We, sons of God, should see manifestations in our lives. God does not want us to beg, but His desire that at our command things happen!
Have you noticed that the phrase is “At your Command!”, not “At your Plea”? The word “command” means to give authoritative order.
Smith Wigglesworth Knew How to Operate At his Command
I loved reading about Smith Wigglesworth and his life. The man of God knew what “at your command” meant. He did not throw his words into the air. But he did mean what he said and said what he meant.
- Three Things Came to Pass
When God told Smith Wigglesworth to go to the United States and Canada to preach and heal, Smith’s response was, “Lord, you have three things to do: You have to find the money for home and find money to go, and You have to give me “a real change”.
By “a real change” he meant to give him a really good memory.
Smith was born to an impoverished family. He did not have an opportunity to study. From childhood, he worked in the fields and factories to provide for his family.
If you start rationalizing, it seems it’s impossible, but Smith knew all things were possible. His focus was Christ and to Believe!
Smith Wigglesworth did not plead with God to do something for him. He sent a challenge to God! Smith was straightforward with the Lord, “It should be done, God! That’s it!”
And God granted him his desires. The money came in from all over the place right away. Smith also claimed that he had a memory like an encyclopedia.
Smith had a good memory of quoting the Scripture. Don’t forget he was illiterate. He gathered crowds of people, speaking the Word of God and healing the sick with God-given authority.
- Smith knew How to Live an Extraordinary Life
The man, who was born into an ordinary family, became an extraordinary man of God!
One of his famous sayings was,
God has privileged us in Christ Jesus to live alive above the ordinary human plane of life. Those who want to be ordinary and live on a lower plane can do so, but as for me, I WILL NOT! – Smith Wigglesworth
Two of My Manifestation Stories
Smith Wigglesworth’s life story impressed me so much. I wanted to live above the ordinary human plane of life.
I wanted also to see things happen at my command.
It is possible for all of us because the Word of God is true!
I know I can achieve even more, but many things that I visualized and commanded to appear came to pass.
Here are my two stories.
‣ IPad Charger Manifestation
- Trip to Wales
In 2019 I visited Wales to see Evan Roberts church. I heard many stories about the Great Revival in Wales. So, I decided to visit the church myself.
Before traveling back to London I stayed at one of the hotels in Cardiff.
I checked in, went up to my room. I was quite surprised, my room was very spacious with a huge bathroom. In the room I saw a security safe. I did not want to put anything inside. But to satisfy my curiosity, I wanted to check how it worked.
I opened it, but it started buzzing. The buzz was so loud. I quickly opened the front door to get any help.
In the corridor, I saw room attendants. I asked for help, but they were not very helpful. So, I went downstairs to the reception desk.
The receptionist came with me to my room and stopped the buzzing. He asked if I would want him to show me how the safe worked. I felt I should not leave my things in the safe. I politely declined his help.
Late afternoon I wanted to go and see the Cardiff center. I strongly felt that I had to take all the valuables with me, and my iPad was one of them. I still think I left my iPad charger with a cable in the hotel room on the table. I remember plugging it in.
Before leaving the hotel, I had a brief chat with the room attendants. And here I went.
- Back to my Hotel Room
I came back to my hotel room quite late. And sadly, I could not find my iPad charger. I searched for it everywhere.
I do not want to blame anyone. God knows what happened at my absence. But that hotel did provide mobile chargers to guests for an additional charge / per night.
Firstly, I thanked God that He warned me not to leave my valuables in the room but take them with me.
25 March 2023 - I've checked today if this place still exists. It says that this property wasn't taking any new reservations since 2020. And it looks like, in 2021, it was bought by the Council to accommodate homeless people. Hmm...🤔 I did not want anything bad happen to their business, but the verse that comes to my mind, "Do not touch my chosen people, and do not hurt my prophets." - Psalm 105:15 The Lord teaches us not to be obsessed with taking revenge but to leave that to God’s righteous justice. The liquidation of this hotel confirms that God is serious about His Word. Thank God I did not try to defend myself, but left the whole situation to God
- Miracle Experience at Home
Then I commanded the angels to bring that charger back. I said, “I do not care who took it. I am not going to the reception to complain about it. Return my iPad charger!”
When I was back home, the easiest way would be to buy a new charger. It would be an easy option, wouldn’t it?
But I commanded, and I knew it was going to be returned. How? I did not question that. I was just waiting.
While I was waiting for my miracle, one of our staff kindly lent me her charger cable.
- I Got What I Commanded

I can’t recall when it happened, but one day our staff brought an iPad plug with a USB cable to the office. It looked exactly the same as I had. They said, “Maybe one of our visitors left it?”
We had many visitors, and it could be anyone, but I marvelled at this finding. It does not happen every day that we find the same charger with a cable that I lost.
I did not take ownership of it from day one. I thought I was going to wait and see if somebody contacted us about the charger.
From that day, no one asked us about it.
‣ Samsung Charger Manifestation
Here is my second story.
This week a thought came into my mind that I needed to have a Samsung charger in my office. Samsung USB cable is very different. Only one of our staff has got the same one.
Why did I need a new charger? Many times I forgot mine at home. And because of that, my phone battery was running low or completely discharged by the end of the day.
So, I needed the charger in the office, and I sent a command! I have experience, and I know it works. 🙂
The following day, I had to look for something in our office. I rarely do that, but I felt I had to open a big box, and in that box was a Samsung charger with a USB cable.
At my command, another charger appeared! Isn’t it amazing what we can do if we believe and trust?
Closing Message
At your command, you can manifest things in your life too.
When we visualize it and know it’s coming, it will come!
I hope Smith Wigglesworth’s story and my story will encourage you from this time onward to command and believe.
You are special, chosen by God. Do not settle until you get what you want! Don’t worry how!
Let’s NOT live on a lower plane. We must choose to live above the ordinary human plane. Let’s NOT beg. We must command and see things happen in our lives!
“Not one promise from God is empty of power. Nothing is impossible with God!” – Luke 1:37 (TPT)
I pray that you Live an Extraordinary Life!
Stay Always Blessed and Propserous!
Amen. What a word of encouragement. I will begin to command and surely things will begin to change in my life. Thank u Haly.
Hello Nkosie,
Nice to hear from you. Thank you, I really appreciate you taking the time to read my story. I’m looking forward to hearing “At Nkosie’s Command” story soon.
Be Always Prosperous in All Ways!