The Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love. – Psalm 147:11(NIV)
While there are so many benefits of pleasing God, few people actually do it. Why?
Pleasing God is about self-sacrifice. It’s about choosing to walk in the ways of the Lord even if you feel left out. Pleasing God means following His word and not turning from it to the left or right.
To be honest, it is challenging for us believers to live a life that is pleasing to God. There are too many distractions in this world. It’s easy to get caught up with the things of this world instead of the Lord. That’s why we need to know the benefits of pleasing God so that we can set our hearts on the right things.
In this post, we shall look at what it means to please God. How to do it, and the benefits of pleasing our Heavenly Father.
Let’s begin:
What does it Mean to Please the Lord?
Pleasing God means trusting that He exists and that He rewards those who seek Him diligently (Hebrews 11:6). It means believing in His Son Jesus Christ, accepting Him as your Lord and Savior, and allowing Him to lead you in all that you do.
Something important that we need to understand is that pleasing God doesn’t just happen. We need to be intentional about it. We also need to remember that the Lord sees the heart and not the outside appearance. That’s why Jesus said that He will tell some people at the end of time, I never knew you. (Matthew 7:21-23)
It does it mean God is rejecting us. If you never spend time with your friend, spouse, children, they could also say about you and you about them, “I never knew you.” As Jerry B. Jenkins said:
“Christianity is not a religion, it’s a relationship.”
What we do and say doesn’t matter if our hearts are not set on God. The Pharisees focused so much on doing things to please God, but their hearts were far from Him. We need to please God inwardly before we can do it outwardly.
How can I live to Please God?
• Be Spiritually Minded
God is a spirit, and to connect with Him and become Christ-like, we need to be spiritually minded. That is why God gave us the Bible. The words written in it are spirit and life. When we study the Word and meditate on it, our minds are transformed, and we become spiritually-minded.
A spiritually-minded person focuses on the things of God. Their quest in life is to please their Heavenly Father. (Romans 8:6)
• Obey God
Let us be honest – it is challenging to remain obedient to God in this world, especially today when evil is preferred over good. However, we need to follow what the word of God says, and that is to obey God in all that we do.
The truth is most of us find it easy to trust God in some areas of our lives, not all. But God does not want you to trust Him only when it is convenient for you. We need to trust our Heavenly Father even in difficult situations because it’s only in doing that that we please Him. When we sin, we should turn to Him and ask for forgiveness and then continue to walk in a way that is pleasing to Him.
• Worship God
One of the main reasons that God created man was so that we will worship Him. It is not that God cannot do without us worshiping Him. Doing so is for our own good.
Worship not only pleases God but is an excellent weapon for defeating the enemy. When we worship, God fights on our behalf and causes us to walk in victory. Worship also opens up doors for supernatural breakthroughs in our lives.
• Have Faith in God

The Bible says without faith, it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). We need to believe that God is real and that He rewards everyone who passionately seeks Him. If you want to please your Heavenly Father, start by acknowledging that He is real.
Believe that God is in heaven. He loves you so much that He gave up His only Son to die on the Cross for you. Believe that God will fulfill His promises in your life, and when the time is right, we will be united with Him.
9 Benefits of Pleasing God
1. You will Have Peace from God
The world tells us that spending time alone, listening to music, watching movies, or visiting your favorite place will give you peace. But as believers, we know there is more to it than just doing these things. Well, you may get temporary peace by doing those things but following God’s way gives you peace that the world doesn’t provide (John 14:27).
When you’re determined to please God, He gives you peace in your heart, even in the most challenging situations. We do not have to go about life the same way unbelievers do. Yes, we shall have fear in our hearts, especially in hard times or when we step out of our comfort zones. But the peace of God will rule our hearts.
And not just that but God will also make our enemies be at peace with us (Proverbs 16:7).
2. You will Have the Protection of God
If the government passed a decree that everyone should serve only one god, would you do it? Would you stick to your faith and lose your life? Or would you rather save your life and abandon your faith?
Daniel was not willing to abandon his faith in God. He was willing to lose it for the sake of his belief in Yahweh. Even when Daniel knew that he would be thrown in the lion’s den, he did not denounce his faith but stood firm. The result of his faith was protection from God (Daniel 3:12-20).
When we stand firm in faith and are not ashamed to openly declare our faith, God offers us protection. Do not give in to the lies of the enemy. Instead, seek protection from God by pleasing Him in all your ways.
3. You will Have an Eternal Life
Of all the benefits of pleasing God, I believe this is the most important one. I do not mean that other benefits are not important, but having eternal life is better than the benefits we get to enjoy in this current world.
In John 3:15 it says that so that everyone who believes in Christ will have eternal life.
When we walk by faith and please our Heavenly Father, He deposits the Holy Spirit as a guarantee of our faith and eternal life.
You can have the best life in this world, but that does not guarantee that you will have eternal life. We are spirit beings in a physical body, which means that while we die physically, we don’t die spiritually.
Remember, the present suffering is not for nothing God is going to reward you at the end of time. So be patient, trust the process and keep holding on to the faith until the end.
4. God will Give you Victory

