God’s Power in the Rains of Grace: Prophetic Word for November 2023 (Cheshvan 5784)

Have you ever felt like you were in a spiritual drought, parched and hungry for God’s presence? As the autumn rains begin to fall in Israel, the month of Cheshvan ushers in a refreshing change. This transitional month in the Jewish calendar has valuable lessons that can revive our faith.

Why does it matter that we put our trust in God, especially during dry times? Because faith opens us up to receive the blessings only He can provide. Just as Cheshvan’s rains nurture the earth, God’s Spirit nourishes our souls. Faith positions us to be drenched by the life-giving water of His word.

The simplicity of Cheshvan can teach us to find fullness in God. Its rains remind us of the incredible gift of God’s presence. Let’s explore the key lessons from Cheshvan that can strengthen our faith during these difficult times.

Gain Insight from Cheshvan

Exploring the Hebrew calendar has given me a deeper understanding of God’s design and timing. The month of Cheshvan, in particular, has provided valuable perspective.

In the Hebrew calendar, Cheshvan is the eighth month, falling between mid-October and mid-November, counting from Nisan. It comes after the High Holy Days of Tishrei and leads into the winter months. Cheshvan is also called Marcheshvan, which means Bitter Cheshvan.

Its name reflects the rainfall that comes to Israel after the dry summer. For me, this month is an invitation to reflect on the seasons of life. I used to fight against the natural rhythms God set in place, always longing for spring. But Cheshvan has taught me to find meaning and growth in each season, even obscure ones.

As we open our hearts to receive from Cheshvan, we can grow in trusting God’s design. Even in seasons of transition and change, God is anchoring us in His steadfast love. The spiritual insights gleaned from Cheshvan offer a fresh perspective on our walk with Christ.

1. Cheshvan and the Letter Nun

The Hebrew month of Cheshvan is closely associated with the letter Nun (נ). In the pictographic language of Hebrew, this letter is symbolised by a seed sprout Nun Hebrew Pictograph – signifying growth, development, and the unfolding of life. In the context of Cheshvan, which can be a rainy, chaotic, and somewhat bitter season, the symbolism of the letter Nun offers meaningful insights into our spiritual journey:

  • Growth and Transformation: Just as a seed sprouts and grows, the letter Nun reminds us of the potential for personal growth and transformation, even during challenging and transitional times.
  • Resilience: Like a young sprout pushing through the soil, the Nun encourages us to persevere and thrive despite adversity, embracing the rainy and chaotic seasons of life as opportunities for resilience.
  • Hidden Blessings: The letter Nun suggests that even in the bitter moments of life, there are hidden blessings waiting to emerge; much like a seed’s potential to flourish into a fruitful plant.
  • Trust in God’s Timing: Just as the sprouting of a seed follows a natural rhythm, the Nun teaches us to trust in God’s timing and design for our lives, especially during the unpredictable seasons of Cheshvan.

As we explore Cheshvan and its connection to the letter Nun, let us reflect on these powerful symbolisms and find inspiration in the potential for growth, resilience, hidden blessings, and trust in God’s timing during this unique season.

2. Cheshvan’s Connection to Rain: Chaos and Blessing

In the month of Cheshvan, we find a unique connection to rain. This connection is a reminder of how rain can be both a source of chaos and a tremendous blessing in our lives.

‣ The Chaos of Rain

  • Cheshvan’s association with rain mirrors the dual nature of human existence.
  • Life includes periods of chaos, hardship and unpredictability, much like sudden rain showers that disrupt plans.
  • It is important to recognize that challenges and difficulties are inherent in the human experience..

‣ The Blessing of Rain

  • Rain is a reminder of God’s blessings that sustain our lives and spiritual journeys.
  • Just as the earth depends on rain for nourishment, we depend on God’s grace to navigate chaos and find blessings.
  • In times of uncertainty and disorder, we can seek God’s guidance and protection.

‣ Balancing Chaos and Blessing

  • Cheshvan encourages us to find a balance between chaos and blessing.
  • Challenges and disruptions can be like rain – it makes the earth grow and change, helping us grow and change too.
  • We must acknowledge the significance of both turmoil and God’s blessings in our life’s journey.

‣ Seeking Gratitude in All Circumstances

  • Cheshvan teaches us to find gratitude even in the turbulent storms and the gentle showers of life.
  • It reminds us that God’s blessings are always present for those who seek them, even amidst chaos.
  • Rain serves as a powerful metaphor, emphasising that God’s blessings can be found within life’s challenges and disruptions.

As we reflect on Cheshvan and God’s spiritual watering, let’s position ourselves to receive the rains of His Spirit. May we be refreshed, knowing that God is working to bring growth in the proper season. His rain is falling to nourish our faith and future fruitfulness.

3. Remember Noah’s Ark

The Biblical story of Noah’s Ark holds special meaning during the month of Cheshvan. According to Jewish tradition, the Great Flood that Noah and his family were preserved through began in Cheshvan. 

