Today God reminded me of the promise He gave in 2014 when He told me to move out and start my life anew. But He did not leave me without His promise, His Word. The Scripture which was given to me and which became my focus and prayer was from Isaiah 54. The whole chapter is powerful, but I would like to highlight a few verses, 2 and 3.

“Enlarge the place of your tent, and let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings; do not spare; lengthen your cords, and strengthen your stakes. For you shall expand to the right and to the left, and your descendants will inherit the nations, and make the desolate cities inhabited”
It is time to expand your territory my friend. It is a time to clear lots of ground. God is not saying He is going to do it for you. It is you, who have to do some work. It is you, who have to make your tents large. It is you, who have to spread out. It is you, who have to think Big!
What is your goal for this month, for this year, for the next few years? Is it to get your health back? Is it to eat healthier? Is it to have a deeper relationship with God? Is it to get out of the poverty into the plenty? Because of discouragement, weariness, do you feel an abandonment and desolation and you would like to belong, and be loved again? What do you want your life to be like?
God wants you to think BIG this year! He is saying to you that He wants you to expand to the right and to the left, and get your inheritance back. Jesus has given you an inheritance and you have to take hold of it, it belongs to you and to your family.
Start clearing up your old staff, and make more space for the new. Do not hold on to the old! OLD has to go! Old thinking has to go! OLD ways have to go! Now is the time for a new! It is time to revive, to renew, and to expand!
Just imagine you being Abraham, and God is showing you all the land, saying: “Open your eyes, look around. Look north, south, east, and west. Everything you see, the whole land spread out before you, I will give it to you.” What would your reaction be? Abraham looked not as far as his eyes could reach, he saw beyond borders and above his expectations and God blessed him beyond and above!
You are even in a better covenant. Jesus conquered sin and death, to give you an abundant life. And because of this:
Sickness has to leave! Poverty has to leave! Religious Mindset has to go!
Empty yourself from old junk which was dragging you down, and make a space for the new. Let the new in. May the Life of Jesus fill you and the Kingdom Mindset be imparted unto you!
And at this process of expansion, don’t be afraid, for you are not going to be embarrassed; and don’t hold back, for you are not going to come up short. (Verse 4).