“You don’t know how long I have been battling this,” you may say. “I can’t keep living like this anymore.” Well, we all go through moments when we want to quit. But the question is, will quitting turn the situation around?
Standing in faith doesn’t mean that life will always be smooth. You may face challenges from time to time but always bear this in mind, “One Word from God will Turn Your Situation Around”. You only need to be patient.
Things may look great on the other side, but nothing good comes from the things of this world. Every good and perfect gift is from above (James 1:17). Hold on to the faith now more than ever. Remember, the battle is always fierce at the edge of a breakthrough.
Smith Wigglesworth said,
“I’d rather die believing than live doubting.“

Bold words, right? We need to be bold in faith like him, even when we feel like giving up. Be a stickler of the Word of God. Believe that it is true and keep standing firm in it until God changes your situation around.
Biblical Examples of Situations that were Changed with Few Words

The Leper
It seems like the leper in Mark 1:40-45 was not sure whether Jesus would heal him or not. After all, lepers were outcasts at that given time. So when he got a chance to talk to Jesus, he begged The Lord to heal him, that is if Jesus was willing. Jesus told him He was willing to heal him and only said two words that changed the man’s situation “Be clean!”
Maybe you are like the leper. You think that Jesus may not be willing to change your situation because of the mistakes you have made. Or you may be thinking that you don’t have enough faith.
You have been given a measure of faith by God. Use that faith, even if it is small, like a mustard seed to activate the Word of God in your life. Please know that only one word from Jesus will change everything. Go to Him with an open heart and expect a miracle from Him.
The Centurion’s Servant
The encounter between Jesus and the centurion is a great example of how believing one word from God can change a situation. See, the centurion understood authority and believed that Jesus only needed to say a word, and his servant would be healed. This bold faith amazed Jesus. We need to also have the attitude of the centurion. Know that you only need one word from Jesus, and everything will be okay. (Matthew 8:5-13)
It could be that you are trying to read the whole Bible with the hopes that doing so will cause God to see your faithfulness, and then He will reward you. It is good to read the Bible, but not so you can get stuff from God but to feed your soul and grow your faith. You don’t need to know the whole Bible for God to bless you. You only need to know the verses that deal with your issue at hand, believe that they are true, and stand firm on them until your answer manifests.

Peter Walks on Water
We love to focus on the part of the story where Peter starts to sink, but we forget one crucial thing that a man who was flesh and blood like us walked on top of the water. Amazing, right? Imagine yourself walking on top of the water! (Matthew 14:22-36)
But here is the thing: Jesus did not give Peter a formula for walking on water. He only said, “Come!”. Those words were enough to make Peter walk on top of the water.
Are you still waiting for another word for you to get out of the boat when God has already said: “Come”? Are you still rotating around the same issue just because the Word that God has given you seems too simple or out of proportion with what you were expecting?
If Jesus has told you to go, just go. If He has told you to be still, remain calm even when the storms of life are getting fierce. God never tells us to do things that make sense to our human minds. He wants us to have childlike faith and step out of the boat like Peter.
The Woman with the Issue of Blood
She had spent all her money on different physicians, but the bleeding did not stop. Now she had one option, her last option, and that was the man called Jesus. She knew it was going to be a huge risk, if she was found out, they would stone her for she was unclean. Women in her condition were not supposed to mingle with others. But at this point she had nothing to lose, she couldn’t live that way anymore. She only needed to touch Jesus’ robe, and she would be well again.
But something spectacular happened to this woman. She stopped bleeding and not just that, but Jesus made her whole again by simply telling her few words, “Daughter, your faith has made you well.” (Mark 5:25-34)
Not only does God want to just heal you from that disease or past pain, but He also wants to make you whole again. Don’t be afraid of asking for big things. Stop limiting God by focusing on how difficult your situation is. Instead, focus on how big God is. Believe that He will do exceedingly above and beyond what you ask or are believing Him for. (Ephesians 3:20)
Now, believing the promises of God is more than just quoting the Word and praying scripture. Having faith in God also means cooperating with Him. But how do you do that?
How to Cooperate with God
1. Prepare for the Answer

Any good parent or guardian will not give their children everything they ask for. If your two-year-old child or nephew starts crying for a knife, you will not give him/her just so you can stop them from crying. In the same way, God never gives us things we cannot handle.
Our Heavenly Father cares about us so much, and that is why He takes us through seasons of preparation. Like Esther, who went through a twelve-month preparation before she became queen, we need to also prepare.
Start preparing yourself for what you are praying for. Ask the Holy Spirit to prepare you for what lies ahead. Read books and watch videos that will help you learn how to handle that situation.
Let’s say, you are praying for a spouse, God is not going to give you a spouse who is spiritually disciplined when you are not disciplined yourself. If you want a prayerful partner, then become prayerful first as you wait for your partner. If you want a new car, then take good care of the one you have right now.
2. Step Out in Faith

