We sometimes get plagued by confusion and wonder what is wrong with us. Whether we are questioning if it is God we really heard or are avoiding a decision because we don’t know which option to take. One thing you can remember is that with God’s help, you can wade through the confusion and move to clarity.
God is not the author of confusion but of peace and whenever you feel confused, you can be sure that God is not part of it (1 Corinthians 14:33).
God is clear in everything He tells you, and will never give you contradicting information. The confusion comes through other means and seeks to make us second guess what God told us in the secret place.
There are many reasons why we encounter confusion but we don’t have to despair because there is always a way out. Every time you get confused, turn to God’s Word, which will clarify every issue that is confusing you.
God’s Word Will Shed Light on Your Path

God gave us His Word to help us whenever we are in need and when confusion sets in, we can run to it and find our answers. Clarity comes when we are no longer confused by the options or choices we have. God’s Word is a light for our path and a lamp for our feet, and it shows us clearly which road to take.
Our judgment is usually clouded when we cannot see things clearly, and, therefore, we are impaired in our decision making. Sometimes we fear taking the wrong path and opt to postpone our decision until when we can see the road ahead clearly.
Clarity will come when you seek God because He is the One who knows what is making you confused. It is okay to ask God to give you clarity in any matter that is troubling you.
When we are confused we remain stagnant because it is hard to move forward when you are unsure of your steps. Trying to direct your path instead of relying on God will lead you into confusion because you cannot see any obstacles along the way.
Psalm 37:23 says that the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and if we follow His lead, we will not get confused or lost. The Lord orders our steps when we read His Word and obey it.
By involving God in every aspect of your life, you will find that you don’t fall into confusion every time you have to make a decision. He clears any darkness that threatens to overtake your mind and cloud your judgment.
Even when you are confused, God is always ready to clear your mind so that you can make decisions without any doubt.
Let’s now look at what brings confusion into our minds and how we can tap into God’s help to get clear.
Reasons Why We Fall into Confusion

• Doubt
When we allow doubt into our hearts, we become double-minded and are unsure about our steps. We can’t make up our minds regarding two options, and we waste time considering each. There are times we don’t see answers to our prayers because we have entertained a doubt. We become like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. That’s why we don’t receive answers to our prayers – we doubt (James 1:6-7).
God expects that when we ask Him for anything, we do so in faith without allowing any doubt into our minds. Asking God for something and then not being sure whether you will receive it will leave you in a state of confusion.
We sometimes ask God for His will in a situation instead of telling Him what we want, and then we remain unsure about what answer He will give. This leaves us confused and not knowing what God’s answer will be.
• Spiritual Inheritance
If you find that you experience confusion more times than you would like to admit, maybe it is time to check your spiritual inheritance from your forefathers. There are things we experience and think they are normal until God reveals to us that they are not, and shows us their source. If you have other members of your family who suffer from confusion a lot of times, it is probably time to break the curse of mental confusion that is listed in Deuteronomy 28:28.
God longs to set us free from anything that hinders our walk with Him. If we are suffering from confusion, which has come from previous generations, we have the authority in Jesus Christ to deal with it conclusively (Luke 10:19). Confusion as a generational curse does not affect everyone, and you can only treat it as such if God has revealed it to you.
• Indecision
It’s hard to make up your mind when faced with two good opportunities, and you are wondering which one to take. It could be a job offer, two men who want to marry you, two places you would like to relocate to, or any other options you need to decide upon. Confusion sets in because we want all the options but know that we can’t have all.
We don’t always have all the information we need, and that is why we get confused. It is only when you know with conviction which path to take that you will move forward without hesitating. God certainly has the information you need to shift you from confusion to clarity.
• When we don’t Hear God’s Voice Clearly
Confusion can come in when we don’t hear God clearly. Despite Jesus’ assurance that as His sheep we know His voice (John 10:4), we struggle to identify the voice of God. We have many voices competing for attention in our minds, and we miss what God may be saying to us. Because of this, we end up feeling confused.
The prophet Samuel once failed to recognize God calling him, and he went to ask Eli, his mentor, why he was calling him. Eli said that he wasn’t and eventually told Samuel that when he hears the voice, he should answer the Lord, who was calling him (1 Samuel 3:9). Samuel must have gone back to sleep confused when Eli said that he hadn’t called him.
By clearing our minds, and getting quiet, we can hear God more clearly and not dwell in confusion.
How Can We Move From Confusion to Clarity?
Moving from confusion to clarity requires more than just clearing your head. It means trusting God to help you clear the fog in your mind. It can be unsettling when you can’t see the path ahead, and yet you need to keep moving. God sees your path very clearly and knows how to direct your steps and get you to your destination.
1. Still your Mind
When you still your mind, you will hear God’s voice more clearly. Our minds are full of the day’s clutter from TV, traffic, worries, office conversations, the kids’ demands, among many others. With all these in our minds, we can end up in confusion when we are trying to gain clarity regarding an issue. By stopping the numerous thoughts that are going through your mind, you will gain clarity on many things.
With a clear mind, you can better hear what God is saying to you. By getting rid of loud thoughts, your mind becomes fertile ground for the voice of God to dominate with clarity. In Psalm 46:10, God says, “Be still and know I am God” because, without stillness, you will confuse His voice with that of your thoughts.
A quiet mind will allow you to remember the Scriptures that God gave you concerning the issue at hand. This will give you the light you need to see clearly. The Word of God provides us with the steps we must take, helping us to move forward.
2. Slow down

