Revive Me Daily Prophetic Word – Do Not Accept the Bullying

Revive Me Daily Prophetic Word - Experience God's Goodness

The Lord is saying, “My child, I was in the middle of the storm and I knew that nothing could harm Me and My children who were in the boat with Me.

I told you we were going to the other side, and I knew we would be there. I was sleeping because I knew My Word could not fail. I was sleeping because I knew My Word does not fail. The storms can come. They can bring fear, frighten you, frighten your beliefs about yourself, frighten you about your future. But no matter what is outside there, and inside of you, those storms will calm down because I am in you. I am outside and I am inside.

The heavens are Mine, the earth is Mine, all belong to Me. I speak to the sea and it obeys me. I speak to a fig tree, and it obeys me, I speak to a mountain and it obeys me. Now, it is your turn. Speak to the sea, speak to that fear, speak to that mountain. Do not accept their threat.

Everything has to bow. Everything has to acknowledge that I am the Lord. Do not be frightened by them. Take the first step. You are not taking that step just being on your own. I am taking that step with you. Each step you take, I will take that step too.

I will never leave you on your own. I will help you. I will give you my wisdom. I will teach you, and you will succeed. Look at your fear, where is it? It is gone. Look at your anxiety, where is it? It is gone? Look at a spirit of failure, where is it? It is gone. With each step, the step of faith you take, all these abnormalities will leave you.

Go with My understanding, with My knowledge, with My Word and crush that mountain of fear. You are born for success not a failure. Be of good courage. Be alert. Do not allow the enemy to bully you. You can not be bullied, because there is a Winner on your side. On your side, there is an Overcomer. It is Me Jesus, who overcame stress, fear, anxiety. Rejoice!”

I hope this word has encouraged you. If you have any questions, thoughts or story to share, please leave your message in the comments below. Thank you. Shalom, Haly.

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