The Father says You are not a loser, you are a conqueror. You are not just a conqueror, you are more than a conqueror through Christ who loves you. In the midst of all trials, you triumph over them all. Why do you walk as you lost? You are in My covenant, you are before Me all the time. My thoughts towards you are never-ending. My demonstrated love is your victory, your glorious victory over all things, over everything.
Your name is written on the palms of my hands. What can you not conquer? I call you by your name and say, “You are Mine. Now you belong to Me.” What can you not overcome?
Do I see you defeated? Never. I never see you defeated. I see you victorious. I do not see you through the eyes of a man, I see you through the eyes of My Son. I sent My Son in human form to gave His body to be the sin-offering that I could once and for all condemn the guilt and power of sin. Now you are free to live, not according to your flesh, but by the power of My Spirit.
A man can reveal bad in you, but I reveal My goodness in you. I do not judge according to man’s judgment. I am a righteous judge, and I judge according to the Word. My Son is the Word. A case against you was opened when you walked serving your fleshly desires but when you accepted My Son, there is no condemnation. The case is closed because of Him. If I closed the case, why do you walk like you are still in bondage? You are free. Walk in My freedom. Walk like a free man. Walk like a priest. Walk like a king. Walk like a conqueror. Do not be burdened by the same old things which were a burden to you in the past. Do not look at the mirror and say, “I am worthless.” But say, “I am precious in God’s eyes. I am honoured. And I am loved.”
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