Confusion can set in when you try to rush and get ahead of yourself. When you try making decisions hurriedly, you will get confused because you will not be thinking straight. Hasty decisions will always disappoint you. Unfortunately, we have learned to make decisions at the snap of a finger because the world demands it, but when dealing with life’s issues, it is better to slow down.
Waiting on God will save you a lot of trouble because you will have the time to pray and hear God’s answer. We don’t like to wait on God sometimes because we are in a hurry to move on to the next thing. What we don’t realize is that God wants to work in us as He leads us along the way.
Slowing down allows you to think critically about the issues that you face, and to make an informed decision that you will not regret.
3. Pray
Prayer is always a good place to start when you are struggling with confusion. Trust that God will give you an answer that will bring clarity. Ask God today to send His light and truth so that they can lead you to the place He is taking you (Psalm 43:3). When you pray, God intervenes in your situation and makes things clear. God wants you to always keep moving forward with a clear mind.
As you pray, ask God to show you the source of your confusion so that you will eliminate it. He will answer you because He has promised to answer all our prayers that are in line with His will. Be specific in your prayers so that you will recognize God’s answer when it comes. Vague prayers will lead to confusion because you don’t know whether God will answer them or if you will recognize the answer when it comes.
Instead of telling God, you want His will in a particular situation, tell Him exactly what you want. God will always give you a specific answer, and if there is anything He would like you to do, He will let you know.
4. Read the Bible
Many things become clear when we read the Bible and meditate on it. The answers we seek are found there. God will speak to you when you read the Bible, and He will help you understand many things that are confusing you. Pay attention to verses that capture your attention, and ask God to give you a revelation.
Anytime you feel like you are confused about a matter, open your Bible and read it. You may read the story of a certain character and it answers a question you have been having. If the confusion you have relates to the interpretation of certain Scriptures, you can use a Bible commentary to help you put some context into what you are reading.
5. Seek Godly Counsel
If the issue that is causing you confusion is something you can talk to someone about, then look for godly counsel. We are to listen to counsel and receive instruction (Proverbs 19:20) when we are unsure of our steps so that we can gain wisdom. If you have a trusted godly friend or mentor, you can approach them, and listen to what they have to say. Sometimes others see things we are not seeing.
Godly counsel can open our eyes to a different perspective that will complete the puzzle, and we move from confusion to clarity.
My Final Thoughts on Moving from Confusion to Clarity
Confusion can impair our judgment but we don’t have to be afraid because God is an ever-present help when we need Him. Regardless of your source of confusion, God is there to help you gain clarity. By taking your time meditating on God’s Word and seeking Him, your mind will get clear because God will speak His wisdom into your heart.
Don’t forget that when you are anxious because of your confused state, pray, knowing that the peace of God will guard your heart and mind (Philippians 4:6-7). If you hold your thoughts captive and make them obedient to Christ, you will get the clarity you need because your thoughts will align with those of God.
Hey, my friends. Hope this Word has helped you and given you steps forward on moving from Confusion to Clarity. Please let me know what you think.
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Excellent message on confussion.thank you
uplifting message, be blessed
God bless you for this encouraging word. This is very enlightening. I like that God’s children are not left to be confused. God always seeks to bring us clarity if we set our hearts and eyes on Him. Thanks, Haly.
Hello Adeola,
Thank you so much for your kind words! I’m delighted to hear that you found my message encouraging and enlightening. It’s truly wonderful how God’s guidance and love can bring clarity to our lives when we wholeheartedly seek Him. It’s a comforting thought to know that we can rely on His infinite wisdom and love.
Once again, thank you for your appreciation. May God continue to bless you abundantly and guide you on your journey of faith.