Are you in a spiritual battle? Have you been trying to get victory in a specific area but with no success? Could it be that victory is not manifesting quickly because you are not pleasing God in certain areas of your life?
Well, this is not meant to condemn you but to open your eyes to what may be happening in the spirit realm. As much as we live in a physical world, we need to understand that whatever happens to us starts in the spirit realm before it occurs physically.
We need to be careful about how we live our lives because if we do not please God, then the enemy will steal everything God gives us.
And sadly, we are our own enemies. We fill our minds with negative thoughts which come from different sources.
If there’s a particular area in your life where you’re struggling with sin, turn to God and ask Him for help. The Bible tells us not to give the enemy a foothold. The enemy uses our weaknesses and sin as a foothold. That is why we need to please God so that He can provide us with victory.
5. You will Live a Long Life
It is becoming hard for people to have a long life. In the last year, we have lost many people because of the “pandemic”. God warned me about it through dreams and visions. You can read it here.
Sadly many people are continuing to die, and having a long life is beginning to seem impossible.
But we serve the God of the impossibilities. He is more than able to give us a long life irrespective of all that is happening in this world. There is no virus or medical fact that can prevent God from giving us long life. He extended King Hezekiah’s Life by 15 years 2 Kings 20:1-11. And He can do that for you irrespective of what the doctor has told you.
You only need to believe in Him and trust that He can give you a long life.
6. You will Bear Fruit in Every Good Work
Do you believe that God can use you in great and mighty ways for His Kingdom?
No matter how you came into this world, you know that God planned for you to be here for such as time as this. It does not matter what you have been told by others. Even if your parents have called you an accident, know that you are not one.
God knew you before you were formed in your mother’s womb. He wanted you here on earth so that through you, He can do great exploits. And not just that so that He can bless you and the generations to come.
When you choose to walk in His ways and please Him, God will cause you to bear fruit in every good work (Colossians 1:10). Now you may not be prominent as some people in this world. But you will be very content wherever God places you.
7. God will Favor you
God loves all His children, both the righteous and the wicked. He is the one who created all of us, and He did it out of love, not hate. But the truth is God shows favor on those who believe in Him and choose to walk in His ways.
When we choose to disobey God and disregard His ways, we prevent Him from showing us His favor. It is only by pleasing Him that we open up doors so that God can give us favor in all that we do.
When the Lord’s favor is upon you, you will be able to qualify for things that you don’t necessarily qualify according to the world standard. God will make you soar with wings like an eagle in places where your human qualifications will never take you.
We need the favor of God to be upon us just the way it was upon Jesus for us to accomplish the purposes of God.
8. God will Grant you the Desires of your Heart
We all have things in our hearts that we desire to have in our lives. For some of us, it may be – children, financial breakthrough, health, promotion, or ministry growth. As long as the desire that is in your heart aligns with God’s heart for you, He will grant them to you (Psalm 37:4).
But note that He does not grant you these desires just for the sake of it. God isn’t going to give you something that you’re going to misuse.
You need to align your ways with His so that He can lead you in the way that you should go. And show you how to use the desires you have in a way that brings glory to His name. When we walk diligently in His ways, we end up pleasing God, and He, in turn, grants us the desires of our hearts.
9. God will Establish your Steps

There are those times when we try to do things, but they don’t go as expected. At times it is like we are walking in the wilderness like the children of Israel.
We keep rotating around the same mountain without knowing when we shall reach our promised land.
When we choose to praise God in such times, He establishes our steps and enables us to endure through it all, no matter where we are in our journey.
Another thing to note is that it may be difficult to follow the proper steps on your way up. There are so many different kinds of temptations that the devil brings our way to cause us to stray from the things of God. Like King Solomon, we may start right with God but end up straying from our faith.
We need God to establish our steps until the day of Christ, and for Him to do that, we need to walk in the ways that are pleasing to Him.
My Final Thoughts
We can talk endlessly about God’s benefits of pleasing Him, but the main thing you need to grasp is God loves us all and He wants the best for ALL!
If you take this with you, that’s all that you need!
But if you want to go further and be part of His Kingdom and enjoy the benefits of pleasing God – you need to walk in His ways.
The best way to know what pleases God is by spending time in His word so that you can understand His commands and ways.
God has given us the Holy Spirit to guide us in all our ways and teach us the word. We don’t have to do this alone.
When you walk in the ways that are pleasing to God, you will enjoy eternal life, peace, and God’s favor. God will also grant you the desires of your heart, He will establish your steps, and you will bear fruit in every good work.
Is this article being helpful? Have you found it easy to please God? Or do you find it difficult?
I hope you will be encouraged by this word.
Shalom & Blessings,
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Good Morning!
My desire is to please God in all areas of my life. I desire to be a better steward of all God has given me. Pleasing God Article I read today blessed me immensely but my desire is to do all that pleasing Him.
Thank You for your obedience.
God is good
Your teaching are encourageablse
I discovered this article a couple weeks ago. No spiritual battle seemed to be on the horizon. Search for it just to learn & lean in. Yesterday I had a situation happen and it threw me for a moment. But I remembered who my Father is, who is mighty, who prepares a table in the presence of my enemies. I looked at any of my shortcomings and asked for forgiveness. Put on the garment of praise for my spirit of heaviness. And recognized the spiritual battle. Prayed, got on my knees this morning. Read the word and suited up in my armor. Realized to forgive and go in the Faith of the One I serve. This Mountain (issue) doesn’t understand how BIG my God is. I will please Him & He will be glorified.