildlife.
Everyone and everything on this earth are “sanctified” to fulfil its use intended by our designer, Holy God.
You are too. You are sanctified to reveal God to this world. When people see you, they see the Father. Jesus said, “You saw Me, you saw the Father.” We are God’s representatives too. You are not just someone, you are the one, set apart by God for God and His creation.
God’s desire for all of us to fulfil the purpose of God here on this earth. God does not want you to be an outsider of His will. Do you want to be the outsider or insider?
There are no excuses. “I can’t do that” is not an excuse. “I feel I do not deserve it” is not an excuse. “I am not as gifted as another person” is not an excuse. “I am not qualified” is not an excuse.
You can excuse yourself. You can give up on yourself, but not God. God sees the potential, life in you. His life is vibrating in you, ready to be poured out. Living waters will force out all the unbelief, unworthiness, unforgiveness, anger, bitterness. Living waters will change you, revive you.
Prophetic Word – The Father Says
“I have redeemed you. I have sanctified you. You are Mine. Do not shut your senses about your future. Do not be terrified. Your future’s cause is not to terrify but sanctify.
Even in the mother’s womb, I knew you. I designed you, set you apart. I spoke My words over you before you were born. I knew your strength from the beginning. I knew your gifts no one knew about. You did not have any form but I saw you.
You heard them say, “He was an accident. We did not plan this.” For them you were an accident, for Me, it was the fulfilment of My design. They did not expect you to be born, but I was full of expectations.
I knew you and saw you before you came to existence, so why are you so upset about words, rumours were spoken over you? Do not let those words go deep into your heart. Shake those slimy words off you and put My word on you.
When you make a decision to fully surrender to My design for your life, you will feel relieved. Your seeing will become sharper, your hearing will become clearer. Everything you could ever need for life has been already deposited in you by My power. It has been deposited, now it needs to be released. What you know about yourself is a small tiny seed. You do not realise what a huge potential you have in Me and through Me.
Everything you need for this journey is imparted into you. I even said that you can do all things through Me. And if I said “All”, then it is ALL! I have equipped you with gifts and My wisdom. Do not withhold yourself, but push through the obstacles. I will teach you, I will show you My blueprints, I will make known the future to you.
You are sanctified and set apart as My representative! Take courage and step out! – Yours Always Supportive Dad”.
18 Days of Fasting Articles:
- The Lord Will Deliver You From All Afflictions
- 18 Days of Fasting (Day 6) -Forgiveness is Our Freedom
- 18 Days of Fasting (Day 5) – Return to God
- 18 Days of Fasting (Day 4) – God is the Giver of Knowledge and Understanding
- 18 Days of Fasting (Day 2) – God Revives the Dead
- 18 Days of Fasting (Day 1) – The Lord is Your Shield
- 18 Days of Fasting – Preparation
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