This is a Christmas Message – Take a New Grip!
In Joshua 23:8 it says to hold tight to God, our God, just as we’ve done up to now. We are in shaky times, but God has not left us without help. To go through the times of difficulties and uncertainty we need to take a grip on Jesus Christ! Because of Christ we celebrate Christmas, and because of Christ nothing shall by any means hurt us.
Christmas has been always special to me. It’s the beginning of something new.
Even though December 25th is not exactly the day when Christ was born. According to the texts, an approximate month of Jesus’ birth was around the Jewish month Tishri, or September. But the Lord does not mind when we celebrate Christmas, and He does not mind if we observe Christmas or not. It’s up to us.
Colossians 2:16-17 talks about our liberty in Christ, not to allow anyone to judge us because of what we eat or drink or what we observe or celebrate. It says that all of these were but a prophetic shadow of what would be fulfilled. Some things on this earth carry a prophetic shadow of what to come.
God Wants us to Celebrate!
The Lord loves when we celebrate Him. Jesus loved to celebrate because He is the joy.
That’s why we need to take joy into 2021. Do not allow misery, fear, anxiety to enter your heart. The Lord wants us to celebrate! This action, the atmosphere of celebration will cancel the negative outcomes.
God is Reforming!
Last year I gave the Word that from September 2019, we would see the beginning, the wave of reformation. I said that a NEW Wave of Reformation was coming! God is going to reform our lives, our homes, our societies
Of course, it sounds so awesome! But, the process of reformation is not easy. It means change! And change can be painful.

Just imagine, one German monk protested about the system of the Catholic Church, which had been for ages. Martin Luther had to stand against the perversion of the church’s view of grace and redemption. It was the religious revolution that we are still enjoying in the West. With that protest, societies’ views had changed. Was it easy?
Renewal, realignment, transformation, correction, change – they take time and could be uncomfortable at times.
God is With Us in the Uncomfortable Times
The world is not in comfortable “shoes” right now. It hurts, but the Lord is always in a Creative mood. Societies have to change, things in our lives have to change, us – have to change! Things can’t be the same anymore
The whole world is crying for a change, and the Lord is doing it. It does not mean that God has brought this, called by world leaders, “pandemic”. It’s the wickedness, selfishness of men that did that. Jesus said that the time is coming when everything that is covered up will be revealed. (Luke 12:2). The revealing could hurt, and because we live on the earth, we are also going through the revealing timings, which could be confusing and hard to understand.
Our Father is kind to all by bringing the warmth of the sun and the refreshment of the rain, whether a person does what is good or evil (Matthew 5:45). We are in it all, but we also not in it. We are in Christ.
Our God will bring something good out of this disaster. But when things get tough, we want them stopped, silenced, or reversed.
Of course, it would be easier if 2020 would not have what we are going through right now. But even if it feels like we are inside of the fiery furnace, the Lord’s promise stays the same, “I will NEVER leave you. I will NEVER forsake you.” He is with us, and He will protect us.
Take a New Grip
As the world is walking in those “uncomfortable shoes”, so to speak, which bring blisters and pain, the Lord has promised us that He will send His angels to hold us up with their hands so that not even our feet will be hurt. (Psalm 91:12 GNT)
In Hebrews 12:12 (NLT) it says, “So take a new grip with your tired hands and strengthen your weak knees.” “Take a Grip, and be Strengthened in Me” the Lord is saying to us.
Do not worry about all the conspiracies. Do not worry about what evil is planing against humanity. Do not worry about your life but give it to God, and invite the reformation into your life.
We need that spirit of reformers. Yes, we must stand against evil plans, but first, we must breathe out anxious thoughts, fear, and breath in God’s LIFE, His joy, His Peace!
So, Take a New Grip!
Even when we walk through hard times, You are with us, Lord. You have told us to put Your shoes on, which speak about the peace that comes from the Good News. Everything is about You, Jesus, is a Good News! You bring hope, restoration, shifting, improvement, rehabilitation into our lives.
May God’s Good News reach every home, every family, every country!
Merry Christmas to you all!
Shalom & Blessings!
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