The Lord is saying, “Do not let anyone capture you with nonsense which does not come from Heaven. Learn how to take captive every thought you receive about Me, you, and your life. There are many thoughts, but only a few have got value. Keep what is valuable, and let go of what does not serve you and what does not bring fruit.
My thoughts towards you are good. Every single moment you are in my mind. Every single day you occupy my thoughts. Can you count the grains of sand on the shore? Can you count the stars in the sky? Can you count hairs on someone’s head? My thoughts about you are countless. That is the expression of My love towards you.
You go to sleep, I am with you. When you awake each morning, I am still with you. My thoughts about you far exceeding your expectations. They are of peace and not of evil. They give you hope and a bright future.
Sometimes you feel like I have abandoned you, but I want to reassure you that your Heavenly Father will never leave you alone. For I am kind and I am thoughtful. I am love and I do care. You always have My presence. Always!
Capture every thought that is contrary to what I am saying and let My truth abide in you!”
I hope this word has encouraged you. If you have any questions, thoughts or story to share, please leave your message in the comments below. Thank you. Shalom, Haly.
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