The month of Tishrei is nearly upon us, commencing this year on September 16, 5784. Tishrei marks the start of the High Holidays – a period rich with spiritual significance. This month sends us to a path of repentance, reconciliation, and rejoicing in preparation for the year ahead.
The month begins with the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah 🍯🍎 when the cry of the shofar pierces the silence. This call invites our sleepy souls to awaken. Will we continue adrift on autopilot, or change course toward the heart of God?
Let us reflect on how we can align our lives more fully with God’s purposes in the coming month and new year!
Listen in for Encouragement 🎧🕊️
1. RETURN – Responding to the Shofar’s Call
‣ Awake to the Shofar’s Call
The first blast of the shofar marks the beginning of these holy days, sending a strong signal to awaken and change direction. This prophetic message from God is inviting us to return to Him. Though we may feel complacent or distracted by the noise of life, the piercing notes of the ram’s horn break through to our spirits.
‣ Answer the Call to Align your Life with God’s Will
Like the ancient Israelites encamped at Mount Sinai who heard the sound of the horn and prepared to meet God, we too must see this season as a summons to reorder our lives and priorities back into alignment with His will. Just as the shofar blasts called God’s people to repentance, let this prophetic signal stir our hearts to sincere reflection.
‣ Refocus on Heavenly Purpose
The shofar cry is an alarm sounding, but not one of fear. Rather, it is a call to worship, to rediscover the sacred purpose we may have lost sight of. Now is the time to DETACH from worldly CLUTTER and REFOCUS our gaze on heavenly things. If we listen closely, the sound of the shofar will continue inspiring us to keep moving forward on our faith journey.
God’s Word says,
- “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness” (Matthew 6:33).
- And “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things” (Colossians 3:2).
Just as the shofar stirs the soul, let this season inspire you to break free from spiritual complacency and move to a deeper, more purposeful walk with God.
2. REPENT – Seeking Forgiveness and Reconciliation
The Days of Awe between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur invite us to make amends and cleanse our hearts. As followers of Christ, we acknowledge that His sacrifice alone atones for our sins once and for all. However, this season calls us to also examine our lives and actively pursue reconciliation – with God, with others, and even within our own conflicted selves.
‣ Set Aside Time for Honest Confession
Just as Jewish tradition focuses on repenting and removing sin during these days, we must carve out time for honest confession before God. Where have we fallen short? Our merciful Father stands ready to forgive the sincere heart. Furthermore, we ought to prayerfully consider who we may need to approach in order to mend broken relationships through forgiveness sought and extended.
‣ Prioritise Reconciliation with Others
Christ told us to prioritize reconciliation with an offended brother or sister before presenting our gift at the altar. Let us heed this command, reflecting on how we can make peace with humanity as we would with Divinity. With some relationships, reconciliation may start slowly with small acts of kindness after a history marked more by injury. But we trust in the Spirit’s work of softening hardened hearts over time.
‣ Pursue Reconciliation Wholeheartedly
True repentance requires courage and humility to admit fault and let go of pride. As we reflect during these days, may our desire for righteousness eclipse any shame or difficulty the process demands. The gift of reconciliation with God and others far outweighs the cost.
- “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)
- “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” (Matthew 5:9)
Let us welcome the prophetic call for renewal and rededication to our faith.
3. REBOOT Your Life and Rejoice in God’s Abundant Mercy
The message of Sukkot (7 day festival) is profoundly meaningful as we reboot our lives spiritually, relationally, and vocationally. After a long period of disruption and uncertainty, this season calls us to place our confidence in God’s faithfulness. As we do, we can walk in hope and freedom, rejoicing in the mercy of God. Though our earthly dwellings are temporary, we can rest secure in our eternal home with Christ.
‣ Trust in God’s Unending Grace and Love
Though we struggle and stumble, God does not abandon us. His grace shelters us under the shadow of His wings. Even when we feel we have not lived up to our calling, He continues working to perfect us according to His purposes. We can trust His discipline flows from a heart of love.
God’s Word says,
- “The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.” (Psalm 103:8)
- “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.” (Psalm 91:1)
‣ Fix your Hope in Yeshua, the Eternal Anchor
As we reflect on the Sukkot, the temporary dwellings that housed the Israelites, let us remember that this world is not our permanent home. We are but sojourners being led to our eternal Promised Land. Our lives may at times feel fragile and tempest-tossed. But our hope is anchored in Yeshua, Who promised imperishable inheritance awaits all who faithfully follow the Lord.
‣ Fill your life with Gratitude, Joy, Generosity
During Sukkot, Jewish homes and synagogues overflow with reminders of God’s blessings – grains, fruit and olive oil. Likewise, may gratitude fill our dwellings and houses of worship. Let us carry the spirit of rejoicing, praise, and generosity into the months ahead, for the Lord is always good, and His mercies are new every morning.
