My child, I have called you out from the crowd. I said your name and you followed Me. You did it because there was that call inside of you for so many years. You were searching. You were questioning. You were crying, “God, where are you? God, Who are you?”
The time arrived I passed through, and you heard My voice, not loud voice. You heard, turned around and saw Me. You recognised Me and My voice. Those moments are recorded. They are in My heart. I see that day as it is today. It can not vanish. It is as real as you sit and read these words. This is the Day of Remembrance.
Since that day your life was turned around too. There was excitement in your spirit. “At last!”, you said. “At last I know who My Father is.” You know what? I decided to bring all good things to My remembrance and I am going to honour you for being faithful, staying on the path. You went through persecutions. You went through some things, like through fire. You thought you were falling, but on My wings you were carried back and put on the pinnacle. No matter was, you came back and desired Me more. No matter how hot those fiery surfaces were, you shook those ashes off and stood strong, back on your feet. You kept walking, worshipping Me, looking to Me.
On this day, the Day of Remembrance, I am rewarding you with the great honour from heaven. I am opening your gates and they will stay open to a constant stream of gifts; all day and night they will not be shut as the wealth of nations are brought to you. You will never be empty handed. You will always have enough and more. For your faithfulness and love, I am going to restore everything. You had 5 years of famine, I will restore and bring into your house 10 years worth of blessings. Wherever you go, you will succeed. Your spoken word will be established. You decree as a king, and your word will come to pass. My word that goes from My mouth does not return to Me empty, but accomplishes what I desire, so your word will be as powerful as Mine.
Amen, thank You Daddy God. I accept and receive this in Jesus name, Be it unto me according to Your word Lord.
Thank you Haly, God bless you and have a blessed week ahead. xx
Thank you Hepzibah Beulah Zion.? We glory You Jesus! ?