“Saul waited there seven days for Samuel, as Samuel had instructed him earlier, but Samuel still didn’t come. Saul realized that his troops were rapidly slipping away. So he said, “Bring me the burnt offering and the peace offerings.” And he offered up the burnt offering.…”
Samuel told Saul to wait seven days before going into the battle against the Philistines. So, on the seventh day, Samuel hadn’t shown up.
Saul went into a panic. He saw his troops were leaving him and Saul did something that cost him his throne. He decided to do Samuel’s job. He sacrificed the burnt offering himself rather than waiting for a priest Samuel to do it.
The most dramatic thing was that when Saul finished offering the sacrifice, Samuel appeared.
Does this story resonate with you? It happened to me so many times. We are waiting for God’s promise, waiting for our spouse, waiting for a promised new job, then… Nothing is happening. So, what do we do? We take things into our own hands and later we regret it.
Do you agree with me that God waits until the last moment? He just loves those last minutes. We cry, “God! A few minutes left! Where are you? Everybody is leaving me? My life is going downhill. Nothing is working. If you do not answer I will lose my job. You have not shown up, then I must take this into my own hands and make it work.”
The Lord wants us to learn endurance. No matter how hot, tough or hard out there, we must stand on God’s promises. God does not need our help. He is the only One who knows what we need and when we need it. He has promised you that He will take care of all your needs. God has promised you that He will fulfil His promises concerning you. God has promised you that He will give you the desires of your heart when the time is right.
Rest assured that the Lord will turn up. He has not disappeared. He is right there where you are. He just wants to see if you are going to trust Him or not. Your seventh day is not over yet. It hadn’t completely passed. There is still time for God to step in. And He will show up right on time!
I hope this word has helped you and encouraged you. If you have any questions, thoughts or story to share, please leave your message in the comments below. Thank you. Shalom, Haly.
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