Revive Me Daily – I WILL Deliver You OUT of Your Afflictions

Revive Me According to Your Word O Lord Haly Ministries

Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but I will deliver you out of them all. Do not fear them. Those afflictions know that their end is near. They are not going to terrify you at night. They are not going to scourge you by day. They are out of your way because I said so.  You will fear or dread no evil, for you know that I am with you. I will protect you. They can come like a flood, but you will not tolerate but draw them back and defeat them through the blood of the Lamb and the bold Word of your testimony. You will be victorious over every circumstance. There is nothing you cannot overcome. There was a time when you were beaten by circumstances, but not anymore. I will train you and teach you how to be above every struggle, every trouble, worry or distress.

I am going to show you how to overcome, but also how to stay calm and not be shaken by problems. You will stand firm, knowing and believing that those circumstances are just for a moment and they will be gone, BUT My Word and My promises are firmly formed in you. People are seeking for signs. You won’t ask for a sign, because My signs of deliverance and restoration are going to follow you. 

Be strong! Do not look back. Do not lose your focus. Keep focused on the goal. You are on the right track, so stay on it!

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