It is easy to cry, complain, and even give up when God doesn’t answer us quickly or the way we want. It is easy to run for shortcuts, but like Peter, we need to step out in faith and believe that whatever God has said He will do.
People may laugh at you or discourage you. The devil may remind you of the waves, but you need to focus on Jesus. If He has told you to walk, then get up, take your mat and walk. Yes, you have not walked for the longest time, or since childhood. You have never done that business or gone through that situation before. But you need to step out in faith and believe what God says.
You may start to sink like Peter, but the fact that you stepped out of the boat will make you stand out from the rest of the people that are still in the boat. And the good news is, Jesus will stretch his hand and draw you out of the water.
It could be that you are praying for a job, but you have never reached out in faith by sending job applications. Or maybe you have not tried to look for investors or start small with that business idea that you have. Today, reach out and take hold of Jesus’ robe by applying for jobs, start small with your business. Prepare hard for that exam, start that new relationship God is leading you to, pray for your child or spouse that has abandoned the faith. Then believe that God is going to come through for you no matter what.
3. Trust the Process

The Word of God tells us that God’s ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are not ours. You may be thinking that God will handle your situation the same way He did last time or the way He did for someone else, but that may not be the case. (Isaiah 55:8)
Jesus told Peter to get out of the boat and walk on water, but that doesn’t mean that we should literally go and walk on top of the water. Maybe your boat and water are something different – your business, health, family issues, or finances. Our journeys differ, so you need to follow what Jesus is telling you.
Follow what the Lord is saying and not what the world is telling you. If the revelation you get from God differs from what the world experts are saying, then follow what God says. Let God be true, and every man a liar.
Trust the process that God is taking you through, even if it doesn’t fit the “norm.” As long as it is God speaking and not the devil or the flesh, you need to obey. Obedience will cause you to enjoy the goodness of the land. It will help you not to fall into the schemes of the enemy.
Final Thoughts

One Word from God will make a great difference in your life. You only need to believe what He says in His Word and stand firm in it. There are so many examples in the Bible of people whose lives were changed with just a few words from Jesus. It is good to read the entire Bible. But you don’t need to know the whole Bible for God to speak a word and change your situation. You only need promises concerning your situation, or the Word God has told you to stand on. Study and meditate on them and believe that they are true.
Remember, everything that God has given to us is by grace. Stop fretting because the situation has not changed and step out in faith. Prepare for what you are praying for. Obey God, even when it doesn’t make sense. Step out in faith by doing acts of faith like applying for that job that you are praying for.
Prayer – God will Turn My Situation Around

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for the gift of life. Thank You for all that You are doing in my life and the lives of other believers in the world.
Father, thank You for Your Word. Through it, I get to know who You are and who I am. I also get to live life according to the great plans You have for me when I stand firm in it. Lord help me to always hope in You and trust in the words that You are giving me individually and as the body of Christ.
Strengthen me in my inner being that I may have the boldness to step out of the boat like Peter when You tell me to “Come.” Give me the courage to continue in Your Word even when it makes me look foolish in the eyes of unbelievers. Open my spiritual eyes and ears that I may hear and see in the spirit so that I may continue to remain grounded in Your ways.
Holy Spirit of God, stir my heart like the centurion. Help me to only believe in Your Word and stand firm in it when the enemy fills me with doubt. Grant me peace so that I cannot get sidetracked by the deceptive ways of the enemy when Your Word doesn’t make sense to my human mind. Give me discernment that I may be able to differentiate good from evil. May You always be true in my life.
I thank You, Father, and honour You highly. In Jesus’ Name, I believe and pray, Amen.
“Maximizing Your Faith” is a must watch sermon. Lots of wisdom here and good points. He said, “Kingdom Faith Submits its Limitations to the Unlimited God!” That’s the KEY, my friend! I pray this sermon will inspire you and maximise your faith.
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Amen !
Thank you I needed that god please help me be strong in my faith.
Thank you I believe your help is on its way.
Shalom Solomon! When I was reading your comment, the verse Psalm 27:1 came into my mind, “The LORD is my light and my salvation— so why should I be afraid? The LORD is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble?”
The Lord will guide me along the way, Solomon and He will defend you every day. Fear no one and nothing! He will provide. Do not look at lack, look at abundance you have in Christ.