What an abundant blessing to rest securely in His unending love!
Recommended Articles for Inspiration: ‣ Prophetic Word for 5784 Jewish New Year or 2024: The Door to Advancement ‣ The Need to Clean Things Up: A Fresh Start with God’s Grace ‣ Think Abundantly – Live Abundantly: Enjoying God’s Blessings ‣ Seeing Number 444 in a Dream – What does it Mean? ‣ God is Doing Something Brand New
4. REJOICE in God’s Word
Simchat Torah (Rejoicing with the Torah) marks the joyous conclusion of the fall feast season. On this day, our Jewish brothers and sisters celebrate the gift of God’s law and revel in His holy scriptures. As Christians, we too find life and revelation in the Word of the Lord.
‣ Let His Word Light your Path
God’s Word is a lamp unto our feet, a light guiding us through darkness. When we feel lost or uncertain of the path ahead, the truth of His statutes directs our course. His righteous instructions shelter us from stumbling. We rejoice in scripture’s power to convict, correct, and encourage our hearts.
God’s Word says,
- “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” (Psalm 119:105)
- “I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” (Psalm 119:11)
‣ Keep Returning to God’s Word for Fresh Guidance
On Simchat Torah, the Torah scrolls are unrolled to their completion, only to be rolled back to the starting verses in Genesis and begun again. This cycle reflects how we continually revisit God’s Word, always finding new meaning to guide our sojourn. The Lord’s principles are timeless, speaking to every generation.
‣ Feed your Soul Through Scripture
As we reflect on this season, let us determine to delight in the law of the Lord and meditate on it day and night. May we, like the Psalmist, find it sweeter than honey. As we hide God’s Word in our hearts, it will sustain us and bring renewal to our innermost being.
Find fresh revelations and inspiration as you meditate on His Scriptures in the coming year.
5. MOVE FORWARD in Renewed Faith: A Prophetic Journey of Tishrei

The appointed time has come – the Days of Awe are upon us. This New Year celebration ushers in the season of RETURNING, REPENTING, and REBOOTING our lives. Now is the moment to declutter your life and make way for the new.
Too long have lesser things crowded out the eternal. The idols of busyness, worry, and possessions have filled your tents. They sit heavy upon your soul, weighing you down. Their chains cling to your ankles, deterring your steps toward freedom.
It is time for their grip to be broken. Sweep them out of your dwelling place, and carry them to the rubbish heap. Clear your space and your schedule. Remove the clutter from your mind and the hindrances from your spirit.
Let this be a RESETTING, a clearing of the ground for rebuilding. For soon the Days of Awe arrive, beginning with Rosh Hashanah and culminating in Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, the day of LETTING GO and STARTING ANEW. It involves open hands, letting go, and making room within to welcome the new thing God is bringing forth.
The call of the shofar calls you to prepare! Do not hesitate, for now is the moment to declutter and make room. Remove the excess baggage from your tent. Lighten your load for the journey ahead. Make way for God’s plans to unfold in your life. For God is doing a new thing, do you not perceive it? Pay attention! For God is on the MOVE!
May you be strengthened to fulfil your purpose as you continually meditate on the living word of God. God is with you, walking before you and preparing the way. You have a great Father cheering you on from heaven. Be bold, be courageous, be faithful! The Lord your God is with you wherever you go. 💕🌻
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Have been seeing numbers 911 on clocks, prices etc…a lot past few months.
What does that mean..
Dear Taran,
Every number God shows you will connect with what you are going through. It depends on your emotions. You can bring your fears, depression, uncertainty to the Lord in prayer, believing God is Good (9). No matter your struggle, you know that God will help you. Or you can focus on the chaos, uncertainty, dissatisfaction (11) and stay stuck in negative thoughts. God wants you to realign your perspective and awaken to positivity, even when everything seems chaotic.
When the flood covered the earth, it looked chaotic. But to God it was ultimately good because He is Good. The number 9 could mean good or evil – where is your focus today? Number 11 could represent chaos or awakening – which do you see? It all starts in your thoughts. What is your mind staying focused on today – the good or the evil?
In Noah’s life, God promised in Genesis 9:11 – “Never again will floodwaters destroy all life.” Despite negativity in the world, carry God’s goodness and see things from His viewpoint. Check your thoughts and realign them to God’s truth, not human lies, deception and fear. Even in the worst circumstances, you should trust the Lord and know that God brings Good. You might not see that Good yet, but trust that our GOOD God is able to change any circumstances and awaken you, your family, or your nation!