I am inviting you to come and spend time with Me. There is so much in My heart I would like to share. Can you keep watch with Me? I am not asking too much. This time is vital for you and it will change your life. Would you like your life to be changed? Would you like to be strengthened with all My glorious power? Would you like to see yourself in the light of Mine?
I have delivered you from the kingdom of darkness and set you up in the Kingdom of My Son. My Kingdom is full of light. Through My light, I see you as the head. Through My light, I see you above. Through My light, I see you prosperous in whatever you do. Through My light, I see you healed and delivered from all your oppressors.
When you decide to give it all and sit at My feet, My light will shine into all the dark corners. There are still things hidden. You thought you were unsuccessful because of your fault and your inadequacy. This is a false accusation. That’s why it is so important to come to Me and listen. In My presence, those dark corners will be uncovered and you will see your burden be lifted up and your countenance changed.
You could not bear what I wanted to say. It was too much and you could not grasp it all. You marvelled at others and thought how they could hear but you could not. I am taking you from that word “could not’ and inviting you into the time when you hear and you understand. My Spirit will tell you what He has heard and will guide you into your future.
Did you hear what I have said? My Spirit will guide you into your future. There are many false gods out there. Which god offered that? Those gods enquire works and if a man does not do all the works which are required by their religion, then they fail. But My relationship is built on love and My love was shown on the Cross. I do not require anything but I am missing Father-Child time.
Are you challenged? I’ve challenged you not because I want something from you. I’ve challenged you because I love you and I miss you. Your Dad.
Prophetic Word Which Can Help You on Your Journey:
From Disconnection to Reconnection
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