You think your journey is not complete wherever you are, but I say to you, it’s been completed and there is nothing left for you there. If there is nothing left, then there is something else is stored for you, much greater than you had in the past and more rewarding than you have ever had in your entire life.
We are passing through and accelerating into a new. It won’t be long now. You are speedily entering into the new. I will not leave you behind. What took you long in the past, will be like a breath of air in the near future. The picture of your new journey will be like sailing on the sea, but you will not just sit in the boat and sail, you will walk on the waves. You will have freedom in your spirit, freedom in your soul. “AT LAST!” you will say.
I am not taking you straight into a new thing. I will give you a time to recuperate. You will take a deep breath, enjoying sailing, enjoying walking on the waves. And not only that, you will catch the wave! Trials were many, but they ALL left you. Now you are entering into renewing, rebuilding, rejuvenating, rehabilitating. This will come with acceleration too.
I will help you in your transition time. You are not by yourself. I am walking on the waves – you are walking on the waves. We are walking together. During this walk, you will learn faith. I will prepare you and equip you for the future. Many events will come, but nothing will break you.
Enjoy the wind in your sails and your walk on the waves!
“Yes indeed, it won’t be long now.” God’s Decree. “Things are going to happen so fast your head will swim, one thing fast on the heels of the other. You won’t be able to keep up. Everything will be happening at once—and everywhere you look, blessings! Blessings like wine pouring off the mountains and hills. (Amos 9:13 MSG)
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