Genesis recounts the 40 days and nights of torrential rain that flooded the earth. As the waters swelled, destroying everything in their path, Noah, his loved ones, and the animals sheltered safely in the refuge of the ark. When, at last, the rain ceased and the flood waters receded, they emerged into a new world cleansed and restored by God.

During Cheshvan, we remember how God preserved Noah amidst judgment. And we’re reminded in our storms today – God provides refuge and sanctuary for those who put their trust in Him. The Christian life can sometimes feel like a flood – overwhelming and chaotic. But if we hide ourselves in the shelter of God’s presence, He will anchor us through the tumult.

Just as Noah’s family found deliverance in the Ark, we can find deliverance through Christ, the Ark of Salvation. He gives us purpose and protection amidst the instability of life. May Cheshvan be a time to reflect on God’s faithfulness, even in seasons of uncertainty and change.

4. Prepare the Ground

The autumn rains during Cheshvan saturate the parched ground in Israel, preparing it to receive seeds for future crops. The showers moisten and soften the solid earth, creating optimal conditions for germination and growth.

This natural process contains spiritual parallels for us as well. Sometimes God seeks to prepare and soften our hardened hearts through difficult seasons that break up our fallow ground. As Jeremiah wrote, “Break up your unplowed ground, and do not sow among thorns” (Jeremiah 4:3).

Though painful, the trials we face can plough and prepare us for new growth. James exhorted believers to

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” – James 1:2-4

Just as rains saturate hard ground, God’s Spirit can penetrate deeply into our hearts when they are broken and receptive. Rather than resisting the pain, we can ask Him to cultivate the soil of our souls. As we yield to God’s loving preparation during Cheshvan, He will make us ready to receive the seeds He wants to plant.

The Lord promises to pour water on the thirsty land and streams on the dry ground (Isaiah 44:3). May Cheshvan be a time when we invite God’s rain to moisten our dry and dusty hearts, preparing us for new life and growth ahead. The showers of the Spirit soften us to receive His imprint for the future.

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5. Transition to Trust

The month of Cheshvan represents a transitionary period in the Jewish calendar, in between the Fall Feasts and the winter months. With no holidays or special observances, it can seem like a forgotten space. Yet, in the obscurity of Cheshvan, we have the opportunity to grow in trusting God.

Life is full of transitions – times of waiting, change, and uncertainty. We feel caught between seasons, unsure of what comes next. Cheshvan reminds us that God is at work even when we can’t yet see the full picture.

Just as rain nourishes unseen growth in seeds underground, God often works in invisible ways during transitions. We may not recognise the future fruits being cultivated in our lives beneath the surface.

The key during these in-between times is to deepen our roots of faith in God. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5). He remains steady and faithful through every shift and storm.

Cheshvan calls us to embrace transition as an invitation, not an obstacle. God uses change to draw us closer to Himself. The obscurity and uncertainty teach us to walk by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7).

May this month of Cheshvan be a time to renew our trust in God’s guiding hand. Though we cannot see what’s ahead, we know He is leading us forward to His purposes.

6. The Power Behind the Pouring

As we reflect on the autumn rains during Cheshvan, we’re reminded of God’s incredible power and provision. Let’s consider:

  • The downpours represent His abundant blessings being poured out over us. It reminds us of Joel 2:23, where God promised “the rains of your righteousness.”
  • Just as rain brings life, God’s Spirit within us is a wellspring overflowing into eternal life (John 4:14).
  • The floods speak to God’s authority over the chaotic waters, as seen when the seas parted for Moses in Exodus. No storm is too great for Him.
  • Rain is a gift, not a right. It’s a reminder to accept God’s blessings with gratitude, not just in Cheshvan, but every season.
  • The showers soften hard ground, as God’s Spirit softens and replenishes our hearts.

The rains of Cheshvan foreshadow the outpouring we can experience through Christ. As the prophet Isaiah declared,

“You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.” – Isaiah 58:11

May this transitional month inspire us to seek the One with power over every storm – our shelter in the pouring rain.

Closing Thoughts on Cheshvan

Cheshvan, with its association with the Hebrew letter Nun, holds within it a profound message. Despite the bitterness, chaos, and flooding rains that can characterize this season, there is a lesson to be learned from the sprouting seed symbolized by Nun.

In the midst of life’s storms, much like the chaotic rains of Cheshvan, we find that God’s power and blessings are ever-present. The letter Nun teaches us to persevere, grow, and trust in God’s timing, even when the season seems harsh.

The transitional month of Cheshvan may appear to be a time of inactivity, but hidden beneath the surface are the seeds of growth and transformation. As we trust in the Lord’s power to overcome, we can find resilience, unearthing the hidden blessings that this season holds.

Just as a young sprout pushes through the soil despite the chaos of the rainy season, we too can persevere, knowing that God’s plan is unfolding. Cheshvan and the letter Nun remind us that even in the bitter moments of life, beauty and growth are waiting to emerge when we trust in the Lord’s timing and embrace His power.

As you navigate the bitter moments, may you find hidden blessings, trust in God’s timing, and know His power to overcome. May your journey be filled with growth, transformation, and a deep and abiding faith in the Lord. Amen.

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